Dying because hi-rez still won't add a little girl champ edition
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Vivian is my perfect waifu.
ob63 is the worst patch, we should delete martini
So now that the dust has settled, OB63 is one of the worst patches in Paladins, yes?
>JOJO memes
>some ugly LOL DAMAGE woman
>jewish tricks
>almost no balance
At least with them adding a jojo reference, I can dream about them adding not!DIO or not!Giorno in Paladins.
Vivian has a big fat butt!
btw there are new shaders whcih you need to put on
>make a shitty design
>turn hips up to 20
>retards praise it
and that's why we only get garbage now.
>Tfw they ruined the Tyra skin for those retards
Stay mad
Welcome to waifubait, enjoy your stay.
btw im only posting shitty screenshots of shitty characters showing new shaders
i think her proportions are fucked and thats shes stupidly unoriginal and shit
btw it was made by that chink holt brought on
Fat ass, who cares about the rest
I believe our meeting was a fateful one, one where two souls were destined to cross paths.
Needless to say, this was a meeting of two soulmates; two soulmates meant to love each other with strength unmatched.
I love her with all my very being, and no adversity will ever be able to so much as even dent that.
>new shaders
what's that?
based high test chinaman
i dunno
theres a shader slider now which lets you choose the quality
so let me get this straight
in the gold chest can you get 1 guaranteed skin and other rentals
or is there a chance of getting all rentals
Who came up with the brilliant idea to add a JOJO reference?
Was it Alyssa? The manlet? Prettyhair? Holt?
You can get a full rental pull, but one pull is guaranteed to be a normal epic skin in 15 or 30, can't remember the exact number rolls in the gold chest.
I recommend not touching skin chests till they fix this shit.
>ONE epic skin guaranteed in 1125-2250 crystals worth of gold chests
Good job LoRez.
i want diavolo in this game so i can self insert even more
>so I can self insert even more
Are you some paranoid fuck or do you have multiple personalities?
Ass map editor for Paladins
i bet he just works
It's called autism.
Vivian gun shoots different than viktor and tyra.
i think it would be better if it were not human
yeah, it should have been another fat ass elve
>all those plebs that want shitty villains like DIO or paranoia man in Paladins
>not wanting Kars in Paladins
Shit taste, all of you.
we got terminus
but terminus is star platinum
>literally made of stone like a pillar, but he's not a 'pillar man'
On a side note, besides the looks, he strikes me as a World Eater reference more than anything.
>always angry
>massive axe
>gets revived when killed to kill more
>death wish
I think it would be cool if she's a robot/golem instead like BK with an actual LMG that's huge
Call it Bullet Queen or something
>paying using crystals for a rent skin
Nice job, low-rez!
>start testing gold chest
>59 rolls to get Willo spray
This is the weirdest fucking thing they've done. Why would they design the flair chest, specifically because people couldn't get emotes and sprays.. To remove the only way you get emotes and sprays reliably.
You can't even whale yourself to all the cosmetic items anymore without being fully retarded. How long till stat adjusting items are added to the game?
The game's dying user. At this point they're just trying to milk the remaining whales (the dumbest ones) by forcing them to spend insane amounts of cash to get even the smallest specific things like sprays. Anyone with a brain has already given up.
We've had this discussiom in the previous threads, But where do you think Hirez is going to take the Lore? What are they going to do with the crystals and guilds?
No one bought the flair chest. Why spend premium currency for flair when you have a small chance to get it for nonpremium
Aside from gradually lowering the cost of cards (instead of outright removing essence entirely - those fucking class keys really get the neurons screaming) was there ever a time where they backed down on their jewish tricks?
They lowered the FWOTD gold amount, they removed nearly all of the mastery awards, but they didn't touch any of that after. A half-assed "well according to our playerbase this was the optimal decision blablbalbalbalba buy our chests", people get more pissed, but, at the end, it's forgotten, and they basically get away with it.
