How accurate is this picture?
How accurate is this picture?
>Le indelegduals r leftiest :DDD
>t. High School Diploma
>The USSR is blown the fuck out.
>Contrary to popular opinion, Lefties do not dominate US intellectual institutions.
>Contrary to popular opinion, Lefties do not dominate US intellectual institutions.
But they do. Look at all this SJW bullshit in universities.
Russia is making an illegal move because he is in check. Not very accurate.
A natural conclusion on americas own anti racist movements from the 70s.
Clearly it's accurate, since because both the United States and Russia are now communist states. Oh wait, no they aren't.
>SJW = Leftism.
Besides I was talking of the intellectuals?: Graduates, professors, and the like? Couldn't find any lefty in my department (History) or the next one (Social Sciences) and I could go on until I hit the one that does...fucking Anthropology
The USSR did not have such idpol nonsense in universities.
>Couldn't find any lefty in my department (History) or the next one (Social Sciences) and I could go on until I hit the one that does...fucking Anthropology
Universities are literally filled with radical leftists trying to force their agenda into everything. The only ones safe are STEM for obvious reasons.
red player moves the bishop, while he must dodge the check with his king
>Literally filled.
>Only ones safe are STEM
Lol, there are literal Maxists in Economics, and the rest believe in "Progress" so much, they take Marxist shit like his childish model of history for granted.
>The only ones safe are STEM for obvious reasons.
>Science, Technology, ECONOMICS, Medicine.
>Like, the one thing that consists much of Left/Socialist thought.
>No leftists.
Contrary to what modern American lefties think, being a green-haired erythrosexual in the Soviet Union would've end you up in a madhouse.
what the fuck does this even mean
That were inspired by the workers movements in the international, your move.
it's the kind of thing a person makes when they strongly believe things that have no link to reality
Economics is pretty divided between what the lefties call neoliberals and what the right retaliates by calling neokeynesians. Actual socialists and their ilk are a minority
Science and tech tend to gravitate towards any party position tha they think will give them more funding
> Economy and Medicine
Society is. The government will get there soon enough.
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics you dumb fuck. Why are socialists so fucking self-aggrandizing when it comes to the field of humanities?
This. Homosexuality was illegal in the USSR and no one gave a fuck about muh racism. Former communist countries aren't politically correct because they were culturally shielded from that bullshit. SJWism comes from America and consumer capitalism - see LGBT being sponsored by banks and major corporations.
>US society is communist
>Huge controversy because Obama dared to imply that conditions in society are pretty fucking important for advancement and personal agency because everyone believes in the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" meme
Uh, no.
political correctness was invented by communists and perfected by Chairman Mao. That said people who cant cope with political correctness are the lowest type of flawed human and society will eliminate them very soon.
>no one gave a fuck about muh racism
This isn't an accurate evaluation. The USSR did care about racism and gave massive support to foreign anti-imperialist and anti-racist movements.
>homosexuality was illegal in the USSR
You can thank Stalin for that. Lenin legalized it.
Homosexuals were seen as mentally ill for deviating from the general norm and sent to madhouses. People getting executed for being gay is just western propaganda.
Because the USSR utilized cultural marxism as a weapon against the west, of course they didn't allow such cancer at home.
>Safe from Leftists
STEMtards are fucking progressivists, and so believe in very lefty things such as history being predictable by "trends" or "patterns."
Communist countries were even more rudiculous with anti racist propaganda than modern west.
t. grew up in a communist country
They didn't. The whole cultural Marxism meme is a product of westerners scrambling to explain their self-flagellating culture without naming the real elephant in the room - Christianity.
Extremely inaccurate. It seems to imply that somehow the Soviets were able to get America to accept communism unwittingly, which clearly never happened.
Is this why STEM tends to vote for right wing politicians? Trump won the STEM vote.
>history being predictable by patterns
So did Spengler, it's not just Marxism that thinks there are patterns to historical development.
My experience with university is that a broad swathe of opinions and stances exist. Sure vocal lefties exist but they are just one among many, and most students are normiecunts just trying to get a degree and then fuck off and see people like these as noise.
As always, cunts like you just look at one vocal group and chose to be offended by that group, and then make up all sorts of tinfoil hattery about them.
Is this why Marcuse was literally funded by the USSR and DDR and why his disciples like Angela Davis tried to start a race war in the US?
>Is this why STEM tends to vote for right wing politicians? Trump won the STEM vote.
Also STEMtards are all about "progress." And thus see patterns in history as directed towards that progress. Very marxist.
I have no idea what this is supposed to be a picture of.
But the king can move one square to the left in america's head and avoid a checkmate?
>Is this why STEM tends to vote for right wing politicians? Trump won the STEM vote.
Not the guy you're replying but do you have a source for that? Just curious.
