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What would /feg/ think of ISIS introducing imbued weapons? Only inheritable non-PRF weapons can be imbued, and they can have one of various effects in addition to any other existing effect of the weapon including +3 in a given stat when equipped, reduced special cooldown by 1, built in X skill including Death Blow, Vantage, Distant Counter, etc. Outside of imbuing a weapon with a stat boost, imbuing weapons would reduce its MT by 2. Units who already have PRF weapons cannot use imbued weapons for some BS reason like they favor their own weapons too much to use another magical one.
It requires sacred coins and thousands of various crystals to imbue, so you have to choose between spending crystals for exp or imbueing weapons.
Imbueable weapons include Silver weapons, Killer weapons, Slayer weapons, Brave weapons, elemental tomes, staves, daggers, seasonal weapons, breaths, etc. Anything that is inheritable basically.
Thoughts /feg/
I'm in team Shanna for feathers but I'm really happy that Takumi can win. Fuck grandpapas, vengeance for Femui/Mamui.
Inb4 VG is shit anyway
Inb4 muh still mad/seething/shaking/obsessed/autism/tears/die kys/you need to go back/fatescuck/nufe protonufe
Inb4 japan
I'm just sad that I can't pull my bro to complete my Hoshido team.
is better than sigurd, yes
You're just a faggot.
If ranks didn't exist, the voting gauntlet would be much more accurate
It'd be a nice way to make powercreept weapons not shit without needing to sacrifice new characters for a better one so yes.
Going to sleep, wake me up when the fighting ends.
FUCK I knew I forgot something.
Consider suicide if you think Mia exists in the same plane of quality as post-Awakening feces.
Also post Mia.
This is the most autistic post I've seen today.
Thot eradication
>he fell for the "don't use your flags" meme
So you're going to sleep until the world ends?
That's always been accepted fact, user. Did you start with PoR or something?
I like Takumi
>It's a Fatesfags celebrate early episode.
I do too. He was one of the only good things in Fates.
It's not over until its over.
I will never understand why people like this fujobait. His character aligns with shit like Sasuke with the "M-muh revenge" bullshit.
reeeeeeeeeeeeee i fucking hate japaniggers so much
Thats ok. Cucks win too.
I'm grateful the threads have gotten so bad that I can leave for days at a time. Soon I'll finally be free from this hellish trash heap.
>this will never compare to bing bing wahoo user mommyposting
>Did you start with PoR or something?
What if I did?
It's just Raul trying to force his ebin anti-Tellius agenda.
>This is your average Takumi voter
Enjoy the 500 feathers in exchange for never getting Non Fates/Awakening seasonals
The predicted threshold of the penultimate hour is 99.02 and 100.99%
I'd like to think last hour was just a bit of randomness favoring the wrong (Takumi), and that it's still up for debate.
Silly user.
Archers beat fliers.
If Camilla was the green mommy does that make Takumi the gray daddy?
can you say "bing bing wahoo! green-a mommy! yippee!" please
I don't like him or fujo stuff typically. I do however, like otome fanart of him.
Uninstalled the game a little over a month ago. I only lurk the threads once or twice a week. It's great.
That's bias, that doesn't mean Mia isn't an Awakening tier character.
>m-muh boogeyman
translate this pls
NOOOOOOOOOOO [shanna wojak]
Gray daddy you say?
Who's your favorite Deadlord, /feg/?
>Trying to force this narrative
This is your Winner for today.
Say something nice!
