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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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My waifu gives good head
>all 4 must survive
>only lunatic gives out one (1) orb
Even the challange maps are getting stingy.
Props to the user who managed to make this so fast
Post good compendium art
Which is more humiliating, Corrin losing to Ninian despite having two multipliers, or Shanna winning against Takumi despite having no multipliers?
>wake up
>Takumi still lost the VG
Amazing compendium art friend
The coins are pretty useful, also a least isn't Fate Grind Order, where you need to fight again and again and again to farm materials or event items that appears with luck
Kamui's, since Taco also had no multipliers.
I was going to post this, don't know how that got mixed in there.
who are the most intelligent Fire Emblem characters?
It was an inside job.
This feels like a ruse.
>wake up
>check gauntlet
>Takumi lost
Well shit, that seems like an even bigger upset than Camilla/Lyn. Where did she get all of that support? Is the anti-Fates/Awakening crowd really that strong now? Because I somehow doubt she's more popular.
Shanna's team suddenly got more people than Takumi.
The 1% multiplier is a mistake.
I am pplaying geanalogy for the first time. Should i give Sigurd XP or not? And what units are good? I have heard that Ayra is a good unit. Is that true?
Duplicates are 300 Hero Feathers and you can craft nearly everything. The only exceptions are...
>Defense +1
>Distant Def 1
>Brash Assault 1
>Fortify Def 1
>Atk Smoke 1
>Guidance 1
>Squad Ace # 1 (Squad Assault)
Issuing a craftable duplicate over a valuable new Sacred Seal is a waste.
I liked her since the beginning. Its more of the fact that she was the featherfags choice but kept surprising everybody. Taco is also pretty shit
>I'm going to save all my flags for those last minute multipliers
>12 hours of same
Takumis dumped at every opportunity because they expected to be constantly stronger. Shannas expected to be in bonus mode from x7 to x7.5 multipliers, weren't and started dumping.
Wasn't it 10% then 5% before? When did it change?
I'm still upset she lost the healer gauntlet.
Help me feg, what is the best option to upgrade if I have DD3, Speed +3, Attack +3 and Guidance 3 seals:
Brash Assault 3, Deflect Magic 3, Attack Ploy 3, Attack Smoke 3 or Fortify Res for infantry bladememes?
Didn't include Panic Ploy because all units on my main arena team have sub 40 hp.
The one you need the most. Stupid cat.
>had the flu yesterday
>i fell asleep before being able to use my last flags
>wake up to this
But these are actually good compendium art
What does alm's kindness and gentleness smell like?
Most people probably didn't even have the other heroes.
She was the only low rarity character in the gauntlet.
He said to post good Compendium art, though
First one was like 9-10%
Second one was 5%
Now its 1%
They'll change it again I'm sure of it
>literal nobody wins a game mode that gives them a crutch
This is what retards actually believe.
After Camilla won CYL, the difference of < 90% Stronger Army became a difference of < 99% Stronger Army for the Dragon VG.
I can't recall 5% anywhere.
Fortify Res 3 / Deflect Magic 3 (-blade+ DPS, Reinhardt AA counter)
Panic Ploy (Your AA armor lead will need it, and it's good Arena weighting)
Atk Ploy, Atk Smoke, Brash Assault lower priority than that.
Like Serika
Like oranges
s e e t h i n g
i dont think the crowd is strong; it's just that there are at least as much people who dislike takumi as there are people who like him.
That + the elitists is just too much, even for the takomeat-fanbase
Oh yeah, you just reminded me of all the smug taco posting, I wonder if someone collected all of these posts.
That's pretty retarded. Next thing you know they'll have every hour be a constant multiplier as long as your ahead by even one point.
Takumi had 3x more points in the initial scoring.
Then Shanna won by a few million.
That only means that hours before the gauntlet ended she had a massive influx of people dumping flags on her that weren't part of the initial first hour.
How do you think SmugTacoanon feels right now?
team takumi dumped flags at every early multipliers and team shanna hold flags because they think they will get late multiplier. Turns out we're stuck with same for the last six hours and team shanna dumping their shits continuously for six hours. Their flag spending rate per hour is absurdly high for that six hours
>Early game flier in FE6, a difficult game, with majorly high starting speed and decent enough growths, is a literally who
t. brainlet. Any who's played FE6 (i.e. actual Fire Emblem fans) is bound to know Shanna.
He made one last passive aggressive post and then stopped.
I want to be that lance.
what are the best seals to upgrade after guidance/DD/BA? panic ploy?
I have two Faes
One is +Res/-Def, the other is +Res/-Spe
Which do I merge into the other
Hello darkness my olf friend...Forgot to post this yesterday
she's a blue mage check first and foremost, and with TA she'll still be able to take on melee. +res -def
Team Takumi had more people and since they did not have real opposition in the earlier rounds your average Team Takumi had more flags.
That argument of yours that almost every Team Takumi member had no more flags for the final stretch is asinine.
If Team Takumi did dump their flags at early multipliers there would be huge gaps in bonus hours, except there were bonuses every 2 and it was a see-saw implying that both sides aren't really spending that many flags.
Get rid of -DEF
When they going to add a HM use? like
>More HM= more easy to obtain support
>A new skill for the unit (Killer weapon users can learn Slaying weapon)
>Something like TT, unlocking rewards with your total amount of HM (starting with 100k/200k for all the rewards)
F. What colors are you sniping, anyways?
HM gives you feathers. That's good enough. If they had ways of gaining HM quicker I'd prefer that
Red and Colorless
Never was so unlucky
A land of contrasts
Everything after this map is nuFE trash. Prove me wrong.
Did you break that pity rate or did you walk away with nothing?
