/cwg/ - Classic WoW General

2018 release confirmed GET HYPE!! haha just kidding guys no new information yet

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best humanity wins again


im a phd who digs through the sewers

I'm leveling a warrior as my main on classic, any tips?

Tank and form your own groups. Don't take any rogues, hunters, or dps warriors with you.


>I know multiple r14s who didn't account share

are you quoting yourself as a citation?

Find somebody to be your heal slut

Human because horde is SHIT

Nice try gnomelet

ctrl+f "2h fury" in the last thread
train first aid, buy potions in the AH, always have food
you're gonna get ganked a lot and you won't be able to fight back on your own, pretend you're a zen master working off his karma


Why not those three specifically? Just because they'll be conflicting on gear?

Yea, i'm taking all dps gear if i'm tanking.

>I know multiple r14s who did account share

I can do it too.

Let me be your healslut.

No you can't lol. Not in the sense that you're not allowed to, but that you fail at it.

Your citation in no way supports your claim that people who didn't account share didn't get rank 14.

Thanks bros. Would you advise taking fishing just so I can make my own food while leveling? Also I don't plan on taking mining until max level, that way I can go back and farm it, then be jump run ready. I figure mining while leveling is a waste of time. I will be taking skinning of course.

Let's fix Vanilla.
>Class Balancing
>Raid/Dungeon re-tuning to bring it on par with the new class balance
>Heroic Dungeons or Keystone style dungeons
>Heroic raids that award slightly better gear and are much more challenging (think Mythic)
>Arenas and Rated Battlegrounds
>Retune gear to the stepping stones of dungeon -> heroic/keystone dungeon = normal raid -> heroic raid

Instead of playing the same boring shit that people have theorycrafted for years let's revamp it and make it more enjoyable. Instead of having two button rotations and hardly any bosses with more than one 'mechanic' we can get a challenging and rewarding game that gives gear based on skill rather than time investment. The only people who want 'pure Vanilla' are those who want to be handed the best gear by afking in 40 man raids and battlegrounds.

>Would you advise taking fishing just so I can make my own food while leveling?
Food becomes a huge expense by the 30s

Make an alt and mailyourself meat and other shit you loot. Then you can just cook with the animal meats that you sent yourself when you get a chance. Sitting and fishing will waste way too much time and you don't really need it for cooking.


Kill ur self faggot

Go make ur own game don’t ruin ours with ur bullshit ass changes

nothing is an objective improvement that affects nothing around it. there are always pros and cons

this is how crybabies turned retail into shit

Those are some wonderful arguments that you present. I'm sure that Blizzard will take them into full consideration after reading an eloquently worded essay on why Vanilla should be updated.

reminder that asmongold started playing near the end of vanilla and only then as a casual and his opinions regarding vanilla are about as valid as private server shitters

>Class Balancing
What would you like to see?

Dilute the playerbase for no reason. Instances for prebis and hard raids for endgame content is just fine.

He only knows the names of items because he's a fucking autist who spends everyday soloing instances.

>hard raids

t. babby who only ever did raids post nerf

I genuinely don't fucking get people who want Blizzard Vanilla servers to basically be Nost 2.0

Like, you have to be a massive fucking baby to think any minor change that doesn't conflict with the old design philosophy instantly makes it not feel like Vanilla anymore.

>night elf the most unpopular

What the absolute fuck

I thought you clowns were going to be complete waifufags or nelf hunter shitters

We've spent the last decade falling down the slippery slope, don't blame us for wanting guardrails this time around.

Slippery Slope is a logical fallccy

I'm aware, you pedantic prick. Address my argument.

For tryhards they have without a doubt the worst racials out of any of the vanilla races.

For casuals and people who want to relive some nostalgia they have the worst and most isolated levelling zones away from all other members of their faction that requires the Wetlands run to do any dungeons with the rest of their faction. For Horde the Undead only have to take a Zeppelin to get to the rest of the Horde. In TBC they literally plopped the Exodar right down beside Teldrassil to remedy this.

Night Elves suck.

The most you can slip to is BC.
And it had what? Connected flight paths?

t. 'vanilla veteran' that first played vanilla on nostalrius

It’s not going to be the quality of the opinions that sway them but the quantity


>In TBC they literally plopped the Exodar right down beside Teldrassil to remedy this.

Yeah and then the minute Draenei get out of Bloodmyst they go to the Wetlands via Darkshore. Nice going Blizz.

What if they made raids HARDER?

buffing the raids by 25% would be pretty cool

150%+ to account for 40 good players carrying 0

>Buff certain talent trees so they're viable
>Make raids harder to compensate for said buff
Seems fair desu.

Am I allowed to say I played vanilla if I only played from when TBC came out but without the TBC expansion (until wotlk came out and I got both). 100% of my TBC playtime was 1-60 in Azeroth with multiple characters without Draenei or Blood Elves. The major differences I can think of apart from the obvious are summoning stones and class balance in general, but 100% of my "TBC" nostalgia is vanilla content.

No, you have to tell that whole story every time,

People come here and propose drastic changes just to get kicks out of it. The goal of the legacy server movement, if you could call it that, is to bring old versions of the game back to life. This is what everyone rallied behind and this is what Blizzard is responding to. The goal is not to create a new, "better" game, it's to recreate an old one.

seems fair desu

when I got TBC & wotlk I didn't like them very much anyway and stopped my sub when cata came out and they raped all the vanilla content i liked

>purist cucks still have no argument for why the game shouldn't be updated for a newer generation of gamers

Nah if they did that then how could these mongoloids that think they're already difficult 'prenerf' ever clear them? It's not like everything up to C'thun had bitch basic mechanics that required little more than half a brain. Ragnaros early on was purposely bugged to keep it from being cleared the second week. After that bug was fixed he was immediately downed. The hardest thing about Ragnaros/Nefarian was simply managing adds. C'thun was the first boss that was actually difficult but after that trainwreck Blizzard decided not to do it again because players would bitch too much. Naxx was just a gear check with a few 'tough' bosses that simply had odd requirements. Like 4H needing 8 extremely geared tanks, Sapph needing massive frost resistance.

