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Is SingSing dare I say it... /ourguy/?

How is OG actually this bad

Mid Disruptor

>beta faggots complaining about AM
>Doesn't pick the chad am counter

>OG getting gorgc'd

>OG struggling vs literal whos

Mid disruptor and tusk will do that to you

>NoTail fantasizing too much about backstabbing teammates to not be absolute shit

Oops wrong pic

What the hell Fly was expecting to happen with that draft of his

do you think OG are just telling themselves this is their 2017 Liquid phase, that eventually something will click and they'll be back stronger than ever

OG needed illusion autism to keep NoTail as far from the enemy for as long as possible (so his shittiness wouldn't translate to feeding). I don't see what can substitute for that.

How is my boy this patch?

8 finger Pablo is actually a really good player.

Back to joke hero status

>know that you lost 10 minutes into the game
>have to play for 20-30 more minutes with 0% chances of winning
you should be free to abandon if your team picked 0 hard carries and isn't winning by 10 minutes

>t. birrite

They were trying to run Arc Warden during TI after Illusions were nerfed to the ground and yesterday he actually played LD with some proficiency


what heroes win mid vs medusa???

n0tail is so bad...
OG.SingSing when?

Most of the time it's the other way around. Everyone picked no utility hard carries and shit the bed within the first 10 minutes

Would you?


>51% winrate in +5K

but with hard carries theres always possibility of comeback due to memeback
good luck if your team picked snowball heroes like qop and enemy has well performing medusa though


Is visage hard to learn?
He seems so cool I would love to git gud with him

Kaya upgrade will bring two new effect like Manaloss/Manacost reduction that is Quicken, that basically is a percentage reduction of cast points and cast times, and Channel Time, that increases the duration of Channeling spells.

would i what ?

>implying shitlords that pick all hard carries get to survive to memeback if they're on your team

Dota has a way of "If the enemy does it you get shit on by it. But if your team does it you autolose every time." to it

Not sure about lane matchup, maybe BS.

Just dumped on a team with Medusa / shadow fiend as sniper who I never realized was a good counter. At 1100 range you're safe from most of their shit.

>medusa loses lane
>goes to jungle for 10 minutes with mask of madness and returns with dragon lance/skadi
im sick of this shit
why the fuck does icefrog keeps nerfing heroes like Slark who can punish shitters doing this by just going to their jungle and fucking their shit up solo? Or am i forgetting about someone who can still do that?

It is yet another Reso carrying h0neylans game

stop playing pos 1 baby if you want to make movements and punish players early.

>it's a reso has to clean up OG's shit game again

Take her Desolator.

Some gaze side can't Pugna or DP shit on her?

>Pick Magnus offlane
>Enemy lane is Necro carry, slardar, and IO
>Denied hard even from level 1, necro denying, creeps being pulled, can't contest because slardar and IO will run me down via tether, even with skewer
>Try to jungle at 2-3 but get contested pretty hard

What do I do in this situation, when I get completely shut down? My own supports were doing the same to the enemy offlaner, but nowhere near as effectively, plus it was a tidehunter who could catch up easier than me.

>Call out your supports
I felt like doing this. The necro was got my T1 and was diving me at my T2 before any tps would come in (that I also had to ping and ask for). I'm wondering what exactly I myself could have done.
>Go jungle
I did, but it was so fucking slow.

what the fuck does that even supposed to mean
i want to do it by myself because its literally impossible to find teammates who understand concept of grouping up and doing a smoke gank on a hero that flashfarms

>reddit is crying about Storm non-stop
7.07c soon

buy an iron ta-

>Navi is getting rekt by nu-broodmother
this is ebin.


1. you count on your other lanes winning
2. if they dont then you lost
there is literally nothing else you can do outside of maybe ganking mid if you are a hero who can do that

>After leaving OG, Ana just spends his time crushing 4ks with a 5-stack in unranked dota

he is broken


I don't know what happened to the game but teammates lately have been bafflingly retarded. Not just no game sense but like supports who don't support and people who don't talk or group. Or just plays that make no sense.

