/digi/ - Digimon General

Friendship Edition

Previous thread Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory has a confirmed Western release date of 18th January 2018.

The US trailer features the pre-order bonuses: youtube.com/watch?v=82kM4NEBXtg

Details of the pre-order bonuses: withthewill.net/threads/18680

>Hacker's Memory 20th Anniversary Edition Details

>Hacker's Memory Pre-order Bonus and Cover art

>Territory Battles, Quests & New Characters

>Domination Battles

>Interview with producer Kazumasa Habu

Digimon Links/z has begun its international roll-out: digimonlinkz-en.bn-ent.net/

Links trailer here: youtu.be/oajAz5INpoI

Digimon Adventure tri. part 6, "Our Future", is to be released early summer 2018.

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters has finished its Japan airing. A French dub begins 23rd October: withthewill.net/threads/18572

>20th Anniversary V-Pet details

>Digimon Linkz Information Base

>Digimon Links Evolutionary Trees

>Cyber Sleuth Digi-Links

>Digimon World Guides

>Discord link

>Next 0rder OST [320 mp3]

>World 1 OST [192 mp3]

Other urls found in this thread:


dude fucking relax we were only on page 3

Second for Queen Mimi and fuck the whore known as Eri Karan.

You meant the queen of a bunch of slimey slugs, frogs and tadpoles, and a piece of shit.

Eri is the only queen of everyone and the center of the universe.

Fourth for Yuujin's slave master.

Fifth for true friendship

Reminder, the Xros Wars manga was too slutty to be adapted.
Even Lilithmon was extra whory in it.

My best friend doesn't french kiss me, does this mean we aren't true friends?

what do you mean "adapted"? like every digimanga it's different from the anime, they're each their own thing

God this manga ruined the anime for me. I rewatched it the other day and realized it doesn't even come close to it. It's a one time experience and after that it is just crap.

Where did these official art come from? Grimmon's line has art now too.

Why is its usable form a fat white bird

You have a problem with fat white birds?

Not kakkoi enough



Yes. That's like astra/eri level of friendship and is not nearly as strong as Haru/Yuujin

>There's a tv and console in there so attendees play a bit of hackers memory
>No cameras allowed

It's like bandai doesn't want people to know about their game. Why don' they promote it more on the internet? We only got like 2 trailers and the game releases next month.

>nothing about the 02 kids who apparently died
>nothing regarding evil gennai
>not a word about that demiurge
>sub plots keep on piling up, some disappear as if they never happened
>dozens of loose ends with no attempt to tie any of them up
>instead spend whole episode whining or regurgitating the same tired message that is completely irrelevant to the viewer

They obviously have no idea what they're doing. Tri was the biggest mistake in the franchise's history.

Yeah but now Taichi has a boring self insert waifu to make up for getting cucked by Yamato

I guess the implication is that Demiurge is Yggi, but thats more than a bit of a stretch.

And said boring self insert waifu is going to be taken from him by an egocentric rich bitch to add to her nerd collection.

Demiurge is not Yggi. It's just a creator god in Gnosticism. It'd probably just a brief mention as part of some lore-building, but doesn't mean anything to the plot we have.

The Reboot thing is really unnecessary in the bigger scheme of things. By this point, it felt like a big dramatic filler and it did not change anything. Worse, it sort of "erased" the events of pre-Adventure with original chosen children, Adventure, and 02.

Meiko reminds me of Kotonoha from School Days, which was also directed by the director who directed Tri. Majors differences are that characters (main characters) in Tri love Meiko to death, and people in School Days hate Kotonoha to death. In fanbases perspective, fans from digimon hate Meiko to death, and fans from School Days love Kotonoha to death. Lastly, Meiko has tendency of killing herself when pushing too far (in the end of Symbiosis), and Kotonoha has tendency of killing herself AND people she hate (or love) when she is desperate. Seriously, what is wrong with the director?

Well, you could argue that if Meiko werent around Taichi wouldnt have died so in a way she did kill someone she "loved". Also the kill order on AIDS cat.

Kotonoha was not hated. She was just ignored most of the time.

School Days has its game full of violent bad ends. You can't blame the director when it's the thing that series is selling.

But wasn't she got envied and hated by other girls in the story? Just to make sure.

>watching tamers with a friend for my first time, he's already seen it
>told him the same thing
>his only response was "ew"

Really? It's been a long time since I watched it. I only remembered it was Sekai who envied and hated her because she wanted Makoto's dick.