The Vanilla players bitching that retail is too 'casual' is hilarious considering they would shit their pants in a mythic raid.

>Slippery Slope is a logical fallccy

i want to make a warrior, how are they at 60 in both pve and pvp?

If Vanilla is any success, they'll add the later expansions with Un-vanilla stuff removed

I don't think they'll change vanilla 1 iota.

BC+ is fair game though, expect MTX and tmog.

A slippery slope argument (SSA), in logic, critical thinking, political rhetoric, and caselaw, is a consequentialist logical device[1] in which a party asserts that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant (usually negative) effect.[2] The core of the slippery slope argument is that a specific decision under debate is likely to result in unintended consequences. The strength of such an argument depends on the warrant, i.e. whether or not one can demonstrate a process that leads to the significant effect.

How about "retail already exists" for non-purists?

Sick b8 tho.

pvp gods when well geared, pve dps gods when well geared, pve tanking only until well geared

only viable tanks/top 5 dps/blow shit up in pvp

I feel like tryharding; nelves have no benefit anywhere. Maybe warrior might be ok?

ok thanks, what do you think about skinning and mining as secondary professions? idk about primary proffs

buff enemy damage by 100% if we're starting post-1.6

this might surprise you but Veeky Forums people are generally bretty gud

>blizz invites Method to beta test vanilla raids and buff it according to methods skills
lmao pserver kiddies are going to be btfo

>Calling the VP of Blizzard "purist cuck"


nelf warriors are ok for cheesing with meld in pvp but everything else about them is shite

method man plays wow?

>shit racials
>have to spend hours running to the other side of the world as a level 1
>Vanilla class most associated with faggotry

>The Vanilla players bitching that retail is too 'casual' is hilarious considering they would shit their pants in a mythic raid.
This is the classic "there's some niche of a niche hardmode" argument which isn't what we're talking about: every aspect of the game should be appropriately challenging

>people just look up things on thottbot anyways, questie is just putting thottbot into the game, it has no impact on your experience what so ever

>How about "retail already exists" for non-purists?
Yeah, but I think a lot of people just want to get rid of things like dungeon finder, super-fast leveling, cross-realm zones, garrisons, gold inflation, transmogs, etc...
That's what's important to some, not "pure vanilla or death".

Method is the number one guild on retail

>casualness can be negated with the hardest mode of the game that only 0.1% of players will ever do

Shadowmeld beside a road then charge into someone or what?

I think you don't know what primary and secondary mean


Slippery slope IS a logical fallacy if you provide no reason other than "Change x brought Change y"

LFG was added because of multiple reasons, including low engagement rate and travel times to cities.
LFD queues were added not because LFG was there, but because they wanted to increase engagement rate.
LFR was added because players demanded access to content.

but they have dodge boost

Yes, where raids are challenging.

>8 extremely geared tanks
every thread

Shadowmeld at BG objectives and BTFO whoever shows up

if someone can't justify it, like saying it's as simple as not being able to trust blizzard, then they aren't representing any argument

Pretty much.

You don't generate rage when you dodge attacks, so you don't actually want to have a lot of dodge.

Which is only really helpful on a warrior tank.

I suppose yhey do have the advantage of being the only race for alliance Druids

>entire decade of evidence that the slippery slope does exist when it comes to WoW's declining quality
>people are unironically still arguing that it's just a logical fallacy and we shouldn't worry about it with Classic

if you don't want to use addons and roleplay as a caveman from 2004 you can do that, nobody is stopping you.

>Slippery slope IS a logical fallacy

>They can't comprehend the fact that damage is way too heavy and mana actually runs out
>They keep failing
>Blizzards nerfs it
>Method fails again
>Blizzards nerfs it
>Method fails again
>Blizzard nerfs it
>Method finally gets the kill
>"Alright guys, it's balanced!"

Let P(x) be the predicate "x is a change that might turn the game to shit."
Then {x: P(x)} consists of all changes x for which P(x) is true, and to show that any reason a ∈ {x: P(x)} we just need to show that P(a) is true.
Choose any change a.
a might turn the game into shit, therefore P(a) is true and a ∈ {x: P(x)}.
The complement of the set of all changes that might turn the game to shit is the set of no changes, { }. Making no changes that might turn the game to shit would then provide a game that cannot turn to shit; turning to shit requires a change in the game and the game cannot turn to shit for no reason. Therefore one should not change the game if they desire the guarantee that the game will stay good, which is what I set out to prove.

>if you don't want to use addons and roleplay as a caveman from 2004 you can do that, nobody is stopping you.

>the best guild in retail is incapable of comprehending the concept of mana management

Now you have to actually roleplay to figure out another player's character you lazy shitstain.

>right click inspect

alex... you don't know anything about mana management....

>need to live with NPCs for two real-time months before they trust you enough to give you quests

>winning the special olympics

this is the average private server player. they believe vanilla wow was the absolute pinnacle of difficulty and nothing will ever compare to it ever again.

>Options in menu to toggle updated visuals
>Can loot all corpses at once


Blizzard has official player bios now?

panda infant....