No, him being a communist is the reason Marcuse was funded by the USSR (assuming this is even true).
>Angela Davis tried to start a race war
Fucking lol.
Whigians are even more about progress tgan Marxists are and those are not necessarily leftist.
It couldn't, then the knight could get it.
Unless you mean my left rather than America's left, in which case the queen could get it.
Most just want to get a degree but with all the radical leftism in universities they get indoctrinated without even realising it.
That's why there are now quite a lot of feminists and beta cucks as well as normal people accepting their agendas.
>My experience with university is that a broad swathe of opinions and stances exist.
Of course, but they exist inside people's heads not on the agenda of the university.
Literally nobody gives a fuck about marcuse except poltards.
>Most just want to get a degree but with all the radical leftism in universities they get indoctrinated without even realising it.
>That's why there are now quite a lot of feminists and beta cucks
Further opinions.
>as well as normal people accepting their agendas.
More like tolerant rather than complete acceptance.
Ok, let's see how bad it is.
It is mandatory to read Marx to finish a degree?
Do they talk about class differences or class warfare?
Do they blame inequality, poverty and other social problems, on that class difference?
Do they advocate for a change of hands, for large parts of the manufactured production?
Do they think the goverment should solve social problems, and tax bussiness and individuals?
Do they want laws that prevent people from talking about certain subjects?
This is one of the most retarded set of questions i've read.
Political Science major here
>It is mandatory to read Marx to finish a degree?
>Do they talk about class differences or class warfare?
>Do they blame inequality, poverty and other social problems, on that class difference?
>Do they advocate for a change of hands, for large parts of the manufactured production?
>Do they think the goverment should solve social problems, and tax bussiness and individuals?
>Do they want laws that prevent people from talking about certain subjects?
But that's just a vocal minority.
The average college student wants to go smoke pot and fuck random strangers.
Don't blame the questions.
>Every university in America is a Mao-period Chinese education institution.
Kill yourself.
>The average college student wants to get offended on behalf of someone else and bitch at people not using his/her/xir pronouns
>But that's just a vocal minority.
It's not just a "vocal minority". Literally most colleges in the United States has a department for gender and ethnic studies, and churn out probably tens of thousands of these boorish ideologues a year, who in turn get work in government jobs and as HR reps for major companies, where they spread their cancer to the rest of society.
History Major/MA
>It is mandatory to read Marx to finish a degree?
Not really mandatory, more like it's just there, and only his ideas on historiography.
>Do they talk about class differences or class warfare?
If your topic deals with it.
>Do they blame inequality, poverty and other social problems, on that class difference?
This is Pol Sci/Econ territory.
>Do they advocate for a change of hands, for large parts of the manufactured production?
See #2
>Do they think the goverment should solve social problems, and tax bussiness and individuals?
See #2
>Do they want laws that prevent people from talking about certain subjects?
What the fuck.
The message on the sign is true, btw.
>implying that gender and ethnic studies majors can get jobs doing anything
I'll explain myself so we can go somewhere here.
I know my Marxism, you don't need to hear my personal history, but stranger on the internet claims to know about Marxism in all his forms and it's true.
Marx it's just another author, nothing more, his ideas about economy and society, are inspired by the industrial revolution and the many emancipatory movements of his time, at the time emancipation was a big deal, cause there still was slaves, no workers laws or unions, he did what it had to be done, but he didn't started it, or it's the most accurate writer of his time.
The U.S.S.R and the international elevated him to almost God status and there lays the problem.
What you have now it's a capitalist, consumer based society, that likes to pretend that defending the same values and ideas that anarcho syndicalist defended it's badass, just like rich people that go trophy hunting.
In reality all of this concepts, don't apply anymore cause they are designed to divide classes, and produce the rise of the working class, the problem is that the people advocating this rise isn't working, if they don't work all of this falls apart.
>compassion is revolutionary
They can, and do. Maybe not all of them, but you don't need all of them for them to be a problem.
Love the goalpost moving how you shits go from "cultural marxism is not a thing" to "it is a thing but nobody cares" lmao
Yeah. A department. You do realize just how many different sorts of degrees there are right?
I've literally /never/ met a women's studies major.
Cold war was literally jews vs jews and the goyim were just ammo
Try Tumblr.
Exactly, like I said.
A vocal minority.
If you say something like "racism is defined as privilege and power therefore only white people are capable of being racist" to 95% of people they'd look at you like you're a retard.
Yeah, in a white country.
Tumblr it's huge, and international, it really spreads more than what you may think, just like Veeky Forums does, for an array of reasons.
Thinking this issue from an strict american viewpoint, it's ridiculous, because of the online community.
>I am more left leaning than the professors therefore they aren't leftists
If they aren't Conservative borderline fascists, they are lefties.
