Yorick edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
>tfw no qt petite gf
xth for my wife Syndra
Best guy!
Daily reminder that you can gift mystery wards, icons and those special icons with BE.
There is a severe lack of lewd text posting tonight
>Playing Nocturne with Ultimate Hat rune
>Get 40% cdr through Warrior/Duskblade/Cleaver
>Rank 3 ult has a cd of 51 seconds
They may ask for mercy, but will receive none on this day.
>still no gerbil champ
>this preseason
>have 115k BE
>dont even own ww
>dont even care about urfwick
>nothing of interest in the shop til zoe drops
>emotes, icons etc are empty promises and cash grabs
>chromas that BE can buy dont interest me because most need a skin anyway
the fuck do i spend this shit on
how is /bestbutt/ now?
Your beloved one.
So any good build for xin? Why trinity and gage and not something with AS or whatever the fuck?
Lelanc always looks like she would be sticky
What is a good twitch page for deleting peeps in 0.1 secs?
Kassadin with ultimate hat rune is crazy
Trinity has AS though.
why do they have nigger faces?
Just buy stuff for your boy- or girlfriend.
What champion allows me to rip and tear?
user i dont understand
>picking kleptomancy
>on nasus
>vs gnar
Their noses aren't super wide, and their lips aren't big as fuck, so idk what you're talking about.
Then how did you reply to my post?
>gnar still's in the game
>(2nd) best Zac skin now available for BE
Haha, Fun!
Recommend me some other rap songs that will boost my gameplay?
dont toy with me
what do i spend my flow of funds on
I just told you. Buy mystery wards and icons for the person you love.
kayn is really fucking busted right now
Is league still a vortex that ruins your life? thinking about playing it again maybe
white and based brother
just ward her bush
>primetime draven is only 975 rp
But why
Whatever you do
Don' t play Jhin
I love Camille
>the person i love
my ex left me 6 years ago user. i dont love anyone else and i sure as hell aint getting her back
now what the fuck do i spend this on
Lux doesn't have a bush, she shaves.
Someone recommend me adcs.
>everyone says Jhin is bad now
>every time I see one he pops off
Jhins a fucking tumor
I agree, Lux has a very cute vagina, it would be a sin for her to cover it with hair.
Spend it on me then. I'll be your boyfriend, user.
Dancing Rift Herald is cute
so is ascension just aram with the r?
Fuck this game is so awful to ACTUAL NEW PLAYERS.
I fucking quit. I'm so fucking done. I'm leaving and I'm taking your waifus with me.
when will people realize that the fast boots are shit and no one should buy them?
seems like ezreal is #1 with that kleptomancy shit
in soloq u should people adcs that can survive bad situations, vayne, tristana, caitlyn
Post your dodge list (when on your team.
>Jhin adc
>sivir adc
>garen top
>yasuo top (yasuo mid is actually okay)
>lux support
>Aurelion Sol mid (unless they are an OTP)
>kindred anywhere
>udyr anywhere
>volibear anywhere
In what sense?
It used to be fun back when you could steal the buff. I haven't played it since they changed that.
Pretty much this. People like to pretend that his reload mechanism has HUGE COUNTERPLAY OPPORTUNITIES but the reality is that he just holds onto his last shot until you try to last hit and then crits you and runs away with stupid fast movespeed.
If you are failing with him, it's because you are terrible. If you are doing well with him its because his range and speed lets him do whatever the fuck he wants.
People say to focus the soraka in lane but how the fuck are you suppose to focus someone who's spamming their shit from 800 range away
>taking your waifus with me
as fucking if
How long till runes are just able to be copied from pro players? I hate thinking for myself
im not gay so no. i dont blow money on others to begin with
LAS, anyone? need freinds to play
How's MF? Or Sivir or Varus?
>volibear anywhere´
it's the fucking champion not us
if you win with herald and its still alive it dances at the nexus
Me me big boy
You are disgusting. I hope this revelation isn't too shocking, I have a feeling it doesn't come as any major surprise.
It's not gay unless you stare deep into my eyes as you unload into me.
is this considered intercourse?
With the most alpha support
>Ults on Soraka and/or carries
>Kill everyone else
>Then proceed to kill the healslut
>tfw got my honor 5 ward
feels too good
Man, I want a plush of Shisa. He's cute.
>most champions don't have the base armor and MR that old runes give now
>get sorc shoes and liandrys on malz
>Q enemy team
>chunks all of them and meteor falls on their face
Reminder to abuse armor and magic pen while you can
Yea, she doesn't want to spread that pubic lice.
>Jinx with Lethal Tempo active and a Shiv has nearly 2.00 attack speed without minigun buffs
kys faggot
remove gays
youre worse than women
Who has boki and baki? Mf?
Also does Lux get a familiar?
>Jinx will never lethal tempo on my dick
>Jinx will never press the attack on my dick
>Gays worse than women
whats some fun meme shit to play top
Are you the Kassadin main?
IGN: Thomas Griesa
>first time player
>not even level 10 yet
>almost everyone in every game I play is not a new player
>they're all using commands and such I've never even learned of yet
>half of the time they're not even speaking english
>post match they'll say things in moon runes
>get bullied for not knowing how to build properly or my rune page thing is wrong
>don't even have that fucking unlocked yet
>told to kill myself after losing a game when someone on the enemy team had disconnected for 10 minutes
>two people said they'd report me for missing my ult
Fuck this game and I hope everyone who plays DIES.
this should be a pretty fucking clear answer
You could play co-op vs. AI until you unlock everything, you know.
>pick tank
Relationship ended with Nasus
Now yorick is my new friend
Yes, MF's familiars are Boki and Baki.
I believe it was mentioned that rather than having familiars, Lux and Poppy have their wand and hammer instead due to their natures. Although the "Mimi Ward" is apparently another form Lux's wand can take.
The real answer is because Lux's skin was made before everyone else's.
do this build on teemo top and enjoy your free wins
I am most certainly not
>only match i dont heal
>land basically every comet