The Virgin Shannafag
>Actually cares about the Gauntlet result
>Repeats behavior of supporting a shit waifu to spite Fateswakening
>Uses a Level 1 non-5* Shanna to cheese the system or don't even have a Shanna due to using all their Desperation fodder
>Lead unit is Azura/Ninian or Brave Lyn
>Goes on /feg/ and reddit to ask whether or not they should blow all of their flags
>Brag about being a feather mercenary but starts sperging out if their waifu shows any sign of possibly losing
>Has multiple alarms/notifications set to let them know when a bonus is going down
>Uses the spreadsheet religiously and calculates which specific bonuses will yield the highest rewards
>Changes lead unit to a random shitter without a weapon to make their friends lose when there isn't a bonus
>Doesn't even have enough orbs for a full summon
>Out of Top 10000 due to missing a few bonus hours
>Saves exactly 400 flags for the last two hours
The Chad Takumifag
>Doesn't give a shit who wins
>Chose their favorite character rather than scrounging for feathers
>Laughs at hypocritical grandpas who complain about female characters winning the gauntlet only when that character is from a 3DS game
>Everyone has and uses a Level 40 Takumi and didn't give up on him after he fell from grace, no degenerate gauntlet cheese here
>Helps out their bros and ask people who they need as their lead. Has a full arsenal of fully SI'd five stars for any given situation
>Never looked at the spreadsheet
>Check Fire Emblem Heroes occasionally and catch a bonus every now and then
>Top 10000 by playing 1 or 2 bonus hours
>Only does free summons, saving orbs for the banners that really matter
>Has tons of leftover flags from previous rounds and will likely end the gauntlet with an excess because fuck playing every 30 minutes
>Didn't even do all of the quests for flags
>Redman will never be in FEH
*save fliers*
I suck at math.
me on the bottom
I want her chicken in the game.
Japan woke up and spent a shit ton of flags on Shanna. That closed the gap enough to where she won't get a final bonus hour. The end.
I was thinking of some kind of forging option to work like this for Silver and Killer Weapons, which are currently inferior options to nearly everything. Also something for allowing people with old versions of prfs to use the new ones, or vice-versa if you'd prefer one option over the other for some reason.
What else should I give her? I have other armors to team her with if that matters.
Just use a blade tome Boey.
I like the concept in fe5, I don't know if I have a favorite though.
what will her prf be?
Can we all Laugh at Shanna now?
he already is
>beats the one of the top FE waifus from babby's first FE
>meanwhile hinoka couldn't get past literal who pegaslut #13495475
are chestlets even TRYING?
And your irrational hateboner is bias, doesn't mean Mia is an Awakening tier character.
She's an old hag and considered a Jagen in her game thus she will have a BST penalty.
Shit character design. Where's this from? Reddit Order?
"The Chad Takumifag
Doesn't give a shit who wins"
> Takumi not caring about winning
> Takumi being outcome independent
Guess I'm a Takumifag despite supporting Team Shanna. Wish I could support Taco, but I fed him away for being +res/-atk
When are the rest of the Fates/Awakening characters getting in? It's getting boring seeing the same ones over and over again.
Delete this at once.
DC and either QR or vantage
Hopefully never. Nobody wants more nuFE shit.
One thing I hate about gauntlets is the 30 minute timer, it's too damn short and I dislike having to set an alarm for it. I like the concept, but it just gets so damn tedious when I'm not actually in battle. This is like almost as annoying as the 99 stamina cap that can't increase. Can't even sleep in on a weekend during winter less I lose stamina.
>"Mia is Awakening tier"
>This is somehow a "raging hate boner"
user, calling someone Awakening tier isn't hateful. Her entire character revolves around being a genki girl who likes to fight. There's really nothing else to her. I'm sorry if you place so much stock in her.
>the Japanese
Keep forcing this autistic meme, spic.
>Sharena cucking her brother
This is my fetish.
Thier monthly profits when there is a NuFE banner says otherwise. It's mostly overseas whaling now, and everywhere outside JP mostly identifies with NuFE
Too many people jumped on the Shanna bandwagon and in doing so she lost her advantage to reverse scoring situations quickly. People should've held their flags and waiting instead of spending them
So will the actually make the rest of the holy weapons broken in feh?
I prefer Say'ri to be honest.
Remember those last 2 hours when Femuicucks thought they were gonna win? (lol.
Really proved me wrong, Miamong.
Dont let it take over your life. Stop worrying if you lose some stamina it doesnt matter in the end.
>Ninianfags thought their shitty second waifu could win
Telliuspics are the only posters as retarded as Raul
Trip back on ese.