Baking edition
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Baking edition
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Which role attracts the most retards, top lane or adc?
This is a nice and cute OP for a thread. Much better than the deleted one, whatever the fuck that was.
any richfag want to buy me rengar and his mecha skin? ive been playing since yorick release but had to make a new account. will be ur best league bud, write u smut of any kind, and duo whenever u want duo. currently level 15, NA
So I've been playing both Evelynn and Mundo and having loads of fun and winning so much.
Does this mean I'm a sadist?
ADC is literally Beta Cuck: The Position
It's people who want to get kills, but are too much of a pussy to solo a lane.
ADCs just have it rough and the role takes more mechanical skill than others, which is why it gets so many bad players.
Top laners don't have nearly as much pressure, as long as they don't get hard-countered in laning phase.
What's the usual amount of damage someone gets with electrocute?
It's mid.
>needs to be babby sat
>only builds the most cookie cutter shit
>always wants to drag out the gae to 40 minutes
>whines constantly about no peel even when they flash into a darius
ADC players are just the worst, they literally ruin this game for me. League would be so much better if we removed the role and banned all ADC players (that way their autism doesn't affect other roles).
Xth for BRUTALLY breeding Shyvfag's womb.
>tfw no qt petite gf
Reposting top Yasuo page from last thread
What is it about Yasuo that attracts the absolute lowest pond scum to play/main him?
I just got 3 turbo cancer Yasuos in a row. I thought the hatred for him was just a meme.
>1st guy: Got into a lobby and he dodged because someone else got Yasuo. Got him again and he dodged again because someone else got mid.
>2nd guy: Instalocked Yasuo, went mid even though someone else called it first, kept spamming his level 7 thing over and over, refused to help bot, the game collapsed
>3rd guy: Thought he was “carrying” the game even though he only had the 3rd most kills. Kept saying he was the only thing saving this game.
A study seriously needs to be done why the most terrible awful people are attracted to the Jap with a man bun.
>eyoson gets posted in every thread
>nobody even fucking uses it
>it gets 4 hits a day on average
stop using a fucking 5 year old site which has no fucking information on it anymore
replace it with this
eyoson is fucking garbage now.(it was garbage in 2013)
Sudden Impact on Jhin? But he doesn't have any blinks, dashes or teleports...
>being this much of a desperate cuck
Ha. Git gud.
hey guys I got kinda drunk and ended up buying this domain name
any idea what I should do with it?
The only people who use it are the discord pedos.
Also I think the last time we had an art contest, I saw a massive sign of biased preference as well.
I complained as did other anons about how the fucking choices that won were already done before.
>Playing full-tank Amumu
>Everybody still chunks me for half my health as if I have no tank items at all
>Chugging Hunter Potions and having an ally Sona pumping me with heals nonstop as if I'm on fucking life support just to be the team's frontline tank
stfu noob i didnt give you permission to reply to my post
>no Zoe
Post midriffs like related.
Doesn't have to be 3DP, but just do anything League related.
Best guy!
Why does Blue Eve get both a model switch and new ability effects while Tango just gets model?
Dude this is legitimately a multi million dollar domain name.
You can corner a market that no one else is doing anything about.
Midriff fetish is definitely a thing, and you can get a monopoly on it.
>full tank
>probably just bought health items and nothing else
Are the rewards for leveling the same for everyone or is it random?
I love Camille
Stealth from fog of war or bushes.
That counts? That's bullshit
It's (((random))) in the sense that the shards you get will be champions, but they will make sure it's A. shit you don't want, B. characters you unlocked months ago, or C. the absolute cheapest ones.
Usually C.
How should I build Garen with the stacked black cleavers?
>nerf censer
>give shield cuck supports aery
>they can now poke and shield
>brain dead garbage like Lulu and Sona are still free wins
Reminder you don't actually know how to play the game because Riot doesn't wan you to learn
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona, Soraka, Janna
Does anyone want a Morde jungle guide when it's done?
I'm taking note for AD, Tank, AP or hybrid playstyles.
6 black cleavers
Fuck off PixelButts.
Only if the guide is better than his ganks.
does Ultimate Hat's ult cdr bypass the 40% cdr cap?
Reminder that CertainlyT is working on the mordekaiser rework and he's now unleashed
I would say bush yes since otherwise I wouldn't have any damage from that keystone.
4-5 black cleavers depending on whether you need boots or not
I have made a section about ganks and why you should or shouldn't do them.
the quality of the guide is shit until i format it and review what ive typed but im sitting on 324 lines
fuck you
>that one champ that you've played 50+ games with and you're still no closer to mastering than you were on game 1
Who is it bros? Let me hear your struggles.
>Kha Zix
I fucking tried. There are some games where I can do good, but in order to do that, literally everything needs to go right. No one needs to feed, the other jungler needs to be shit, you need to get a successful gank in at 4 minutes, etc.
Yes, in fact when you look at the stats for your runes after a game that's the stat it measures for Ultimate Hat.
It's probably the same reason shitters play Vayne, Lee Sin, Riven and Ahri (formerly Zed, but Zed isn't as popular as he used to be because of how Riot considered making an item to counter him once before Zhonyas/GA got finished and twice after they got finished).
From my experience, I'll use an example of two types of Yasuo players I've encountered.
