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what a gay OP image
>This is what Alliance players actually believe
anyone on horde na want to do bgs for a few?
>horde kiddies BTFO
is there a reason Fire Mages can cast fire magic underwater?
I thought this game was supposed to be a RPG game.
>I dont watch marvel movies because they dont have enough depth for an intellectual like myself
Fem. Nightborne Brewmaster.
I CANNOT wait.
I have my looms and Nightfallen paraphenalia. I am so ready. My new main. FUCK,
I hate pandaren but I have to make one. Is monk the least shitty class for them to be? Should I even consider male/female or just definately make it male?
>has to beg the developers to help him
>condescending weeaboo
I bet you watch rick and morty too
Literally just roll a night elf right now.
>being a savage swill-drinker instead of a refined winemaster
Well that's the problem, like what they were talking about before undeads being priests. The thing is that the animal formsthe druid can change into it are the cat, the bear and the travel form, well then those are dinosaur forms and the other 2 are the usual, a fucking tree and a fucking whatever that humanoid owl is
female panda is the worst race period.
Male is alright.
Go warrior or something.
>Implying nightborne brewmaster isn't just a winemaster
>here are some preliminary requirements to starting the quest chains for Allied races - such as getting exalted with highmountain tauren before you can proceed.
And there goes my plans on making any new characters.
Just another fucking grindfest.
Yeah because that banshee shit is legit.
>Not being exalted with all the legion reps by now
do you even play the game how are you not exalted with highmountain on at least one character
she is a banshee, arthas just stuffed her back into the body because she was a cunt
female panda rogue is your only bet
its cringey but at least its her own effort. Anduin literally just cries and looks up
>Gee I hope this force I have zero control over helps me kill these random mortals
>Hey thanks man
How can you not be exalted?
Finished the fucking zone alone gets you to revered, stop being a lazy asshat.
Fucking cata-babbies.
If i'm exalted on alliance does that mean I will be able to do it on horde or do I need to start grinding on horde?
Rep grinds are pretty tame as far as grinding goes desu
Legitimately funny, op.
Had a blast watching Ragnarok.
>t. wrathbabby
>banshees can do banshee shit
>priests can't do priest shit
>>priests can't do priest shit
He doesnt "do" anything, he just looks up and says please and the developers feel bad for him and resurrect his army for a fight they dont even give a shit about
It can't be that fucking easy to get revered so easily, it should take at least a month of ingame time to get to revered.
>casts a priest spell
what is nightfallen and people hate it
I joined on the wake of Classic, on the release of BC.
So at least I can claim I was around during the golden era.
t. hydraxian waterlords
So priest shit.
Never played WoW but it looks quite demanding? Is my computer alright?
Core i7-7700 3,6 GHz
1 TB 7200 rpm + 256 GB SSD
GeForce GTX 1050
16 GB DDR4
youll want a better gpu, probably some more ram
Am I lucky that I've only gotten like 4 yolk and the rest have been mounts/pets?
nigger are you serious
Aunties huge kahonkers.
>zero control over
are you trying to say that everything that involved the light was merely people being lucky?
that's a pretty big assumption as it would deny every light-wielding characters their legitimacy
Should I take blacksmithing or engineering on my warrior? I'm having a really hard time deciding between them and can't just drop mining and take both.
no cuck youre fine
this game was literally designed to play on computers built almost 2 decades ago
I was listening to you and giving your opinion a fair chance until you started using racist hate speech. Now I know you have nothing of value to say.
Bold card to play given that the horde still exists solely for game design purposes.
Mouth wrinkles aren't really necessary. She's not there yet.
So assuming we get a few allied races early, if we unlock it on one realm do we unlock that race across all realms? Would they also give us the extra 6 character slots early?
it's a trace of the sylvanas va
I agree. It's like the OP wants Anduin to be a faggot and picked the most homosexual song he could find.
They don't deserve a legacy. And its not luck, its plot convenience. I am seriously asserting that every light wielding character is just in the right place at the right time. I assert this because wielding the light isn't associated with any sort of attribute or skill. A priest is just a guy who feels bad for people. It doesn't take training, you can't be a bad priest or do it poorly. IT doesn't take physical ability or mental acuity. Its literally just
>me want tendies
>thank you devs
All you have to do is care. Which is cute symbolically until you have an opposing protagonist faction in which case it just makes priests and pallies seems like self righteous assholes, which they are. So it all loops back to just wanting something done because you feel like it, and the plot bending itself over backwards via magic to make it so.
>Y'rel tells Khadgar to call anytime he needs help
>Legion invading in prime timeline
>no one even brings up they have an alternate universe Draenor on standby with nothing to do, complete with Durotan and Grom in their prime
So, what faction do I need to get to exalted to get Dark Iron Dwarves to be playable?
Krosus Fried Crusader
To everyone bitching about Nightborne joining the Horde, where were you when Nelves were randomly thrown into the Alliance? Orcs also fought beside them in the Battle of Mt. Hyjal so what happened?
