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p*zado cucked
Would someone please care to explain what the fuck this is supposed to be?
It's pretty shit that we're getting the bad trolls instead of these.
Belfs should be BIG!
>tfw when can't find Jaina attractive because she reminds you of your sister
I'm going to come and bully you.
Are void elves going to be slightly insane?
It has made like every NPC insane so far.
Also. The fact that the void AND the light are the Legion's enemies in equal measure should tell you something. They're both bad.
The entire plot will tie back in to MoP and be about "balance." Alliance and Horde. War and Peace. Dark and Light.
It's literally Gurren Lagann. I say this like every thread.
Sargeras is LITERALLY Lordgenome. Blizzard even has Gurren Lagann references in game already, so don't act like it makes no sense. Plus they steal literally everything ever.
>Grand Villain that was initially his race's greatest champion, but turned on them and became "evil" in order to prevent a greater threat that they failed to understand
Wait for the raid where we are aided by reformed Sargeras and Aggamar.
>It's pretty shit that we're getting the bad trolls instead of these.
Kain refused the sacrifice!
I've never seen weaker bait in my life.
It's not bait. I'd prefer an actual alternate race than something that literally has no difference from the trolls we already have.
as long as it isn't your mom
Can heroic leap be used to avoid lethal fall damage?
>night in US
>threads start getting lewd
>I'd prefer an actual alternate race than something that literally has no difference from the trolls we already have.
How are those any more different than Zandalari other than looking completely batshit insane?
I bet the Aussies did this.
>no difference
opinions on new mog?
if you don't get >no path available'd
Heroic leaped so hard I fell out of the instance.
Well, that's the difference. Something that looks different vs something that doesn't. It'd still only be an allied race so you can't expect a completely new race.
If you leap before you land, yes.
>t. Illidan
redpill me on her
>Played in the beginning of legion and remember scrounging for AP wherever i could find it
>Came back and leveled a new class
>Reach 110 and start the final order hall campaing
>Reward: 2.2 Billion AP
excuse me
Love it, I have the orange mask and a similiar getup on my Gnome Rogue
I love Jaina!
yo that happened to me yesterday
It's still there, only now you are gated behind netherlight traits which are equivalent to 6~7ilvl each.
>The team is hoping to start beta early next year
What do they mean? What space of time is that in months? January-March? I hope January
Ret pally or BM hunt?
I've narrowed my options to those two. Which will help me keep from being raped the most on a PvP server?
>No Hakkar wpvp faction where you go out and kill enemy players for their hearts to increase your rep with the blood god
Late january probably, game is gonna be out before or after summer.
They said they were further along with the expansion than we would think.
Want to do Prestige PvP grind, best class?
>mission failed
Pally for confrontation
Hunter for sneaking away
Considere kill yourself
universe-scale galactic dimensional space war raid when
same on my DH
Druid or hunter
Of course they are further along. There is nothing new in this expansion. Some simple class changes, a few new raids and zones to quest in, some cheap races that require little work. This is just a filler expansion. But honestly this is how WoW should feel with random little threats and not the constant OH EM GEE WE GOTTA WORK TOGETHER OR THE UNIVERSE IS FUKED BRO!
Frost DK
Is there any trick to getting drops for Dwarven Bunker/War Mill items?
>we want the meme audience
Bro just because you are obsessed with a shit anime doesn't mean what you are saying is true.
Best druid spec for PvP?
>as you gain rep you unlock the option to use increasingly bloody/corrupt models a la
Don't think it's a filler expansion but they're keeping a lot of stuff from legion so development is way faster which is good.
Is Frost easy to do well with in PvP and PvE? I'm in Law School and I just don't have the time to main-tank for a serious guild right now. I was hopinh I could grind out some prestige ranks and tag along for some mythic kills.
It's pretty likely that the Naaru were also created by the Void Lords once they realized what Sarg was up to.
in PvE you literally just press whatever lights up and use your cooldowns as soon as they come up
All of them are good.
Why do you want to do the prestige grind if you don't have a class in mind? Isn't the only reward the Artifact appearance?
>filler expansion
I would like to see your jerk face when we kill Azshara and N'zoth
Right, but what makes them good in PvP?
>Friendly gives you a FFA pvp item akin to the censer on Timeless Isle
>thinks they are going to release in summer
>their stated goal is "The goal is to have Battle for Azeroth launch before the end of 2018."
If they are saying they are TRYING to have it out before the end of 2018, the game is coming out in fall. Guaranteed.
You get mounts and pets too.
Massive damage but melee is horrible for BGs unless you have a pocket healer.
You'll just get kited around.
Great 2 stupid characters that amount to who cares in the power scale.
Frost is retarded easy. You press a button and everything around you slows to a crawl before getting stunned for (what feels like) a whole minute
They can drag people into their snow storm and deny them from getting away
Basically cancer: the spec in BGs
Frost DK's in wppv are hilarious if you have the chest legendary.
Ah. What level are you going for?
Can people fucking kill the Throne of Thunder teleport npc? what the fuck
How's enh looking for antorus? I really don't want to level an alt but I will if it's total shit.
"Woah hey. Welcome to EB games guys.
Kirin Tor? Copy that" -Jaina Proudmooreneckthansheneeds
Dunno, high as I can, I guess.
>2 stupid characters
What a great argument, to me the titan Argus is another stupid character, literally invented in the end of Legion, and the other great characters in Legion are interdimensional Gul'dan and Kil'jaeden strikes back
What mount will tell people that i'm superior to them in every way but it can't be a mount that takes skill to get cause I suck at this game.
The most expensive store mount
Baron Rivendare's mount as a human
The TCG promo mount you get when I give it you as payment after you dress up like a maid and let me use your holes for an hour or two.
dont post that one
If I quit before nighthold in legion will I be at a huge disadvantage right now coming back? I want to scratch the itch..
There's a welfare gear program in Argus, you'll be fine.
Cool, maybe I'll start again. Thanks.
My dick thanks you.
Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent.
EU? I'll be your blond maid user
LA, sorry.
If you want titty monster elves, go play Tera.
what did she mean by this?
Is it fun? I used to really enjoy Ret PvP but Legion killed any desire to play that and haven't found anything to replace it.
Anyone for NA random bg's for prestige grinding?
>i was in a guild with this tranny for a while
decent player
TFW i only just found out that judgement recolour exists but is unobtainable now
>just started getting back to the game
>want to slowly make my way through pandaland doing all of the quests
>nearly level 90 after the first zone
Did they just massively reduce the amount of experience you need to level these days?
Yes. Nobody wants to spend 9 months getting a character to max.