/fog/ - Fallout General

Most powerful lunatic in the wasteland Edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:
>Babbys first modding guide

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Steam Guide of good mods

>Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

>OP Pasta: pastebin.com/raw/dFMpLWAY

/aco/ thread: >Pre-War Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>perfection doesn't exi-

>worst girl has the cutest VA
>best girl has the least cute VA
It's not fair

>lightning and thunder in game
>jump in my chair
too immurshiv

Start the thread by posting your companions RIGHT NO !!

Id do them all... at once.

every time I play as Nora I feel extremely conflicted, on the one hand I am more compelled to actually wear outfit that fits together instead of just whatever gear has the best stats, and on the other hand I hate dying from a wet fart


Unless you play full vanilla any bonuses from clothing are completely irelevant.

>wearing anything but the Minutemen General uniform

Nora looks good in anything.

OwO who's this?

Man Fallout 4 runs like shit even on a Vega 64 in Boston, can't believe Bethayysda sells this unoptimized trash.
And the dynamic shadow res mod doesn't work with the latest version of the game so now I'm fucked.

hi I play fallout


I mean armour too obviously, not just clothing, I mean I have to parralel saves at the moment, and as Nate I'm wearing a mixture of combat armour, metal armour, and an assaultron helmet. It looks disgusting, but hey it works, but with Nora I feel more compelled to not wear a mishmash of shit

>updated Fallout
>updated SKSE
>updated the mods that require SKSE

>game won't start

Thanks T*dd for your amazing paid mods at the CC.

Is it worth playing a second run of Fallout 4 just to experience NukaWorld?

would you a ghoul?

But armour also makes no difference most of times..

Use mega experience mod, get yourself to lvl 50 and go to NW straight from V111.

ur a fag

update msi afterburner.
if that doesn't work. end your own life.

For roleplaying purposes, no.

>good things about the institute
>gen 1/2 synths
>blue lasers
>clean base

>bad things about the institute
>literally everything else
goddamn it

Nuka World is cool, I don't know why everyone hates on it.

So I've cleaned up Sunshine Tidings Co-op and I'm building in a new style for a settlement of 20 Super Mutants, and possibly some humans.

I was going to make it a peaceful farming settlement, and would appreciate any ideas or commentary on it.

I can build everywhere in the picture, up to the tall silos on the right, right down to the lakes edge on the hill, to the big tree on the left.

Veeky Forums is the worst board. It makes you think it is discussions about video games, when it's only and only discussions about e-personnalities. I've had enough. Goodbye VideoGames

>"nuclear weapons are horrible and nearly killed humanity and poisoned the earth"
>"BTW here's a shoulder mounted catapult that launches nukes and a giant funny robot that throws nukes like footballs XD"


Not giving a fuck: the video-game

Guns don't kill guns, people kill people.

defend this

>conservashits will defend this

that trigger is so anti-ergonomic.

If you explode every mini nuke then they will disappear

>Libtards will defend this

I really wish it had something going on with it that justified how ugly it is. But it's just the ugly gun

I don't give a shit about you and your shitty race of serial killers.

It looks bulky and silly, fitting the more cartooney graphics of 4 . Its fun because i like silly guns and im not a /k/ browsing looney that jerks off to tacticool guns.

many guns are designed to specifically kill people
>posts unrelated race bait

People who can't go 5 minutes without mentioning politics are very boring.

But are they designed to kill guns?


Just take the Combat Rifle instead, it's both better looking and way more effective

You know, I kind of figured raider settlements would fuck me over. But no one really cares except Preston.

also mods stop deleting please its literally to answer his argument against guns

Expecting Bugfesta to have any deeper understanding of the message or lore of the game they want to butcher.

Those faggots are like EA of RPG's - they see shit, they think its going to be awesome for to be MORE of it.

>systemic oppression against black people
>muh black crimes
The history of your race sums up in mass murder and genocide. Go back to /pol/, garbage.

