Hi, I'm the guy that went full madman and put my entire bank account into ETH ($10k). I can't concentrate at work because all I can think about is ETH, Veeky Forums and the time traveler. Am I fucked?
All in on ETH
Other urls found in this thread:
Should have put it into BAY :^)
if you really put 10k down on ETH you would have retired by now
should've put it into LTC
need some of those $10K to pay bills? No? Then relax and don't oberthink shit you already did and can't change now...
sure you were able to make some serious money with several altcoins.. but if you hold long enough ETH will give an okay profit, too.
Protip: don't get weak hands and sell with losses when times don't look too good.
The Bitcoin- and Altcoin-Market will rise in general, in the next years.
If a random -10% dip happens, don't panic. It will most likely be a planned dump to try make people panic and sell just so the whales/globalists can scoop up some more free Eth.
What time traveler? Link me.
There is on "proper" instance of "Time Travel" and it has to do with Heim level information exchanges and not physical things. If we have an ETP poster, then it's real, if not, then shut the fuck up.
Also, ETH is through the roof.
Link me to this time traveler shit.
Same boat biz bro, 8k deep, let's both cross our fingers and hope for the best
how much u have i spent $5k and got 232 eth
Some faggot who convinced retards to dump their life savings by copying a famous phone call to an overnight AM talk radio show in the 90's.
What caused LTC to moon like that?
There have been no real time travlers on Coast to Coast AM, and I know I sound crazy saying "real" time travelers, but there was something up with ARPAnet back in the day that persists to this day that I won't go into.
As for ETH, it sure is being shilled hard. Someone is trying to get rich off of pump and dump memeing, and it might be working for that select few. Everyone else is about to get played.
I wish I was in your position - I've only got 4k in ETH, but it will soon be 5k
You lads will be laughing soon enough
There isn't enough money on Veeky Forums or all of Veeky Forums and reddit to move Ethereum considerably and/or sustainably at all.
Depends on when he did it.
But please go into detail on this. I'm a Coast Insider, it's cool bro.
Please, for the love of fucking god, tell me this isn't the reason people are buying ETH.
You are a fucking retard if you bought it at $45. The price will fall A LOT after friday.
Alright, I love shit like this!
I just opened a long on ETH based on a time traveler's with 25% of my portfolio! Ok, it's not so big anyway but wouldn't it be an awesome story that I got rich with the help of a time traveler? I won't pass an opportunity like this! kek
I hope you're joking.
YOLO I'm already in profit
>Posting reddit screenshots
Get the fuck off this website
Memes aside
Ethereum is probably the safest crypto you could have shoved your 10k into, it's extremely stable compared to other crypto, and it has the potential to be worth a lot in a few years.
you did good user-kun
That's the "time traveler" you fucking moron.
That's the source people are trusting with their life savings.
Why would it?
What's this time traveller meme?
stop posting this fucking pic holy fuck
Not putting it into posw LOL moronic
You idiot. Its $44 and no one uses it. Where do you think its going to go?
A time traveling shitposter said it's going TO THE MOON and that means it's a good investment.
time traveller had to get enough upvotes to post
He made these after.
he's a time traveler
he first mistakenly went back to then and made those posts
then he had to go back further in time to give everyone proper warning
But he made all those posts on the same day.
>time travel and ARPAnet
Go on. Please.
>not using the iching to consult trading and investing possibilities
W O W i thought y'all were smart
-StarLust-, is that you?
Reddit faggots gtfo this board
Its too late.
All indication shows that it'll drop, the Chinese government has blocked ETH transactions like they did with bitcoins.
when did this happen? weren't they just opening to chinese exchanges
Your shitty pic isn't funny man
This logic cannot be stressed enough. We do fuck all to influence signicant swings.
stop replying to him or he's just going to keep doing in every day
I thought ETH was gonna be used by JP Morgan, BP, Microsoft, etc.
Can somebody PLEASE link me to this time traveler's thread? I've been off Veeky Forums for a min
God, you are so fucking stupid, really.
'hurr, but m-my web 3.0'
what the fuck is web 3.0? Nobody answers.
You cuck.
Microsoft already backs Eth.
You don't even understand what smart contracts are. No point explaining to you the web 3.0
because you are just repeating nonsense.
It is. What this truly entails is anyone's guess. The news was announced months ago so I'm not sure what everyone else what thinking was to come?
Aka the announcement was priced in a while ago. What comes next with it will be the real kicker and real increase.
Stop being stupid fag and learn to google
kys faggot. not my fault you're a non-coiner who has the budget of a 100 bucks to spend on shitcoins
Microsoft on Ethereum: "It is an exciting time."
Quorum is an enterprise-focused version of Ethereum.
J.P. Morgan
Is that really what Mac OS looks like nowadays? Why did they make it look like concept art or a mock-up?
The alliances ETH has with big companies doesn't do anything for it's value in the long haul. In the short term people buy ETH because of the PR, but in the long run any companies using smart contracts based on ETH doesn't really increase its value at all. It's all just marketing hype.
The big companies that back ETH only want ETH to not die, but they could care less about it getting any more valuable. That is ETH's problem, not their problem. They are getting the milk for free (the smart contracts), so why buy the cow.