The guys were clearly lusting for her though.

>his only response was "ew"
What a fag.

No bully.

>Tri was the biggest mistake in the franchise's history
Nah, 02 is still the biggest mistake. Tri is just a continuation of that spyral of degeneracy.
The problem is that 02 killed a lot of alternatives that a potential sequel could have been, and the epilogue is basically a dead end they had to face, just because they want the future of the children to be set in stone.
02 as a whole triggered the endless shipping wars, gave Hikari and Takeru the personalities they have now, introduced the lore of the Holy Beasts, gave us the armor and the jogress evolutions (at least in-universe).
A possible Adventure sequel made in 2015, but without the influence of 02 (and considering the Our War Game! as the last canonical source) would have been vastly different of what we are watching in Tri.

>introduced the lore of the Holy Beasts
No, that was an idea taken from the novel adaptation of Digimon Adventure written by Kakudou himself. So, tri's writers just took an idea that was never shown in the anime and made it canon to the anime as well.

Honestly, the shipping wars were more of the dub's problem rather than the Japanese's problem.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of artificial intelligence most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rei’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Appmon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rei’s existential catchphrase “JUMPING HAPPY THUNDER,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Yoichi Kato’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Is that pic legit? Because it remembers me of pic related.

best adaptation yet

>every parked domain ever

It's from the animedia magazine. Can't find the full image but it has hajime, rei, and hackmon going on a picnic.

>Hajime, Rei and Hackmon
Poor Bootmon.

he ded


>epilogue is basically a dead end
Good thing Tri is retconing it.

They don't. This has been stated in the interview:
>A clue to this season resides in the final monologue from the 02 epilogue. What will the kids do as they confront the different conflicts so that a union between Digimon and Humans is plausible?

Here's the interview (in Spanish, on YT video):

02 is bad, but it's entertaining.
It has some fun adventures, and at least there are things happening.
Tri is not only badly written, but it's mundane, boring, riddled with filler and has zero redeeming qualities to it.

Tri is the worst anime adaptation of the franchise.

You've got a point there.

02 might be irredeemable garbage but at least it tried to do things.

tri., especially in movies 4 and 5, has ground to a halt.

No he is not. He showed up in the epilogue.

But hey we got some memes and crazy faces out of it.

>Tri is the worst anime adaptation of the franchise
Maybe, but that does not contradict what I said. Tri is shit because is carrying itself the mistakes of 02, and they can't do something too drastic because the epilogue is still canon. So we ended with a shitty boring sequel that plays thing too safe on purpose just to not break the status quo.

>He showed up in the epilogue
a dream

The final moments of Appmon can be interpreted as a dream, but everything before that isn't.

You know if we run on that logic, can we claim that the 02 ending is also a dream?


>MILF Mimi is a dream

>Tri is shit because is carrying itself the mistakes of 02
Really? I don't see anything 02 related. In fact, I'm not seeing anything at all. It's practically a vacuum inside a box with some Digimon stickers on it.

>Toei reveals that all endings to Digimon are actually up to interpretation on whether they are dreams
>this gives them ammo to retcon on any ending like 02 or Tamers

Disgusting. Never post that trash ship here again.

>or Tamers
Not so fast, I won't allow happiness on my watch

>whole season of Hunters was a dream

He looks like a deranged serial killer

He looks like a hobo.

>hating the only frontier ship
You are trash
Have some more

He suppresses his impulses by killing happy endings

Disgusting. Nobody should end up with slutty, shitty Izumi. She would just die as an old hag.

His hair is hiding the script to a happy ending to tamers. God luck trying to find it.



Post best boy

That pic is gay but not as gay as this


Is it weird that I didn't notice musimon was wearing clothes until his pants ripped pretty late into the series?

Best boy feeding his loved one Pocky.

Today is Pocky day in Japan.

Best boy (female).
Should have used that outfit more often

As expected from an edgy little shit.

Does anybody know where all the hate for Imperialdramon came from?

I never had a problem with him personally.

It was literally just one faggot in these threads. For some reason he just had a vendetta against Imperialdramon. I don't know why, you would have thought his mother was raped by an Imperialdramon or something. If I had to guess though, I'd say it was because he was an adventurefag and Imperialdramon was shown in the spotlight throughout 02 like he was stronger than all of the Adventure mons, considering that he accomplished what all of them couldn't do combined and even had to save Wargreymon. I guess that didn't sit well with him, eventhough Imperialdramon's victories are mostly just against perfects and he's never shown killing any Ultimates except Armageddemon. Never really hated him though.