>5 orbs is all I have to get H!Nowi
>6% pity rate broken by my third -speed H!Jakob
>roll on the only red orb there is
>close my eyes and pray to Anna
>hear five stars
>I'm so happy
>It's -speed Saber
long hair shanna is hot as fuck holy shit
Why are they winking? W-what are they gonna do?
>tfw in 6 or so years time all these fates/awakening babies will have their characters enter literally who status
I know that HM give you feathers (I already obtained around 160-170 k feathers) but if they give him another use, the people may start to use not popular units
Also your defense team and your lead unit in gauntlet need to gain HM
Weapons Forge.
She's not going to double anything so most just give her a breaker or quick riposte. At least with neutral defense she can survive more things
first of all: Everyone has a Shanna. Not everyone has a Hinoka or Amelia or Katrina. Takumi, Ryoma and Karel were also rare beasts and the majority of the playerbase likes cute girls so when it comes down to Soren and Shanna, people picked the girl instead of the faggot bait. Also everyone assumed noone would pick Shanna, giving her a 24/7 bonus for feathers. That is important.
In her Matchup against Hinoka, Shanna was outnumbered. Hinoka usualy got more points than shanna whenever there was no bonus. But Shanna players apperently realy wanted the victory so they played it safe: Shanna won against Hinoka because Hinoka got the 7,2% bonus which followed by a 7,3% bonus for Shanna, and the difference was not high enough to trigger a 7,4% bonus for Hinoka. It was big enough however to not get overtaken by Hinoka during the next 2 hours. And even if Hinoka would have gotten the 7,4% boost, Shanna would have gotten the 7,5% in return.
Afterwards, she fought against Amelia and clearly was outnumbered, by what felt like 1:8. Probably less, but Amelia rarly got the bonus.
Shannas victory was secured by dumb luck, getting either the 7,4 bonus or the 7,5 bonus, dont remember.
So far Shannafags won because of two factors: Luck and autism. I mean when you get a 7,5 bonus, of course you want to use 200 flags. So the "i joined Shanna because of feathers" faggots autistically waited for the 6+% multipliers, where they acted upon. This somewhat changed with Takumi vs Shanna.
Shanna won against Amelia and Takumi won against Soren. What do Amelia and Soren have in common? They both are reddit oldFE. Do you realy assume oldFE would join nuFE? Especialy Soren fags. So in the final match, Shanna outnumbered Takumi and won because fuck Takumi.
-t. Hinokafag who joined Shannafags because fuck Takumi
I hope I was of use with my Hone Flying Waifu
That's just how Jews look at goyim. Like cash cows.
How many people actually like Shanna I wonder? Honestly I barely remember the FE6 pegaponies. Shana was the perky middle? child, Juno? was the hot older one and there was a tsundere-looking one who's name I can't remember.
Long hair Shanna on special banner when?
can some one post that image of lot wade and dieck hoarding flags for shanna? it was really cute
wow. That's some legit horrible luck
Logic isn't a shitposter's strong suit. It's like trying to argue with a cum stain on a whore's face
what's wrong with her nose here?
now that looks disgusting
looks like a slob
Shanna, Thea and Juno. Or Thany, Thite/Tate and Juno. Shanna is the youngest, Tate is the middle and Juno is the oldest and is married to Zealot.
I you come back later I could run some calcs on a custom arena list. Right now I'm going back to fucking sleep
Shanna is the upbeat younger one you get at the beginning of the game, I think it's literally chapter 2 when you get her. When you get big Dick and his boys. She's also the popular one,which is why she's in Heroes already and Tate/Juno aren't. Out of the three of them Juno is my favourite, but I like them all.
>So in the final match, Shanna outnumbered Takumi
The first hour numbers say otherwise.
Unless people did not touch the Voting Gauntlet for an entire day which I highly doubt.
It looks like a style of shading, however they forgot to do it for the whole picture and just did it for her nose.
Well we really don't know what happened with how come shanna got that many points in that six hours and how takumi lost despite having larger crowds and more flags. Maybe we can just blame it on nips.
Should FE Switch have a rape mechanic?
Awakening did so sure.
Yeah I figure she must have been the popular one since she was in Heroes, which makes sense as she's the cutesy one. Juno is the most attractive but married and kinda useless as a unit. And yeah I didn't remember Thea at all so I guess I didn't use her either.
Honestly FE6 was a game where you had all these 16-year-old girls as the 'main' waifus, seeing that Roy could fuck them, but the most attractive ones were all 20+.
just kidding I'll do it now. What build are you aiming for? Standard TA QR? Bowbreaker?
Nothing, my friend
Yup, not a single 5* for over 200 orbs
A very small amount, I assure you. Even in her Heroes debut, she was only ever used for Desperation fodder. The fake support is a combination of shitposters and grandpas flocking to her because the other "old characters" were eliminated. I assure you had it been Amelia you'd get the same kind of shitposting.
Inb4 "SEETHING XD" I picked her because I thought she would lose, like most people did.
Where is he?
It's obvious that Shanna suddenly got a shitton more people in final 6-8 hours where she suddenly was outscoring Takumi in every hour.
I really should stop bitching about not seeing a single focus unit in the Halloween banner (still sniping for Neko). I may have dropped 300 orbs, but I got a Deirdre out of it and a B!Lyn (which I'd trade away if possible).
>I picked her because I thought she would lose, like most people did.
I almost picked her, but I just kept thinking "It IS Hinoka" and decided against it. Poor Hinoka can't catch a break.
He died.
I like her, she's the best combination a character in a fire emblem game can have: cute and useful
I don't know.
Hasn't stopped anyone from FE4 Gen 1 getting in
>tfw no art of Shanna going in dry (no multipliers) and fucking Takumi in the ass
would he be the toughest GHB yet?