Okey anons, name your degree or the degree youre studying and what your plans are with it. Also, an average of what youre making if you already do work.
Im a BA student myself graduating in some years and i'll be doing a postgraduate in marketing in order to get a comfy, nice-paying desk job in the future. How about you?
David Sanders
MD really doesn't have that much growth potential and certainly, certainly will not make you 250k write off the start Also: Econ and Finance PhDs earn the same on average
Jordan Collins
Started at $65K my first year as an RD in the hospital and got bumped to $72K beginning of my second year and took over as the lead clinical RD in the hospital while the other RD moved to Director. Still more growth to be had at this rate!
Liam Reyes
Six degrees are most likely, at the bachelor's level, to take you to six figures more than the others. One of them is international relations. You have it in worthless tier.
These are always based on people's biases rather than any study based on factual evidence. Why do people keep churning this shit out?
Bentley Clark
I'm thinking about psychiatry but I might do er not sure
Isaac Evans
>CS >starting salary 40-65k
William King
Tax Law, just cut my life into pieces.
Jacob Lopez
Psychiatry means medical degree and at least a masters in psychology.
Christopher Ward
Yeah i dont think the picrelated is very accurate either, but it's somewhar accurate.
As i said, this is not my image, but actually i've been considering studying international relations as a postgraduate for quite some time. Is it really that profitable to do so?
Angel Morris
Comp. sci. here, started $80k. The only thing holding people back from a cushy starting salary is shit negotiating and social skills.