Yes, you'll be able to make a company filled with top scientists dedicated to making your waifu real.

Man I can't believe 50 eth costs 2400 dollars :/ it used be so cheap

time to sell

Possibly if you hold for 20 years, which you won't.

>buy 5 eth today on exchange for 250€
>See history
>last buy was 7 eth for 90€


It used to be $50... exactly in January 2016.
I warned you about mETH /bizraelis, I warned you about it.

Ethereum is a pump and dump cryptocurrency. Ethereum is also hyped to sound technically impressive, but fundamentally it brings little new to the table and its attempt at Proof of Stake has been thoroughly debunked as non-consistent. Their proposed scalability solution is identical to merged mining as published by Blockstream two years ago, but as they're con artists they've chosen to rebrand it and pretend they came up with something new.

I can't believe Veeky Forums is shilling this shit

>I found some cool technical terms to use to make them think I know what I'm talking about

merged mining shares zero similarities with proof of stake, what are you even talking about

Verbal diarrhea

t. bitbay bagholder

BitBay shill here

I have ETH and BAY both

I will bury u

I bought 40 ETH a month ago and traded my way down to only 17 ETH right now.

I've literally never traded crypto, now's the time to hop in right?

I dont get it even if ETH is a shitty pump and dump with shitty tech why would you try to spread fear?

If it continues to go up we can all get rich together!

I think crypto will get bigger and bigger over the next few years. Better to get in now and try it rather than regret it in a few years when its all regulated and boring.

Lol, source for anything that you're saying? Show me where they "showed" that Casper wouldn't work.

You're gonna be real sad in a year or two.

You must ignore that guy. Those preaching this are the dudes that will buy 2give, nexus, and pink coin with moms credit card. They will not cough up a few grand to play with the big kids so they must bash the success of those who will. They will have no idea what they're doing in life and can't differentiate there, or their, from they're. They are weaklings, the runts of life.

Survival of the fittest. This is life, and winners will stay winners.

Haha don't worry, I don't let them ruffle me. It just blows my mind how persistent (yet shitty-formed) their beliefs are. Like, what is their goal? Who are they convincing (nobody long-term, they have been calling ETH a scam for 1.5 years since it was $10)

50 ETH = approximately $2500
In order for 50 ETH = $1,000,000, it would have to increase 400x.
If it happened five minutes from now, so that we can ignore the growing supply, that would require the market cap to reach and then pass $16 trillion, which is more than twice the market cap of gold.

So no, you aren't going to be a millionaire.

Actually, I made a mistake and added an extra zero in there.
It would be over 1.6 trillion dollars, which is about 1/5 the market cap of gold.

It's still impossible for a cryptocurrency to achieve that in 2017, though.

probably next year

Maybe 10 years from now, when gold is much higher.

oh, but I forgot about the growing supply
So even though the market cap will be $1.6 trillion, each coin will be worth less than it would be if we had that market cap today.

Really, if you want to be an ETH millionaire, you either need a time machine or $100,000-$500,000 worth of ETH.
I don't see it growing much more than 10x from here, and that will be over several years.

>when gold is much higher

Gold is not the only valuable thing that is used for trading and due to its tiny somewhat power in the current fast-evolving global economic age I can speculate that ETH will be atleast 400 $ a coin.

>I don't see it growing much more than 10x from here, and that will be over several years.
Or several hours:P

ETH isn't passing gold.

ETH is not going to $40 billion today.


these are literally paid shills

don't listen to them