Elite Dangerous v2.4 is online with improvements to base game and dlc content. Frontier announced a new expansion called "Beyond" and will offer it for free to everyone who bought horizon. Season three will focus on refining core gameplay and introducing new content.
*Not actual game footage __________________________________ Star Citizen Information: After many delays 3.0 is in the hands of evocati for final testing before releasing it to the public. >Evocati Q&A pastebin.com/Sbd5bPbH >FAQs pastebin.com/Pzet9vLW
First for real thread and best ship coming through.
Brandon Myers
most likely a snub fighter
Nathaniel Robinson
The Anvil Carrack comes with a snub fighter and a rover. Both didn't get announced yet.
Mason Reyes
Minor correction: Its not a snub fighter. Its a scout ship. Also, all mention of it has been removed from the carrack page...
Angel Adams
>MoCap: Broken Promise: Capture Backers faces for ingame characters How often do you think goons update their Star Citizen tracker? Is it reliable at all?
Colton Bell
I don't know what's worse, the fact that you're trying to take a jab at a hate group, or whining about discrepancies in a Star Citizen thread.