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What race should i roll for a warrior? I don't care about stats just what feels the right race for a Warrior.
Is the game finally dead?
fem draenei
Dwarf, Tauren, Human
Dwarf, Orc, worgen, goblin for that bruiser/merc angle
Go for a troll berserker, mon
i'm on zul'jin and have for the past 2 weeks had a ping 30-40 higher than usual, but i've changed nothing and every other game is fine, why this happen :(
What's she dreaming about, /wowg/?
>new trailer makes me really wanna play wow again
>remember it sucks
>also remember that my best character is a Dh
why did blizz fuck up DH so badly?
Well the emerald nightmare is going down in the next zone over so...
Yeah, maybe wake her up.
How long will it take for me to do the Argus stuff?
The Horde to come save her
1-2 hour
casual here So i have full 920 titan forged gera even though I've never set foot in a raid. I've done every world quest and Im pretty bored now. How the fuck do you communicate with people in game and start raiding? Seems no one lets you in unless you have last raids achivements or you know someone from the guild or directly related like a gf or something. Seems like too much of a hassle just to get into the raiding part of the game.
Dark Iron Dwarf, they have the warrior feel down like no other.
your guild is supposed to help you though
no they are the Warlock Race.
There a specific ilvl i should have before doing a greater invasion point as mage(If people even still do them)?
Honestly I feel like they look good as almost any class- Hunter, Warlock, Shaman and Warrior all seem like they would fit them perfectly.
The Alliance really did get the best allied race.
What's the fastest way to level up battle pets currently?
my guild dosen't raid.
start a pug asking for a carry, pay for a mythic carry if you can, otherwise heroic. make sure not to invite ragnaros, azralon and area52 players.
nope, it's one big clusterfuck with all sorts of different ilvls in there.
do world quests that award tokens & stones, do class hall quests that award tokens.
THIS. They are the absolute plague. Avoid at all costs.
nelf master race
all others will be bullied, especially void elves!
What spell will he cast on me ?
How did people even do the goddamn legendary mount quest back in the days? It required so much work from so many people who KNEW they'd be competing against each other. Unless I'm wrong, only the dude who bangs the gong first gets the mount, yeah? Rest just got the achi and title.
Is it worth getting into this game right now?
I've been on and off since BC and I quit during WoD. I've been playing a ton of ffxiv but the drought and sameness in that game is killing me.
You have a window of time after the first guy to be eligible, anyone who gets the title also gets the mounts.
power word: thigg
>user casts Power Word: THICCER on you
>Horde get Night elve island
>Alliance gets lordaeron
We already won
Is Prot Warrior fun?
When you visit other Veeky Forums generals you realize that this one isn't a cancerous circlejerking hugbox spamming the same things over and over
Legion has nothing to offer you in the long run except infinite grinds and infinite timed dungeons spamming, if you enjoyed wows gameplay in previous expansions you'll enjoy seeing all the legion content for the first time though, the final raid of this xpac is being released this month.
if I start now could I still experience all the current raids? non-LFR I mean.
>Broken isles will belong to the horde next expansion
congrats for getting an unhabitable, plagued shithole
Disc is terrible in timewalking pls fix
Shouldnt it be kinda nice now?
>Horde gets irrelevant islands
That would be the same as getting pandaria or Northend lmao
Still can't down mage tower fel totem at 925. I just can't do enough damage in time before I get layed out by fel shock. Are leggos a must for this?
W H O /ss/ here ?
Yes, there's a catchup mechanic on argus that will get your item level to an adequate level for the current raid, tomb of sargeras, and the next raid. But good luck finding groups for the older raids that aren't awful at this point.
It's certainly nicer than it used to be.
Not at all. Unless you use Devastator, you'll be spamming Devastate and the spec will feel really unfun. With Devastator you still have gaps in your priorities where you are doing functionally nothing. I literally hate pressing buttons on prot war. Ignore Pain has been gutted. Nobody brings a prot war for Rallying Presence or whatever the leech buff is called. Your artifact trait is a channeled spell that leaves you looking like a retard since it's worthless. It's only fun when you feel like the terminator with your IP/Block up, but bear druid is like that 100% of the time.
The only cute thing is you are highly mobile, but that doesn't mean shit if you can't tank as well as a bear/veng dh in mythic/plus.
Fun, but not viable.
Any word on what the future of Prestige rewards are? I want to know if I'm going to have to mad rush prestige on all my alts or if I can take my time getting the rewards.
>not fucking the demon and forcing the squire to watch
>redline reference
Does anyone you see even get it?
maybe 2 people got it so far
A little bit of Pizzacat in my life
A little bit of Lynris by my side
A little bit of Vjera is all I need
We should all strive to get to his level.
>Where have I seen those eyes bef--
>be a Death Knight
>no one acknowledges that I am a walking corpse
Death Knights have to at least smell bad right?
Are outlaw rogues fun/viable?
Everyone is already a walking corpse, though. Most of the NPCs and players have died at least once and have been resurrected.
no and no
Who here a proud orc shaman?!
spaceships were a mistake
so hows your prestige doing? you do know that the rewards are going away after legion right?
cenarion circle nigger
who cares
What's the chad class and spec?
>Alliance get the ruins of Lordaeron
>Horde get Suramar
I fucking hate you fags I have been farming for weeks now.
horde shit is so awful looking
Hey its 10 seconds of 25% haste for the cost of a GCD.
If enough engineers goes to argus and uses World Shrinker, why can't we just squish the planet like an ant?
>queues for tanking role
>not specced to tank
>ignores party when they remind him he's in the wrong spec
>loses aggro on larger pulls and causes wipe
>leaves without a word
but why
no lol
>autistically grind through the literal torture that is PvP on certain servers for shitty toys, titles and ugly ground mounts
Fucking minigamers
>most players are blood elves
>Still use ooga booga orc style
It fucking sucks the horde will never be a glorious High Born empire
Are those leveling weapons?
[23:35:00] To [Karrachi]: the better question is whats your xp
[23:35:39] [Karrachi]: ..? Your signing up for my team. Youre supposed to include your exp thats how this works.
[23:35:40][23:35:46] [Karrachi]: 2.3k freakz legion exp btw
>you haven't collected this appearance
>on a goddamn ring
Is the game smoking something?
probably warfront stuff
Not necessarily. My DK is an alchemist, she's cold and dead but knows how to mask it with perfumes and makeup because zombies are icky.
Shields in this game looks so fucking stupid.
>asmongold getting real mad when he gets sniped doing "project 60" with other streamers
Imagine the butthurt when he runs into classic servers and the mobs he needs are sniped all during his time spent playing.
Male Fury Tauren
swinging two massive warhammers just feels right
>the challenge mode for prot pally doesn't give you a shield like the second one that grows wings of light like you do during AW
strongly considering resubbing for at least 2 months, is it worth doing?
I mean what I really want to do is just try out classic or play the new xpac, but it'll probably be a good six months before either of those
how is warlock doing dps wise right now? Antorus would be about the only interesting thing to do it looks like
>that one retard in the group who doesn't understand we're geared enough to just rush through everything with extra dps
Will they finally make plate armor actually looks like one instead of a tshirt?
Never. It's easier to make and stretch a texture than a mesh.
both of those halberds look great but the staves are shite
>this WoD level of content drought
There is literally nothing to do besides autistically grind gear that's going to be irrelevant or waste time doing mythic with elitist faggot guilds. Fuck whoever designed Argus like this.