Soraka is the most fun support in League. Bonus Armor and MR for all champions when?
Old Thread: >Patch 7.22 notes:
>Useful sites
Soraka is the most fun support in League. Bonus Armor and MR for all champions when?
Old Thread: >Patch 7.22 notes:
>Useful sites
>Bonus Armor and MR for all champions when?
t. brainlet
xth for my wife Syndra
guys i had a pretty good dream last night
>hanging out with katarina at some random bonfire event to clean up some temple
>she asked me to come help her at some school looking place
>i was carrying some black zig zag thing for her
>we walked through some cafeteria. people tried to speak to us but we kept walking
>she had on a gray suit and black high heels (very very similar to vyrewatch high heels from old school runescape)
>after talking to her some, we walk into some area with benches. it looks like a small theater for a musician or play to be conducted
>dont like music or the generally gay events they have but interested in this one because wife tier katarina is in it
>apparently she is about to compose something
>put some black disc thing on the table near the other thing i was carrying. i think it went with it
>after a few tries finally get her to nod yes when i put it in the right spot on the benches in front of her
>not sure why she had like 3 benches for composing - 1 to sit on, 2 for putting a bunch of music shit on
>getting the idea in my head to ask her to be my girlfriend because she doesnt act like a gold digging roastie
>wake up
>Not Rakan, Bard or Thresh
>Post yfw you get a mana potion from Kleptomancy.
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
>Champion who stayed always strong and relevant
>Champion who was never relevant or meta
who are they /lolg/
Justify lethality
>t. assassinbab knowing he can act braindead now with champions having no armor and mr
What are the chances I'll ever get the 10 Gemstones required for Lancer Zero Hecarim?
Should I just spend the 1 I have on a crate and key?
>Be an Autistic inbred
>Not killing yourself.
>tfw no qt petite gf
implying its the fault of armor and mr values instead of tons of additional burst damage in runes and sudden impact having full value at lvl 1 instead of scaling like every single other rune
i dont waifu post, it was just a solid dream
i fucking despise soraka, she is anti fun incarnated
This is true love
>mana pots sell for only 14 gold
Oy vey the chutzpah of riot games for giving me these useless cheap beberages when they could be giving me blue wards I can sell for 53 gold a piece instead
i main a champion
Lee, Thresh
All champs have been picked in pro play at some point (AP Yi, Volibear in s3 or s4 when he had the full movespeed bonus even when running away...), so I'd say Velkoz, who's absolutely been viable always but never been S tier
Make lewds of Vayne pls
Items that have some sort of passive or active to deal more damage to turrets when?
>inb4 ohmwrecker
Items that have some sort of passive or active to buff or heal turrets when?
>inb4 fortify
So how is Sion?
Do you go Infinite HP meme build or something else?
>riot "fixes" the leveling system by giving you less xp but you get 1500 BE if you get 30(T H I R T Y) fwotd's
can this fucking chink bootlick company get any more jewish?
fucking hell
I play a galaxy of champions without mastering any of them
I mean, it is though. Sorcer's magic pen got buffed, every lethality item got buffed, no armor+mr=dead squishy. Everything else is just icing on the cake.
100% if you use your wallet beloved go- i mean customer
it's in the pipeline
dont post these fat bitches ever again thanks
fixing was never their intention. they even said themselves that if they had to just give us more ip they would do that and not introduce leveling. leveling was added to make you strive towards a goal.
Tryndamere has never been viable outside of the splitpush meme.
>tfw klepto gives you 5 gold bags in a row and they all turn into 80+ gold or more
>being a kid who only likes "muh outplays"
>get clepto as gp
>red pot
>mana pot
>110 gold
thanks for playing the game
shame i lasted 3 minutes
>there are actually people here who would rather fuck Morgana than Kayle
Truly the shittiest of tastes
t. NEET who is okay with every match being 1 hour and a half
no really the matches lasting so much are one of the greatest flaw of this game especially when late game is sooooo boring and tiring. I like that they are working to shorten the games' lenght.
>Minion dematerializer on irelia
>target casters
>now you got a pseudo infinite dash
>tfw no Irelia gf
Why live under these circumstances
Overheal is completely useless
It is both.
>q as mf to kill caster
>enemy cant get close to the wave or they have to be in front of it
I'd say he's on the same spot as velkoz
I think he might have been picked once in a blue moon (I remember faker picking mid trynd but that might have been because of a free game)
Like velkoz he's always had his high elo OTPs proving the champ isn't garbage but he's never been S tier in his role
>tfw 6 item trist with sona support
>don't even have to move
i like my games like this, just a-click and watch them die
So will she get reworked any time soon?
>who Losing streak here?