He's a shitmon who constantly underperformed, for example needing to be DM to defeat just a triceramon, needing to further evolve into FM to defeat a skullsatamon and need to evolve even more to PM to defeat its first and only ultimate level antagonist it manages to legit beat by itself, albeit not with his own power

Because its coolest form is its weakest

I think its not as much hate as much as it is that he just cant seem to win a battle on his own level in his home series. His first win was agaiinst Triceramon, who is a level lower, he needed a mode change to beat SkullSatamon who is also a level lower, his contribution to the BWG fight was barely enough to get a draw, and the BelialVamdemon fight was more about HOPES AND DREAMS. In Tri his track record was hardly better with Vikemon and Rosemon stomping him in both Dragon and Fighter forms, without even bothering to save him or anything. Hence why he in a yamcha kind of situation.

Lol wtf

Because he's only being judged based on 02's shitty depiction of him. To be fair, that's really all we have to go on.

Personally, I have nothing against him, but to be fair, and for being the only Ultimate that debuted in 02 as part of the main cast, he was shafted hard.
Even his "Paladin Mode", that was supposed to be the founder of the Royal Knights, is not part of them, and it's like he was erased from the canon and replaced by either Yggdrasill or Homeostasis.

Why is this the robot hesitating? Why isn't he following his programing?

I hate the entire vmon line both because the character is an annoying little shit that exist as an extension of his even more annoying tamer and because his evolution line completely shafts stingmon, being just armor at first and later completely losing any aspects of it and instead stealing gran kuwagamon's claws

>stronger than all of the Adventure mons
1.) He wasn't, he constantly underperformed
2.) Tri showed that Children and Adults could beat him.

>his evolution line completely shafts stingmon
Well, this is the other option: a freak in constant pain.

>I hate the entire vmon
V-dramon is cool.

>because his evolution line completely shafts stingmon
Like you said, GranKuwagamon is, literally, the insect form of Imperialdramon, while you could say GrandisKuwagamon is the Fighter Mode version of it.

Not part of V-mon.

Yes it is. Stop trying to insert your own headcanon, because you don't want to associate V-dramon with V-mon due to your retarded long-reaching hate for Daisuke.

I never said that he was, I said that 02 tried to pass him off that way, but failed miserably.

V-dramon existed WAY before V-mon was even a thing and is not directly associated with it. V-dramon is another Agumon evolution like Tyrannomon.

Maybe try not being retarded?

>All the 02 kids are defeated by Alphamon in the first 5 seconds
>Evil Gennai took the form of the Kaiser
>They try to locate them but Himekawa lies to them

At least you aren't as retarted as whoever wrote this shit though. Seriously I wanted to like tri but each episode makes me hate it more. They don't know what the fuck they're doing.

First off, let me start by saying that the concept of canon evolution lines in Digimon are retarded nowadays because anything can become anything.

That aside...

ALMOST EVERY FUCKING GAME that has V-mon, has V-dramon as a default evolution for him. To the point where major digimon information sites list V-dramon as a primary evolution for V-mon along side XV-mon and the armors.

Yes, it's just you being an autist.

And V-dramon and his evolutions are NOT part of V-mon or associated directly with it.

There should be a series where the gogglehead's partner is a blue dragon named Zeromon, like a fatter V-mon with long horns and a O marking on its belly.
To make a duo, the rival's partner would be a red canine named Onemon, pronounced Wan-mon.

>no, this thing is not canon because it's not connected to the manga
>but this other thing is canon despite it not mentioned in the manga
Do pray tell when Zeromaru (or any Agumon in the manga for that matter) evolved into Tyranomon, since he's your basis as to what Agumon's evolutions should be.

I´d rather just have a V-Tamer anime, thank you very much.

>Translation: "I am fucking autistic. Just let me have this!"

Gee I wonder what would happen when the V-Tamer anime would get to this point. Would you gouge your own eyes out and swallow them?

What's with the lens flare?

I was talking about the anime line, vdramon and evolutions are cool on my book and just like how I associate the shitty vmon line with the 02 shit, I associate the vdramon line with that adorable puppy that is zeromaru.

I wouldnt.I´m not the user who loathes Daisuke/Imperialdramon/02 although I´m not too fond of them. Hell this would be a rare case where Daisuke receives positive character devolpment, so seems ok in my book.