>here's an unlabeled chart
You guys suck at this whole "talking about anything even remotely related to Fallout" thing.

looks like a musical instrument

>The history of your race sums up in mass murder and genocide.
Ehhh, to be fair, that's every race. Every single race in history is guilty of horrendous crimes against man, European history is just most relevant to us.

mod's gonna delete my 3 fucking images but let this fucker say that

listen you dumbshit whites literally made the world great with colonization. Medecine, communications, trades...
Look at some graphs on international health before and after

You actually talk to Preston?

I'm doing Sim Settlements so I need to pop into his building.

In real life that would probably be the most inaccurate gun ever considering the difference in weight between front and rear of the gun..

it's supposed to be used with power armor so the weight doesn't really matter I think

this thread is not for arguing about guns now just let it go or fuck off back to pol already

>simple assault rifle needs power armour to be useful

Christ, bugfesta really is a special needs kid of game developers.

is there any mod that adds cool pistols? all I see posted are rifles, and I want to for once play with small arms, need to go look if there is a mod for the bladerunner gun

ever heard of an anti material rifle? :^)

Fair enough. I hope you put him back in his box after you were done with him.

Why are miniguns so bad in the 3d fallout games?
They look bad and they're outclassed by other weapons and not really worth using
How do you manage to make miniguns lame

Huh? It was designed to be used with power armor, it's not a simple assault rifle.


Whats an assault rifle?

Same question but with shotguns.

No one's perfect sweetie.

I'm not your teacher.


Then why does it spawn on normal raiders ?
And who the fuck designs assault rifle that has to be used by PA because its so fucked design ??

have you built a shrine for vault girl yet /fog/?

Aw shit, somehow that word really cuts deep and pours salt in the wound every time.

>soviet flags

>Then why does it spawn on normal raiders ?
Because they are using it despite its flaws, but I think they should have used a G3 type gun instead

>And who the fuck designs assault rifle that has to be used by PA because its so fucked design ??
It's supposed to have its own benefits when used by the power armor, but I'm not a good judge of that.

>own benefits
I thought they just wanted a gun that looked good in power armor by being big.

>doom that gun
>mauser pistol(now with animations!)
>plasma cycler
>vintage alien blaster
>wattz laser carbine(has a wattz laser pistol)

Should've given us a melee heavy weapon that can only be used effectively in power armor.

That's what it says in the concept art page, yeah, but it's a logical assumption if you want to make sense of things. I mean it has a water cooling thing, I don't know enough to say it's justified or anything.

They should have made unarmed with PA more effective.

It seems like barely anyone likes unarmed in the first place. There's severe dearth of mods involving them.

>assault rifle

It doesnt matter.
That shit doesnt make sense.

get one with explosive bullets, and fully level big guns, jump into power armour and go hunting gunners

Tell me why it's not one

assault rifle is a misnomer

Any mod out there that adds powerless lights (or change vanilla lights to require no power)?

It's a PA assault rifle. If you're talking about the size, then consider the size of the PA.

but best girl has best va
and worst girl va is also pretty good

do you guys have a discord, because you could make one to take your political semantic bullshit somewhere else.

Do anyone of you know if in you can find Millenia's weapons while looting and being used by NPCs? I can't find any information about that.

>assault rifle

Are there are any good melee weapon mods?

>for a gun to be an assault rifle the magazine needs to be vertical and not horizontal.
>and it cant have a big thing
Yeah you're not /k/

Or you can go fuck yourself, faggot.

Naaah its just has to not be an unwieldy bulky piece of shit with fucked up balance.

>assault anything
>with that piece of shit and metal
Have fun with that/.

>assault rifle
noguns detected

How many times do I have to say that it's designed for the PA. The balance or bulkyness doesn't matter.

I think so? I'm not sure. I know his new vegas ones you can so I think that wouldn't be different.

Probably. I'm fine with my ripper and my mister handy blade.

I'm asking for the New Vegas ones, of course. I didn't know he also modded for other titles. Thanks for letting me know.


IF you could fix anything about Fallout 4, what would it be?

No radiant quests.
The system itself isn't a bad system (in fact it's an amazing system that they never actually take advantage of), but fuck random basic missions in a static world can go die. Don't know why games bother with the concept in the first place, you'd think they would have learned after Freelancer that nobody likes that crap. Radiant stuff should be used to augment a hand-made quest, not replace it.