Other urls found in this thread:
what is happening?????????? i just bought 1
We've been telling you this would happen for weeks.
If you aren't all in 2.5x margin on ETH as I have been for 2 weeks now, you're fucking missing out.
We've been saying for weeks ETH would soar.
If you aren't already in, you're fucking retarded. Don't even bother trying to get in now, the market will fucking bite you.
Who else here doubling their salary this week?
>1 down-tick after upwards move
trading is not for you user
>up 6 dollars in a day
El O El
t. bitcoin kuck
I doubled my salary two months ago. Now I'm just watching the future print me fun coupons.
Simple. Its a pump and dump scam ran by u faggot mods. Fuck u cuck and SAGE
>4chinz mods with millions of dollars to pump Ethereum
Lol prices hovering between 40 and 52 for ages now..
nothing is happening...
Hi Pajeet, have you poo in loo today?
I'm a finance and I know ETH will be 300 before the end of April because of insider information. Invest ever cent you have
how can someone short eth on poloniex?
user that's not how you spell bitcoin
Is this how NoCoiners Cope?
Margin trading. Pic related
1) Transfer collateral from your exchange account to your margin account. Polo accepts BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH and more. Polos margin accounts allow you to leverage up to 2.5x your balance
2) Chose a loan rate. I suggest entering 0.2% here. This is the interest rate per day you'll be borrowing someone else's coin at to sell
3) Decide how much you want to short. The total value in BTC your position would be worth is calculated and displayed below the loan rate. Hit margin sell when ready.
Once you hit margin sell, Polo automatically finds ETH thats available to borrow under your max loan rate and sells it for you at your desired price. This effectively opens a short position for you that you can then monitor.
Note that whatever you short, long, borrow or transfer as collateral, it's always converted to it's value in BTC as a general standard. Same as when calculating your actual P/L. You may short ETH, but the value of your short position will be displayed in BTC
good luck. Absolutely nothing can go wrong shorting crypto. Easy gains
>telling him how to short ETH
/devilish/ user
buy ETH here yobit.io
Korea is still asleep...
What happens when they wake up?
its a secret, but if you have a pet dog or cat you might want to keep them close
That doesn't sound very good
Thanks for the hot tip!
I-I-I'm sure my position will reverse any day now, right guys?
>mfw while holding ETH right now
So...it tanked?
Yeah tons of selling at 50
Dude you've been saying this for months lol Veeky Forums isn't even a 1/100 of all the people trading ETH.
I just went all in.
All my BTC in ETH at 2.5x leverage
Can someone like, dumb this down for me. Or point me to a sticky so I can start to understand it?
I've mostly been playing with stocks on Robin Hood, but I think Crypto could be a good place to go
Or even just tell me why THIS crypto is better than any others? I vaguely understand how bitcoin works. But what I don't understand is why there are other crpytos at all. Like...Why would one currency be better than another if it's all just based on random numbers anyway?
Honestly if you know nothing about it you should probably educate yourself before buying.
Just watch some YouTube videos it's not that fucking hard
Oh I have no plan to buy any time soon. I just have no idea where to look to learn. Hence, why I asked for a wiki or sticky
not your personal google. looks like you found this board 10 minutes ago
Guy in the background of pic holding up his cellphone to get reception in Hell
>shorting crypto
your only way out is to discover massive security flaws in bitcoin to make it worthless and easy to pay off, or security flaws in whatever you shorted to make it drop like a brick. Hope you got that PhD in comp sci or math
Ethereum is a decentralized platform by russo-canadian genius Vitalik Buterin to run decentralized applications (DApps)
It's a promising project.
Here is what has been achieved so far
Crypto aren't some "random numbers" and it can't just be changed by "someone" those are the first two stupidest things normies say about crypto.
Crypto is fairly new and many normies don't know about it. It's a good time to join trading and if you are up for the challenge (although you seem very tech challenged) you can also mine crypto.
These are decentralized coins, which means everyone had a piece of information in their wallets to know where all the coins are. There isn't a central server controlling everything.
Every person has a wallet which consist on a really long string of letters and numbers. It's unique to you and allows others to send you coins. If you reveal your private key to the wallet, anyone can pull your coins out. But don't worry, these strings are so long there is no way for any hacker to figure them out. Bruteforcing them would take hundreds of years.
That's probably a pretty good start. Any other question you have i can try to answer.
The price is $48 and has been around that range for a month. Am I missing something?
Went up $8 all of a sudden.
where are you seeing this? it still says $48 on coinbase
It's not up 8 by any means, this thread happens all the time
I mean I guess.
> pic related
You forgot a zero friendo
So ETH is a pretty big meme around here huh?
Best kind of meme. Get this. These guys think ETH is going to be the next BTC. Even though BTC could push a hard fork TO DO THE SAME MEMEING.
made enough money to cash out a little and buy another monitor
>immediately spending the money you just made
They are not the same at all
It takes millions of dollars to make a shitpost bot.
Kys shill
Not a shitskin. Red bloded redneck here to tell you that u shitskins are gone when the wall is built
No, we cope by having a job and not day trading or autistically playing with fake money. Have fun screeching about your neetbux being stolen. Im buying my 3rd house over the weekend.
Lol dude im not the only one who isnt retarded and knows the shill it everywhere they can spurg out to.
The face when u faggots get btfo by the sec
Lmao fuck off boomer
I'm interested because of the people involved in ETH. When I look at the resumes and past success of people doing projects with ETH, I see a bunch of people way smarter than me all agreeing ETH is best.
Just look up some of the ETH based projects and linkedin stalk the people working on them. Do the same with other new cryptos. There may come a time when ETH is not the hot new thing, but this process will still work.
I am also a wagecuck, so I have something to fall back on