League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best Yordle Girl Edition

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This man comes at 810 movespeed with celerity and slaps your botlane's asses. What do you do?

xth for my wife Syndra
double threads edition

can someone explain to me why the fuck do runes dont save even when u press SAVE?

fucking hate this game sometimes

i see zilean not celerity but whatever fits your fantasy

ADC's are ruined

why play league when you can play fallout 4 or skyrim, lolbabs?

celerity is that shit that converts movespeed to ap user

I have zilean ghost and predator on me

it enables me to become pic related

no shit, precision is trash.

I know right?

>Arcane Comet works extremely well with multi-DoTs and slows make sure it hits, it also has a super long range unlike Aery

Now it's established that it's worse than Aery for 90% of champions, but there's one exception: Teemo. With Comet, a fed Teemo can one shot an ADC or support with a single shroom, and kill anyone who isn't a pure tank with 2 shrooms.

I just played a game where my entire team (except me on Mao because I had 190 MR, it still chunked me to 40%) wiped at baron because a Teemo set up a shroom nest we didn't sweep. Without anyone from the enemy team around. I wasn't even mad, that was fucking hilarious.

xth for breast metal waifu

Chromas for Mecha Zero Sion when?

wouldnt it be cool if teemo's q applied on hit effects?

Yes, YES.
Finally nu-adc mains that only hopped on the role because of Ardent meta are now leaving because they're actually mechanically dead.
Finally, my role will be pure again.

>not sweeping Baron

what is this, silver?

wouldn't it be cool if teemo's E applied rylai's so the RETARDS IN GOLD WHO PLAY HIM WOULDN'T WASTE THEIR 2600 GOLD

So i one trick lux and there was a support that wanted her, i told him that i can only play one champ so please don't pick her cause we're gonna lose, he didn't listen to me. So i said to ff at 15 cause i dont want to lose time, i lost mid very hard, bot lost, and still they didn't vote yes at 15. They dragged the game till min 35 untill we lost like i predicted in champ select. Obviously i got flamed, and probably got 5 reports. Is it my fault or support's fault? I told her exactly that i can only play lux and that we will lose if he picks her and he choose to pick her anyway, how is it my fault? Im allowed to know only one champ and if you pick it even tho im otp you're gonna get your consequences



well I mained jinx so it was always kinda shit.

I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!

>Shyvfag claims to be mad at user for dick pics
>But they called user's manhood a cock instead of a dick

What did they means by this?

Also anyone got any good rune sets for Shyv jg?

This patch has to be one of the most BORING patches in leagues history. making such a big deal and hype around something that is esentially a mastery overhaul with runes taken out.

champions arnt OP or UP because of these new and underempressive runes, they are OP or UP because ALOT of champions got fucked by the stat changes. even teemo is abusing the living shit out of the fact that no one gets flat MR anymore. that little shit is actually at 55% winrate in plat and higher, unbeleivable. cant believe you retards hyped this up so much.

I love Sona! I want to make her happy!

I play fallout 4 a lot though Rodd Broward.

So, everyones wanking to assassins right now but explain this shit, 2 full tanks(I only had BC, galio had Abyssal) with average scores, outdamaging a fed full damage assassin.

Plat III, it was a 21 minute baron rush because we caught their jungler.

>implying what most people play on a champion is relevant

It's preseason, don't trust anything except your own experiences. Especially aggregate sites like that. The meta will form when sheep start copying esports in a few months.


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona,Janna



How do you even get new champs now? With the new system it's gonna take a fucking million years since I already have everything from the cheaper tiers.

Why is cock a more arousing word than dick anyway?


>playing Jinx
>spot enemy Graves running from a failed gank top while low
>fire my ult where I think he'll be
>open /all chat and type in a quick math equation
>ult hits Graves and kills him
>Graves quit the game

Jinx is fun

>Mods deleting threads that are posted because imagelimit is reached
Can someone explain this to me? Also check my 3

1144 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.

not the user you are talking to and i also dont have a source, but on beyond the rift scarra mentioned that you can stack cleavers and get 95 bonus AD and 4000 HP by stacking 4 of them + triforce.

basically scarra got a build nerfed despite never even testing the build himself.

>watch syndra trailer
>oh boy another burst mage
>see her feet in game
>a new main was born

Is this the new "CASS SKIN WHEN" shitpost?

I trust high elo koreans more than a lolg silver surfer
Also aery's winrate is literally 5 points higher than comet

Best couple!

Is this what a clown fiesta looks like?

If you're an oldfag victorious is the best, otherwise warring kingdoms.

>Champions that do Massive AoE damage
>Outdamaging an assassin
Yeah no fucking shit, but what you don't understand is Relevant Kill damage. A term I just made up.
Yes, you can constantly poke with your aoe and damage the enemy team, but you're not gonna be doing any killing like that, while all of that Kassadin's damage was used purely to kill.
None if it was pasted on poke that gets healed or negated.

STOP being mean to lulu

This has been working for me

To those guys who start typing in their mother language, even though nobody understands them: Whats the point? Language is for communicating, you are just screaming into the void.

only mf and jhin are now worthy at bot
if you don't get either you'll have a super hard time.


>implying you know math

>implying I won't make you ragequit during laning phase

there is a rune that gives 8 magic pen, also they buffed sorc boots pen to 18. Riots balance team is a bunch of comedians. mages and AP assassins literally deal true damage now. cant wait till someone finds a way to abuse akali, thats gonna be fun.

