/tf2g/ - Team Fortress 2 General

Hotel Fortress Edition

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/tf2g/ mixes happening today at 5:30PM EST, 8:30PM PST. Check the discord for more information.

>Comp Interest Form
Please take a look at this if you are interested in playing on a competitive team


>Jungle Inferno Update

>list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (AS): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/



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Yes casual matchmaking is bugged

tf2tard edition

xth for GAY LUIGI

>spend billions advertising your kusoge MOBAFPS
>all leagues falling apart, sponsors leaving
>"s-s-see? at least we have viewers"

go back to your normie general

good night tf2g

night night!

sleep tight with my thick dick in your ass dont let the f2ps frag

goodnight friends dont forget to sleep well and eat well so you can frag well

FPS is a white man's game

>ate too well
feels bad man

Why doesnt demo have a white hat also?

it may shock you to learn the news user, but demo isnt white

>this crappy hack is how valve ports their games to linux

Is matchmaking fixed yet?

it's the weekend

let's get this shit started

>competitive tf2

its not thursday

>competitive video games
how to spot a virgin lmao

competitive tf2 more like competitive puking lmao

Why can't he have a white hat though?

>pour millions into tournaments and leagues
>players flood in to get said money
>"See? its a good game"

nice matchmaking tftards

>backstab sniper once
>they immediately go pyro and spam fire in battlements
There goes the fun

I wonder how many posts he'll make before getting bored and leaving.




>mad because valve doesn't support tf2tards despite dota and cs being the biggest esports

post music for BIG frags

so? you're telling me that valve doesn't have employees at the ready at all times for major emergencies like this?

maybe for dota

maybe for csgo

>reflect soldier's rockets
>he goes direct hit and shotgun
>taunts after every 3v1 assist and never dares to shoot a rocket near me
Why do faggots have to make the game so unfun


It's what you get for playing Pyro while he's broken

mercenary park is tied with frontier as best defense scout map

>18 ping
>takes a full 2 seconds for the spy to go into backstab mode when behind an enemy

good frags
bad map


>backstab mode

Do you mean the animation? It's unreliable. Try going for it anyway. It usually works. "Usually".

wow that is an old as fuck spray


what is your complaint with it? i hear all the time this map is bad but to me it is one of my favorite casual maps. i especially love the end where there is a huge flank, it is tied with snakewater as my favorite demoman map too

Prove it

>single class taunt

enjoy your $2

It's been three weeks. Thoughts on this weapon? Is it better than stock? Is it worse than stock? Or is it a balanced sidegrade?

chokey with very small rooms and hallways
it has similar problems than gorge
the first stage of the map is decent

how much is the voices from below spell?
on an item, I mean

good for killing nests and spies, bad for everything else


Last is a complete shithole. There's only two places attackers can reasonably push in from (vents are a deathtrap), and defense basically can't leave the control point room because the area outside is a giant kill zone.

Did this ever come out?


i wouldnt say that
>looping taunt
>pyro taunt
>lel so randumb gasoline pool and duckies xDDD taunt
its everything an autist would pay five hundred bucks for

What hitsounds do you use? What can I do to improve as Scout?

it is very reasonably open though
>tfw love gorge too
what is next, mountain lab? what classes do you like to play

its basically gorge/mountain lab/upward (im sensing a pattern here) last and i dont see anything wrong with that. you control upper, you get a huge advantage. on defense i find success controlling upper just as well as i find success from attacking from upper

Change your view model

i like to play soldier so i shouldnt complain but i still dont like chokey places

How much do you want?

>>looping taunt
>>pyro taunt
>>lel so randumb gasoline pool and duckies xDDD taunt
>its everything an autist would pay five hundred bucks for

like pottery

quake 3 hitsound
>improve as Scout
disable mouse accel and Vsync
get good framerate
get good mouse

where do I find quicksell unusuals?

I use Hotline Miami melee sounds

Vibris id is vibri94 though

>kill someone
>they write some passive aggressive garbage in chat like "wow took 3 of you to kill me" or "oof" or just calling you trash despite killing them
Why can't people handle losing in a game?


>report aimbotter 2-3 months ago
>he's still not vac banned


kirby super star punching sound effect

i hope you've been repopulating the community servers while matchmaking is broken, user

because children and teenagers play this game
i honestly wish that maybe tf2 was set with more adult themes in mind, so it would attract as many autists and children, but then it would be very dead

>no recent pull requests

Can we meme /g/ into working on this?

>tfw the only screenshots people take of you are of you shitty pyro loadouts
also post screenshots people have taken of you.

What does this even mean

>soldier walking down a tight path
>block his path as cloaked spy
>he tries shooting me with the rocket jumper for almost a minute straight as I spam the "no" voice command

it's an onomotopeia

tried to spell it idk if i spelled it right

Got my first one in a long time recently

some roblox meme
roblox because half of the community is literally children

I don't get a lot of screenshots taken of me, and this is ancient, but its still probably my fave


>its basically gorge/mountain lab/upward

No. Merc Park has only 2 routes to last. Red only has to defend the doorway and the upper room that overlooks the point. Defending that upper room shuts down several of blu's options, and it's completely safe to defend that room without being overextended because it literally overlooks the point. Red can get back in an instant if blu starts backcapping, and a projectile class doesn't even have to fucking jump down to deal with backcaps, he can just spam, so his attention is barely even diverted by a backcap.

On Mountain Lab there are 4 routes to last: 2 upper, 2 lower. Holding the lower hallway shuts down 2 routes, and holding the upper room shuts down the other 2. Problem is that both areas is overextended, since they're further from last than red has to be on Merc Park last. And Mountain Lab last caps almost instantaneously so unless red is absolutely dominating and basically let blu cap 2 points just to get more frags, they have to hold last from further back. Usually the hallway or the upper area are defended, not both, and the point itself. Meaning there are 3 routes the attackers can take. Either red is holding the hallway and last so blu can take both upper paths, or red is holding the upper room and last so blu can take either direction in the hallway.

On Upward, red can conceivably defend the cart's path to last, but they usually have to do so from inside which means that blu can literally slip by to the right of the payload to take control of upper/cross and have a huge sightline on any sentries that red has up. If red is defending the payload outside and shutting down the right path to upper, then blu can sneak through the stairwell which can get below the point, get to the enemy spawn, and also get to upper. Plenty of options for the attackers here. Red can't reasonably defend the stairwell without being extremely overextended.

>people still can't work out how Snowplow works


reminder that valve was in the right for not adding snowplow

Here are some good ones

What exactly would Valve lose if they replaced Turbine with Turbine Pro? It's a community map so it's not like it's their fault it's a shitty map.

nothing, turbine pro is objectivelly superior just from having an extra flank



>the absolute STATE of TF2 youtubers

reminds me of when a random added me and and my activity feed filled up with him in furry severs

They should add this too


some of these changes are cool but mostly it just appears to make things easy as fuck to cap so games are over in two minutes

I hate it

Post your demos

You got the mix time wrong. 8:30 EST is 5:30 PST


i used to put that spray there on 2fort, good times

tfw no delicious femscout tomboy gf to bust wide open

>only furries with mods screenshot you

give scout hocky equipment

oh god, i remember in old steam groups he was just a dude, even with pushing the girl angle it was "but im still a dude btw"
now super hi pitched "totally a girl for realz" style, what happened to you glubbable. I guess the trannies got to him
