Other urls found in this thread:
this game is dead
>wukong and shaco get duskblade
>as soon as they appear you get deleted
sure love looking at grey screens
post webms of questionable quality
all these "when you deal damage to a champion" runes, did Riot forget that junglers exist?
>klepto should be THE support rune
>it's useless on supports
>other roles abuse it
>it'll get nerfed
>airy gets nerfed too
>supports get fucking nothing
Klepto or Glacial Augment on Rakan?
I almost died to raptors at lvl 1 while jungling with shyvana.
Why are people so fucking bad at this game since the rune update.
>zed running towards me we have 3 people who could cc him so I can kill him
>they run next to me
I had so enough of this.
take the talisman, it synergises with your w.
her as isn't high enough to make use of machete
I keep losing
Im not even playing bad, I almost hard carried a 4v5 as graves where out kogmaw decided to ragequit after dying once in lane
Ihave no idea what the fuck is going on anymore
I keep getting the absolute most retarded people
>grasp veigar
>nearly full ap team but nobody except me builds a void staff
>deathcap into tank kata
what the absolute fuck is this? I want to win
nobody wants to play with some retard experimenting his totally legit ap vayne build
Post and Roast. All shittalk is invalid unless posted with your own profile.
fitting name
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
>Got a shitty morg skin for my "epic" skin reward for buying rune pages
Fuck Morgana.
Fuck Blackthorn Morgana.
Fuck Riot.
Fuck all of you.
Fuck everything.
Blackthorn will be kino when she gets her VGU
Thanks mate. Good mains
Hey guys, can I ask, will riot fuck my ass over if I create a free fan game? I've been having some Ideas and I'm really having fun messing around game maker studio and I really want to make a fan game.
is this the wrong thread, why are we dead
because this game sucks ass.
Pleb shit taste detected
reminder: zoe is 100% legal. she is over 1million years old.
have fun!
There are even a lot of porn fan games, so I doubt they would complain much about it unless you try to take profit from it.
So... I've been out of the game for quite a while after getting an account banned when absolutely shit faced. Are the level up rewards worth it to come back with the new runes?
Oh well I just want to develop my skills as a game dev. I really don't care about earning money right now.
companies, with the ultra exception of jewtendo, dont care what fan game you produce as long as you dont make a profit off of it.
ayy lmao
lots of patreons getting profit over their shit
absolute cancer
So long as you don't force profit out of it, nothing will happen. If you ask for donation, it's still good.
pateron is a loophole for the most part. its technically donations. but companies can still target you even if you are not making a profit, let alone pateron profit.
Is /lolg/ ok with AnniexZoe porn?
>/lolg/ not being ok with any porn
/lolg/ is just another excuse for pr0ns
>he doesnt play alpha supports
its like you want to lose
dead general
No meme sports only yorldefags and other types of pedophiles right now like
>autofilled into support
>adc locks jhin
>misses every shot on all 4 ults he used in lane
>misses 85% of skillshots so all kills i set up in lane were missed, besides one i was able to secure for us when he was too low to get it
post BIG ears
Where did all this Zac x Riven autism come from? I wish there were more relatable doujins about riven in which I can self insert. Instead we got all these doujins about her getting raped by some goo booger.
I tried playing with this and it worked pretty well. With the slow it's a lot harder to sidestep your slams and you gain some stickyness.
Hoo boy. It's all from the same autist, some dutch guy called Nielspeterdejong. One single guy. I'm gonna pass from giving all the details because I've already done it a couple times and there needs to be a wall of text written every time to make people understand just what degree of autism it is but tl;dr he scammed a shitload of artists so they would draw his crack ship.
I didnt even notice the zac, honestly
Not when I'm on the job
your not a alpha if u support, ur a litteral cuck. darius support is simply turning him from a alpha into a cuck.
holy FUCK I just want to play Teemo in ascention but everyone bans him every game
>slaying squishy tryhards and healsluts
>let your bro share the glory
>late game you two become so in sync the enemy has to commit 4 to your lane
>lane alone
>beg for the jg to come up and gibs u a kill
>literally useless in a 2v1 situation if theyre compotent
the absolute state of topbabs
zac would make an amazing bartender
the shit he could do would be tops
Daily reminder that ANYONE who takes Press the Attack on Tristana is a cuck.
Having a 2.8 attack speed modifier is far stronger late game then a measly 12% attack damage buff- that goes double if you're building lots of on-hit effects. It even procs faster since it's from instant damage instead of needing 3 hits.
You're not a cuck, are you /lolg/?
is tempo good on jinx?
I have been trying it out but I miss that damage
Ok how about this:
Program/Battlecast/w.e Karthus. Plasma blast Qs, E is an electromagnetic field and R is a satellite laser strike
What did you get in your capsule /lolg/? I got Shaco and Veigar which are 2 champ i already own
guys will i get banned if i call someone a "fabbot" ?
xth for my wife Syndra
double threads edition
>3.51 attacks per second
shame this is an absolute pain in the ass to get to a late game deal
>climb whole day long jungling
>get autofilled one time
>my jungler goes 1-11
Why is everyone shit at jungling besides me?
Predator + Celerity and Water Walking
Mobis and Youmous.
You get 678 in the River on Shaco and 674 on Wukong. You can make it from the lower edge of mid to the upper edge of bot iin just over 6 seconds. You also get 26 AD from Celerity and 22ish from from WW.
>tfw laning against zilean and jhin
I got tumors
this is pure fucking cancer
maybe if my trrsh wasn't a total retard who takes every zil Q it would work...
if you take zilean Q it's best to try to deny the other adc farm by blowing up your minions
Because it's unironically the hardest role to play.
Convince me to reinstall
>implying thats not adc