I am the maker of the previous PIVX thread. After I made the thread when the PIVX price was at 1.35$, it skyrocketed to 2$. Listening to my tips is free money doubling. That being said, MONA is an AMAZING buy right now

> Segwit about to be activated
> Hyped on twitter
>Japan's Dogecoin
>Crypto is about to be huge in Japan
>Already doubled in value since segwit was announced
> You will make 2-5x your money

Don't hesitate, just BUY MONA right NOW and wait for my next tip. Don't miss out like you did when I posted about PIVX

Other urls found in this thread:

Where can I buy pivx?

You're also the maker of the previous BELA thread which did fuck all.

Not every prediction can be accurate but I made a decent amount from trading the waves in BELA yesterday. MONA will definitely moon. Segwit activation = 2-5x

PIVX and MONA are both available on Bittrex

I am invested in both since a few weeks and they made me quite a bit of money already. PIVX is also an incredibly promising longterm investment.

MONA is going up as we speak, might be headed for 1$!

Yo, cryptoexperts! Cool tips, thanks for everyone! What about WBB? Do you guys know that? I heard it's gonna get a re-branding. Can it fly like your precious coins?

In balls deep. Let's go moon.

MONA is up 40% since I posted this.

are you fools jumping on yet? You can still ride the wave to 5x

stopped reading there

Faggot, Mona is 55% up today. Shut the FUCK up and buy

I said nothing... bought WBB and it went up 40% too. I love altcoins. Won't sell it under 100k though

I'll follow you to the moon user

I just got on board the rocket ship Veeky Forums bros.

Money is the movement folks, let's get it senpai.

Yo THANK YOU my nigga.

Wwwwow up almost 3k sats since buying in. thank you op!!!

is it too late to buy in now?
i don't want to be a bagholder

Now is a great time

Bought in at 0.000112. Did I do gud?

There's a good chance it will rise some more in the next few days but it might dip before that happens

This coin has massive volume in Japan. Very bullish.

Another pump is expected soon. Good buy in point at the moment after the pump earlier today.

>Here, hold my bags.
C'mon man. Don't do that to your fellow anons.

Huge Mona volume on Japanese exchange