>light help me
>thanks man
Thorium Brotherhood
Pretty much this. If she left her body somewhere on the siege tower, did her chakra heart stop shit then went back for her body then I would accept it but before all that she literally used her sharingan, got a power up, created a shadow explodey arrow which isn't even a fucking thing, it took out a siege tower then she went all REEEE made a physical body intangeble like kitty pride and killed some fodder before solidifying again. How the fuck can anyone besides the most bias of fanboys accept that shit. Besides the Light loves it when people beg. The more you beg the more it feels inclined to help you. Look at whatshisnuts when Arthas froze him. Guy literally begs for one final blessing to break his bonds.
Fuck off, your shitpost got rekt on /v/ don't come here with your garbage
It didn't serve the plot. Further proving my point it has nothing to do with the character's personal skill or ability. Its all just a bunch of bullshit.
OK THOSE are actual real legally recognized grindfests that is for sure.
No fucking way do we actually have to grind reputation just to play a new race for fucks sake, this game is too casual and cashcowy for it.
what language is this
I think it might just be for the early access folks
>NEs want Orcs to stop raping their trees, women and animal mounts
>Faction shows up led by the group that were the OG opposing force of the orcs
>Said faction offers you a bretty gud deal
>Faggot like you thinks the NE should have told them to fuck off and try to fight on their own
WoD got retconned into a bad fever dream.
Garrosh died in his cell and Gul'dan was still alive.
>grind right now
It's 21 fiery cores
I'm quite grateful I never have to see that mary sue fuck ever again. The only good thing that came from her creation was that rape SFM movie that one guy made.
desu with you on this one
>tirion, proabably the greatest paladin alive and a great asset to the 'light side' of the space war, just got fucked because the light was looking somwhere else at that moment
My guess, BR using google translate.
>yfw to enlist pirate vulpera as an allied race you need exalted with bloodsail buccaneers
How else would your self insert PC character become the new Highlord and get Assbringer? Canon wise Tirion has way more light mastery and a deeper connection to the light than your character ever will. He NEEDED to die for the plot.
>greatest paladin alive
I'm glad you agree with me but I have to hammer this home. He wasn't the greatest anything. Yeah he was a cool fucking guy and physically capable, but that doesnt mean shit when it comes to wielding the light. Nothing does. If the light wanted to kill the Horde it would just find a plainstrider or somethind have it shoot a laser out its ass, nuking Orgrimmar. Some guy can just do finger guns and blast whoever he wants as long as the light likes him enough.
>pirate vulpera
What the fuck is this?
>Tirion has way more light mastery
What the fuck does this mean?
What does this mean exactly?
The entire concept of light wielding is based on bullshit. At least magic is implied to take concentration and knowledge. To use the light you just fucking point at the sky and cry. Tirion didn't cry hard enough. I guess a literal infant would be the best priest then.
What is an cool but easy hunter pet to get? I’m only in Pandaria, but I’m sick of this boar
i guess you'd feel the same about the void but what about everything in between the two ( eg shamans, mages, warlocks and others)
according to the lore, first came the light, then the void followed by the rest.
why would the light be any different from the arcanes for instance?
you can wield arcane magics the same way you can wield the light, the process is probably as different as it is between fel magic (warlocks) and
the elements (shamans).
Lok'tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind me to the Horde. For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde.
I give my flesh and blood freely to the Warchief. I am the instrument of my Warchief's desire. I am a weapon of my Warchief's command.
From this moment until the end of days I live and die - FOR THE HORDE!
all he had to do was lose all hope again and cry in his shack
They to keep up user, we had blizzcon like two weeks ago.
>To use the light you just fucking point at the sky and cry
>Your nelf hunter getting gangraped by big strong orc warriors bawled her eyes out and nether the light or elune helped her
There I smashed your theory just like I smash the patriarchy daily.
Sham and druids and warlocks get their power from somewhere. Some other entitiy is doing the magic and the channeler is just the conduit. In the background, they're doing rituals or other shit to make nice with their chosen deities so they can rely on their power when the time comes. The light is too vague a force for such an intimate connection.
Arcanists channel via knowledge. They learn incantations and basically hack into the ambient mana fields or whatever the blue dragons put on Azeroth. It doesnt take psychical strength but it takes knowledge and the ability to channel mana. This goes for Hunter magic shit, rogue shadowshit and other pseudo magic stuff. This isn't the case for the Light, or at least not that we've seen. I've been playing for a while and granted, I don't read the xpanded material, but I have never seen a reference to a priest studying, or training, or even working very hard. They kind of just pray.
You might argue the prayer is what attunes them to the light in the first place but that obviously doesn't work. Pretty sure tons of people praid for the Lich King to die but there aren't any native paladins in Northrend.
>They to keep up user
Speak American you illegal immigrant fuck.
>one guy
Studio FOW you donut.
Rogues are just Batman and you know it.
You burger-munching fuck.
Spread your cheeks for 1 year of Antorus.
Fucking bend over and spread them.
>believing the filler arc was cannon
Well whatever. You know what I'm talking about. Watching Yrel get raped over and over was the only good thing to come out of her creation to the point Metzen had an employee screening of the movie in the in-house blizz theater.
Subtlety is very obviously shadow manipulation, pretty sure some of the tooltips say so. Shadow isn't a thing anymore, and I doubt some sneaky fuk is calling on the power of the void to turn invisible and teleport. Its fucking magic based on study.