I feel helpless and alone. Do I have to learn NP?

He really should get back into competitive

I mean he literally can't play ranked because he's so much higher than everyone else in australia but it still just seems weird

im convinced that its because of returning retards who jump straight into ranked games
quality of games was much better before the patch

What's the hot new memebuild around Sniper's ult?

waaaah i can't just solo carry with slark anymore need more carry with solokill big garry game 1v9 - t.vargposter

just pick Ursa or Jugg or whatever if you wanna get stuff done midgame outside of laning stage but if you wanna exert more pressure there's heroes that don't scale as well that get more done early. if you play a good 4 or 3 you're able to be far more active. Like a Beastmaster can solokill a medusa in her jungle and you can scout enemy positions with hawks.

You're better off building him as a turret, but...

Treads Maelstrom for farm. Kaya Aghs for the ult. Hurricane Pike for positioning.

ever since 7.07b ive been getting the most braindead animals you could ever imagine in my team almost every game. i'm pretty sure they messed with behavior score algorithms again or something. i have normal behavior score and i'm getting literal griefers or drooling retards who instalock core or rage because someone else picked core (despite being below avg mmr) so they play support without supporting. high 4k/low 5k avg games, they were nowhere near this bad on average until recently, people at least seemed like they wanted to win before.

>Get a carry wisp, goes deso, crit, other damage items. Takes "attack tethered teammates target" talent
>sniper builds aghs
>sniper ults while being tethered
>wisp gets a crit and oneshots the entire enemy team

Except this never happens and you'll lose because you have a carry wisp and an Aghs sniper.

>techies would make your opponents and teammates want to kill themselves they said
>play techies
>everyone's and their mother buy sentry
>place bombs at strategic area, they never past it and teammates never lure them

Fuck off shitshit

My overall score is :D but I think that they've reset it or something so the drooling mongoloids have been spread around.

I've stopped raging in games and now it's much more akin to despair. You either solo carry the game or split push on your own, or some combination of both. Deso Clinkz, Sniper, etc.

Fun = losing now.

>>everyone's and their mother buy sentry
You are already contributing your team

ignore aghs and buy an e-blade

is necro still good or what


these games are impossible unless you last pick some shit like meepo or chaos knight into no counters. it feels like low priority except the other team wants to win and mine has at least 2 people who don't.

As a Riki player I always see thsi as a good thing.

fizzz templar assassin
but that's not futa

when do GOOD entertainers play?

just wait for the new ranked system to come into play in a week or so before the shitters get sorted out. i had a 55% WR in ranked before the patch and now this fortnight it's dropped to 35%

daily reminder 2015 shartour streams were the best streams

>in 2018

my games were fine until 7.07b hit, hopefully the recalibration and new rating system helps. i'm not even going to attempt to continue climbing until then.


TNC vs Fnatic if you like your SEA clownfest

It's more fun to pretend that it is.

TA is truly the patrician's waifu, but futa is for fags so fuck off with that shit

>tfw no pink hued skinned elf-ears gf

Did she cuck bulldog or what?
>becomes a variety streamer with ~50 viewers
Yeah get off the gravy train, good thinking.

>slim pink elf ninja girl

Daily reminder that 3AM Barnyyy Slark streams were the best streams.

>the team play so bad, OG looks good compare to it

He's gone, let him go.

he dumped her because she wasnt a virgin.

cant blame him desu

Is that the story he's telling his retard viewers? lmao

Please tell me this is an EE carry Bane.

why do you guys like virgins so much? they're lazy & don't know what they're doing. the only thing they're good for is laying there when you want to eat the puss

>After leaving OG, Ana
Leaving or kicked?

are we watching eternal autism?

its a meme for disillusioned virgins

god newbee is so fucking shit

>literal no one casting game alone

this is torture

>sunsfan bitching people don't value his pissant studio and meme tournaments over real ones


he is right though

nice trip you fucking virgin.

He should be talking to the MDL organisers and teams directly instead of crying on his stream



>EE is winning