>winning with kayn mid because my opponent is an idiot
>jungler is a trick2g wannabe and runs around, gets caught, takes all the farm , never groups and fails at splitpushing
next game
>morg and lux on the enemy team, clearly they are gonna invade
>bot and mid hang out inside the blue bush with no wards, enemy mid and adc get kills, >lose lane because of it
3rd game
>shit on some support top
>doing well
>to bad mid is feedin thier jungle and mid since thy're playing divers and shes playing an immobile mage agresivly
>lose becasue she keeps getting caught and blown up
Next game
>4 adcs vs malph shyvana and kenen. nuff said
>team didnt realize how shit this was and kept trying to group up
last game
>top feeds quin even with me camping. no one respects the mias
>bot feeds draven early
Me unga, team bunga
Yeah, but I want her classic splash to look like this
>only 5 games
You are like a baby, I had a 19 games losing streak in ranked a while ago.
As TF, what do you think would be better for my 2nd secondary slot, Waterwalking or Scorch?
I've noticed scorch damage adds up to be pretty significant, esp in lane, but I'm really liking the extra MS I get from Waterwalking and it lets me not worry about taking Magical Footwear too much. What do u think?
anyone got the jinx variation of pic related? Maybe it's not jinx, but the girl in the pic certainly has jinx hair
You could just do it by turning on your W and Q'ing them if you have Sheen or Trinity though.
Then how will I get sudden impact on kalista sweaty :)
Buff Taliyah Reeeeee
Nerf taliyah's nose
damn i didnt know obs can record, this shit is pretty good
>play first game since runes out
>Get a mystery skin
>Zombie nunu
Is this a rare skin? I've never seen it before
>Was on a 9 game losing streak
>Tilted off my ass
>Play Klepto ez mid
>Fucking destroy the enemy
>Laugh as I sprinkle wards around the map and collect money bags like the jew I am, guzzling down potions like sweet cummies
riot really know how to balance a game
guess the champion
>not going Precision/Resolve with Second Wind and Mirror Shell/Iron Skin for super safe laning phase.
Ashe is really cute
>Still no oni champ
>we're earning champions slower!
>actually it's much faster, here's proof
>well I don't care if I'm earning champions faster, it still feels slower and that means I hate this system. go back to the old one where I actually earned champions slower!
>League of Cleavers is coming back
Kill me
Halloween exclusive.
Except it isn't faster, have you actually read the frontpage of /r/leagueoflegends these last 3 days?
Yes, get ready for a champion that waifufags will flock over and be as obnoxious as release NuFiora
Dark Harves is SO shit compared to how it was on pbe.
Why did they have to nerf every single aspect of the rune?
Champs and minions give less souls, you need 50 more souls for increased time for procs and it has less base damage. Who cares if some BR monkeys were getting destroyed by it on the pbe?
They just need to make the CDR a unique passive
Reddit in a nutshell.
REEEEE punished for owning champions
>actually it's much faster, here's proof
it actually wasn't it was deliberately misleading
you earn champs slower, about 20% on a good day
this recent change will only bring it to 10%
Just like people said 2 days ago. riot introduced a really shitty system so when they "improve" it people will praise them forgetting its still worse than the old version
>honor five ward skin
>still no victorious skin
>Try Kindred out
>Sheep and wolf keep talking about death and how people that don't do anything with their lives are pretty much dead
>I'm a 25 year old virgin NEET shutin
Feels bad man
Aery and Scorch and you're all set
>essence reaver
Bad item family
No fucking shit it's faster when you open your wallet buddy
>it has upvotes so it must be correct
unironically kill yourself.
The real enjoyment comes from outplaying your opponent, not pressing more buttons than him. There is nothing more satisfying than using malz ulti on a riven player. They could buy QSS, but they aren't programmed to and then rage in all chat.
>it's much faster
it isn't
>Qtpie playing Graves as ADC
Is... Is /our guy/ Graves bacK?
I want Xayah to dominate me and make me her human pet!
>you earn champs slower, about 20% on a good day
but that's wrong, you fucking idiot.
No it's just Qt doing meme things and probably testing something and theorycrafting while acting like an autistic monkey.
5 rp has been added into your account
when is lee sin getting reworked
riven too
>wanting these reworked when zed and nasus exist
who are the new gods of toplane
excuse the >reddit but you're clearly wrong you imbecil
>math on how long it would take to unlock a champ
>math on how much xp-ip you;d get, onlong with exposing riots lie that you'd get more with the new system
>even more of that
>how long it would take a new player to get every champ
all of point out that on average you will gain >14% less even min-maving
so unless you got the luck of a saint this system is objectively worse
Are you admitting to going to reddit?
ali/thresh rework when btw
Riot made 0 improvements with 7.22
so, Kayne is basically a rehashed Aatrox?
can't win anymore. even when i pick yorick. guess i'll sit this season out.
>if you ignore a mechanic that will account for almost half the xp income of most players, then you unlock champions way slower
Just because it has upvotes doesn't mean it's correct.
? /r/leagueoflegends has always been good bros with /lolg/
We reuse eachother memes and /our guy/ hotshot used to shill for both
Will there be any esports during the preseason? Like the Battle of the Atlantic from a while ago.
If you were her human pet, what would she do to you?