I know that feel user, but sadly only her classic skin reveals her feet

why play league when you can play putt putt saves the zoo?

He explains how trascendece is the worst rune in the game and then, much later, explains how it could be used theoretically to stack BCs and make them more gold efficient, even though you lose the unique passives. He also mentions how in theory since a lot of unique passives are worth more than the gold efficiency you get from stacking BCs it's still not worth it over a regular build, aside from being absurdly expensive and taking forever to get there.

Also overheal is bugged in match history and says it doesn't shield anything, but it does

But I thought she loved being bullied by anons.

It wasnt the picks.
It was all about incompetence. In team fights everyone was going after chogath for some reason meanwhile i was flanking and killing kat mf or graves. Also i swear ,i had camped mid for the most part during laning. Kat was 0/4 and somehow ekko fucked up royaly

Anyone got some good webms to share?


Not really a Shyv player but Trinity on Shyvana? And with no mr items except for boots? Isn't she supposed to be as tanky as possible and shit out damage anyway?

>Trusting someone who stays in lane with no mana against Draven

I want in on the lewd inside jokes!! What is this of a discord?

>tfw no Todd champion

watch this


why do people still take this idiots opinion seriously? a commentator trying to act as if he knows anything about balance, and people wonder why the games balance has been pure shit for half a decade now, never mind the fact that its also balanced by a bunch of silver players who only play aram on their off the job hours accounts.

that being said, they are nerfing transcendence purely based off of what scarra said, which is even more retarded. there isnt a single AD that stacks CDR over 40% with the exception of MAYBE riven.

I'll have you know that I learned from the best teachers.

PTA or Glacial cumstain on shyvanna?

Shyvana is really useless as a tank, she's an attackspeed bruiser. You don't do nearly enough damage without tri


>Woman is bad at theorycrafting and math
You reach a peek of 850 ms in that video.
Vlad's base ms is 330, so bonus ms is 520.
Celerity converts 8% of bonus ms into Adaptive.
8% of 520 is 40 ap.
Grats you took a rune that gave you 40 ap for 3 frames, in which you didn't cast any abilities.
You were actually casting at around ~600 ms, which is about 20 ap.
Celerity is trash.

>TFW SFW non-lewd girls joke around about the ahegao memes and posts pics to their twitter/insta and not realizing we cum tribute them daily.

You won right?
I hope Jax uninstalled the game and switched to battlerite or something

Glacial is a meme and barely does anything, check your match histories and how long it lasts. Mallet is also just a fantastic item for her statswise

That was both the consequence of him being a nigger and you otp'ing. Reminding you that a teammate can ban your champion on purpose and you can't report them for it. That happened to me recently, which is a consequence of maining Zed.

I'd rather take the opinion of someone who has been playing the game since it exists and who is backing his info with math, than the opinion of a literal who on an imageboard with his info backed by literal bollocks.

Also, he defends how it is actually a really bad rune and wouldn't take it in most scenarios, the BC stacking is horribly expensive and inneficient compared to a regular build.

>tfw I just want a /lolg/ gf to keep myself from being miserable

I am tired, /lolg/.

>hiding your names in post game screens

There are people in here literally posting their dicks or tits and you faggots are hiding your online names.

Yes, Lubuse is good but she would never admit to it

PTA. I really fail to see why you need glacial augment when post-6 you have enough sticking power with W+R. At worst you just build BotRK/Mallet for a slow and have retarded dueling potential.

>roasties trying to imitate delicious 2d
Can this disgusting meme stop, no one wants to fuck these nasty 3d pigs.

phreak is wrong about 90% of the shit he says regarding balance. this is the same retard who thought ardent buffs would not be a big deal and then suddenly pulls a 180.


2d is for virgins and disgusting people in general. But this cow roastie.... Im on your side for this one. She looks terrible



hi c:

transcendence, celerity and absolute focus are all bad. That whole row sucks ass I hope they rework it.

the reason why I say this because if you don't kill someone with 2 shots you have no chance, you either hit the hardest in the team or pray you got carried. MF hits super hard from safe distance while caitlyns damage is not even half.
PTR, tempo and FF are so shit that even if that MF was bad she would still able to carry them.

Is it time for MILK?

i do. and would cum buckets if they made that face during the fuck.

Hi user, are you NA?

>one of them has a Pokewalker on his waistband
Good times

Everyone is wrong about balance 90% of the time. Unless you have statistics in front of you you have no leg to stand on and even statistic can lie to you if you read them wrong.

But I already played it for 15 minutes at friends house, and that is the full experience



>Zil E
>Only 30 extra ap

>MF is 2 levels below
>Lulu is 5 levels below
>They surely got starved in lane due to Ezreal
>Don't even 1 shot them
So is that clip supposed to be making Vlad look like a champ that isn't complete shit or is it showing off how fast Zilean can make someone because it's only accomplishing 1 of those things.

when the fuck is she going to go full cam whore already? the amount of money she would make off me alone would be nothing to scoff at.


Veeky Forums v Veeky Forums is up EUW

Results of last

if you are wrong 90% of the time about balance then keep your fat mouth shut and dont talk about balance.

>3/12 Yasuo

why is she pointing there?