I fucking hate these rentals, but unless we shitstorm 24/7 about it or there's a major playerbase drop, they probably won't go away.
I still have fun playing it, I just gave up trying to get anything cosmetic related.
no worries boy
diamond weapon rentals that boost stats and cost 100 crystals soon
The game will be dead before any "lore" is introduced.
holt did say some official stuff will be shown before the end of the year, so there's hope
kinda depressing that the lore seems like the only redeeming thing we'll get out of this
>Increase the gold prices of all recolors and make them collection only
>A couple patches later
>Say no one is buying them so there's no reason for them to be purchasable with gold
Sneaky ;)
It was an easy way to get then + the chibi sprays.
Now you just don't get the chibi sprays at all.
I bet that the lore will be either boring as fuck or just pure trash, maybe they will also throw a bone to the fags and make a champion gay.
If they pull the gay champion card, I don't think Hi-rez has the balls to turn a waifu into a lesbian, considering that some subhumans and kids play this game just to jerk off over waifus while playing.
ying will be gay
poofterchamp will be ban in china
blizzard only gets away with it because their isnt a male
>this epic will be a golden gun rental
Nah, Ying is the main waifubait, making her gay will kill the game.
If they do have the balls to make a female champion gay, they will probably use the safer choices like Ash and maybe Willo.
Or just be even bigger pussies and use the safest route, make a male champion gay, make him have a crush on a straight guy, use that for angst comics then never speak about his sexuality ever again.
Skye is literally main waifu bait. Ying number 2.
Makoa will have two dads and that's all.
No one will ever notice because turtles have no secondary sex characteristics.
>main waifu bait
Ying is on almost all of the promotional art, she's the main bitch.
But by that logic, Androxus is also the main husbando bait, huh.
I have 5 radiant chests should i open them now or after the patch?
i fucking hate Trauma so fucking much
>a thin character with a bit of a butt needs to be connected to the garbage "LE THICC!!! THICC!!!!!!!" meme
Now, unless you want skin rentals.
now if you want essence, after patch if you want le epic rental skins
don't joke about this
theyre safer picks
everyone I know that plays came for skye's fat ass and stayed cause fun and waifus, also to FRAG
>a bit
Someone said that the new 'teammate death' indicators are here to prepare us for a champion with a revive.
I'm scared.
Be thankful we have fanartists that draw the female champions, not fujos that draw the male champions kissing or fucking all day or tumblr ""artists"" that draw the whole female cast as trannies, fat or lesbians.
how do we improve vivian design?
it wasn't a joke.
1. ADS isn't an ability
Change rmb to an ability, go through with wrecker changes from a few PTS' ago, make her a female goblin.
Bigger bulge
Art? Complete redesign
Gameplay? Replace iron sights with something fun
Maker her ass bigger.
What stand powers would make for a good gimmick in this game? Survivor on a buff/debuff character would be great.
This. I have no idea how they were so lame with it even a deployable bipod is more creative
GER on a support champion.
Don't forget the other ability is a reveal. Strix, Lex, Cassie and Tyra already have something like that,
The reveal's fine. All I want is for them to change RMB to a damaging move with a long cooldown so they can tone down her LMB and ult.
>make her Veeky Forums instead of thicc
>give her an MMG or HMG
>basically make her female heavy
Give her a queen of spades tattoo.
you should of brought the flair chest before then
^ look at this idiot
she's already cute
i wish i was autisitc enough to not reply
oh wait whoops
Just make a stand character.
Fix her proportions that make her look like she was designed by some 14 year old boy, get rid of the color streak in her hair, change her gun to something that doesn't look like another assault rifle
Just add a fucking loli
i swear you fuckers
fucking finally
Holt please delete those fuckers again
Fucking hirez pandering to consoles
Give her Lian's body type, get rid of that dumb red streak
Holt, please add a doll champion.
it stops his other legendaries being shit
Overcharge is borderline useless without raging demon right now