Except tumblr is very diverse.
Just as most of Veeky Forums isn't /pol/, most of tumblr isn't dedicated social justice blogs.
>making an ilegal move
Not very accurate ruskies dont cheat they tale their chess very seriously
Yeah, except you're much more likely to find them working at an anarchist bookstore or a cooperative-run coffee shop than you are to find them working in communications for large corporations and governments. Unless you feel like backing up your earlier comments with some stats, of course.
Sadly at the end of the day people don't bother to look beyond generalizations, and as far as political issues are involved Tumblr it's the SJW, and Veeky Forums worships nazi frogs.
Too accurate.
It's on another board
Then the score is 1-1, meaning the cold war is a draw. America doesn't have mate on the other board, but it's forced once the knight is taken. That is a dumb picture
Probably this. Socialize expensive r&d, privatize the product and profit.
>>Contrary to popular opinion, Lefties do not dominate US intellectual institutions.
>The scarcity of conservatives seems driven in part by discrimination. One peer-reviewed study found that one-third of social psychologists admitted that if choosing between two equally qualified job candidates, they would be inclined to discriminate against the more conservative candidate.
>One of the studies, a national survey of more than 1,000 academics, shows that Democratic professors outnumber Republicans by at least seven to one in the humanities and social sciences. That ratio is more than twice as lopsided as it was three decades ago, and it seems quite likely to keep increasing, because the younger faculty members are more consistently Democratic than the ones nearing retirement, said Daniel Klein, an associate professor of economics at Santa Clara University and a co-author of the study.
In a separate study of voter registration records, Professor Klein found a nine-to-one ratio of Democrats to Republicans on the faculties of Berkeley and Stanford. That study, which included professors from the hard sciences, engineering and professional schools as well as the humanities and social sciences, also found the ratio especially lopsided among the younger professors of assistant or associate rank: 183 Democrats versus 6 Republicans.
The USSR may have had the best game. But as Marx said, the economy is the basis of everything. So the USSR had to cut corners on pretty much everything. Including chess table legs.
Chess table legs? Yes, chess table legs. Both players must pay for the maintenance of the pair of legs facing them. The USSR legs deteriorated so no matter what the game they played, the western pieces first slowly, then faster and faster slid towards them and pretty much zerg rushed them with money.
All hail Karl Marx, the original Gordon Gekko!
P.S. Someone please post the pic where Marx is ruining the reputation of that early national socialist.
Get tested for autism.
> Soviet Union tried to play geopolitical games.
> Collapsed from being outplayed ideologically.
Somehow picture suggest that it was other was around.
As far as Berkeley and Stanford do you really have to ask why two commifornia Bay Area colleges are do liberal?
Its right wing scare mongering. It doesn't have to make sense.
Not sure what you're trying to prove here as democrats are by far the favorite choice of most business elites.
I know in your head anyone to the right of trotsky is a fascist. But on the American scale, rightest tend to side with republicans and leftists with democrats.
compare the self identified number of far left people in college faculties to the normal population and you find it is much much higher
> Go to liberal arts college for degree in PS
>Have professor who teaches Organized Crime
> He's super conservative telling us we shouldn't be taking in refugees, Hillary should be in prison, cut down on immigration, deport illegals, and that Reagan was awesome.
> Have a large amount of class be minorities, and all but one agrees with him.
>Have students with Trump signs supporting him on campus without fear of assault
>Know college students who voted for Trump who immigrated from South America
>MFW we still have some strongholds left
>academia still filled with white supremacists
See /pol/ this is what we're talking about when you say nothing is wrong.
>How accurate is this picture?
Not at all. Those in the USSR ended up being subjected to "shock therapy", marxism is almost completely non existent in economic departments, the concept of a central planning economic largely discredited, left wing parties in the west began adopting neoliberal reforms, and China the only other major socialist power ended up making major liberal reforms.
Groups like the "SJW" have three large advantages. The first is they make what they do very public keeping them in the public eye. The second is they exist in environment that remain highly idealist and suffers from rather extreme tunnel vision. For example Syriza getting their ass kicked in Greece and later capitulating doesn't really count against the "left control everything!" narrative because only something like what some fuck on tumblr said or some singular issue that pushes out everything else matters. This is good because otherwise they would come off as weak and ineffective and various intellectuals would have to deal with questions about how useful they or their work actually was. Liberals like Nozick complained about how such academics were "unproductive" but he failed to realize that the beauty of academia is that certain parts of it are so deep in idealism and divorced from any logistical constraints that such questions like "how much did you actually do" would never come up. The third is their gracious opponents who have greatly extended the meaning of terms like socialism to the point some will claim the US is deep in communism already creating an environment where they can't really fail.
20% of millenials voted, 55% for hillary 37% for donald trump