- Yasuo 1: Proceeds to tryhard for first blood and loses the trade because they took Minion Aggro or got Level 2 Ganked by the enemy jungler when they were out of position. Said Yasuo dies even after blowing their Flash to try and get away. They come back to lane and proceed to die again because they lose the trade again for the same reasons and have no chance of escaping because they dashed through each minion in the enemy wave. At this point they feed and retardedly ult anyone they knock up with their Q in a desperate attempt to get a kill to only get blown up and stay negative even if the game drags out long enough for them to be full build.
- Yasuo 2: Proceeds to tryhard for firstblood and wins the trade because they knew not to be dumb enough to dash through all the minions so they get to blow their summoners on securing the kill. Said Yasuo gets so retardedly fed he can 1v5 the enemy team as long as he has both of his summoners and GA active. Said Yasuo then proceeds to power farm regardless of them being fullbuild, starving the team of gold. Eventually they see a large creep wave somewhere top or bot lane. One of two things happen. Number One: If his GA is still up, the enemy team will proceed to engage of his team who he has starved of CS and win the 5v4 because of his selfish ass refusing to share CS. Number Two: If his GA is down, the enemy team will proceed to go after him because he never wards and he will die and AFK or proceed to go "Team?" and then AFK because his perfect KDA was ruined.
>when you finally got mastery 7 for your fav
feels good
First triforce and then black cleavers? Or viceversa?
>his favorite champ is poppy
holy shit
riot dun goofed with no mr runes on adcs now, makes ap poke mages reign supreme in the bot lane
sure why not
Idk if Leona belongs up there, she seems more like she belongs on the 3rd tier.
Xayah belongs on her own "you can never get this without the bird-dick"-tier.
>actually getting mastery now when riot said they would decrease the cost for it
>4k BE
the fuck?
>Falling for the Mastery 7 jew
The Mastery 5 icon looks so much better
y the literal fuck would ANY1 want a guide from someone as terrible as pixelbutts is that a joke
because the autism and runes are so strong that im willing to make it happen
good morning welding
Literally Kindred
Mordekaiser is a shit champ and you're literally the only person autistic enough here to play him
>bad and can't get S rankings
i feel bad for you
>darius is never played in challenger
>mordekaiser is
really makes you think
What keystones are actually good on Garen?
Yasuo, any lane
but ur total shit dont spread the plague of retardation
ya dun goofd
Not quite 50+ games but I've been spamming a bunch of Jhin over the course of this specific free week (to the point I'm almost at mastery 5 without even owning the champion) and I barely do average at best. I think I'm starting to get it down but it'll take a while more.
I feel like it's a get fed or starve sort of deal.
With Eve and Elise it is normally a "I get invaded and I die because they invaded me with 2 people and no one pinged MIA." which happens only when the enemy jungler is Xin or Yi. Or I get to Level 3 Gank bot lane or top lane after Blue and proceed to carry the entire game after because of my greedy early ganks.
With Shyvana, I feel like I can't effectively gank at all. I've seen some Shyv mains in higher elo pull it with success, but it makes we wonder if people are either retarded or just let it happen.
It makes me sad.
I toiled through the night for this. Finally after 5 years I can have my main be my centerpiece again.
seeso is every bot lane you see
I don't waste BE on mastery
>ywn have cute void bugs to cuddle with at night
Why live?
>mains naut
holy fag, even worse than janna/sona/raka
>ywn be a void bug and have fertile star guardians to cudle with after emptying your semen into them
why live?
>level 7 Tryn
Gas yourself.
>he doesn't know how to 1v9
lmaoing at your life
For some reason I just can't quite get her played right. I see people dominating with her and wrecking teamfights
I want Elise to tie me to a chair with only my dick exposed and sit on my dick whenever she sits down forcing me to continuously cum inside her
Must be nice playing a champ who is a walking cheat code.
Have mastery 6 on them but early game is so awful, I either get fed or feed hard and become useless the rest of the game.
Not sure why their winrate is so high right now, the new runes made them squishy as fuck in early game. Anyone have any good rune build for them? Because I'm not feeling it with the Precision tree on account of them being so fucking squishy.
Top has the most retards but the most retarded players are always in the bot lane.
>tfw missed out on a darien stream
>not wanting to have them empty their seed into you
wtf are you on about tryn has very little favorable match ups top
i mean he outscales a lot of champs but he's not broken
>Never heard of Naut Jungle
Rakan is the best heal husbando!!!
>go to attack Tryn with a comfortable amount of health
>he's low
>dude undying rage lmao XD
>get killed
Yeah, no, fuck you. He's on the same tier of no skill required as Janna and Soraka.
>tfw I have want Shyvfag but they won't ever talk to me again
I wish getting Mastery points had a faster method. I want to replace Veigar with Eve soon.
Which Elise is better for having your balls drained to negative semen, Blood Moon or Super Galaxy?
That's cute, sweetie. Try having 30+ of those.
>come back to the game because my friends are playing again.
What champs are even fun right now? What the fuck keystones are and good for Swain? How the fuck do I play Sion into all these goddamn Ornns?
Does kleptomancy proc on EVERY AA I do with Riven if I fastQ my laner? We could be hitting new levels of RNG.
are you this much of a retard that you forget tryndamere has an ultimate?
if you're winning trades you just bait the ult and back off. if he stays you kill him
>ninja tabis
>bramble vest
wow that was a hard matchup