/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>another nufe shit bonus unit week
fuck this faggot game


What nuFE game are Arvis and Merric from?


I wanna fuck Saber

Genealogy is literally the beginning of NuFE

You hear a voice behind the door.

"People who don't have 20 Orbs can't post in this thread!"


fuck off nufedditor

Terrible artist.

If I could set autocursor to Serra it would've taken half the inputs.
I got her up to level 17 in Lyn Hard mode in preparation for trying to actually beat HHM for once, but then I accidentally got my thief killed in the first chapter, but I was going for a no-reset run so I went with it like a dumbass. Maybe I should just restart and do it all over again, but I don't want to grind Serra again. It's sinking in that I'll not be able to open any chests without keys through the majority of the game though.

Oh uh, here comes Le Soren Army

Can't we all just get along?

He's from the most nuFE game of all. FE1.

Name one good FE girl that has green hair



>nufe cucks

every FE character after Anri is nuFE


Kill yourself.


When's FEH Channel again? Wednesday?

dumb roasties

If it weren't for the multiplier boys would never even have a chance of winning.

Assblasted Tacofags.... thank you, you make gauntlets more fun

Ethlyn never fails to be one of the funniest part of the manga. The only real competition is Lex. Pity I can't find that frame where he pretends to practice kissing with Azel.

I've got you

The moment we get him in Heroes he'll be nuFE.

tuesday evening for burgers, early wednesday for japan

arthur's wife

Hawkster's sister

That was easy

All characters are nuFe

Stop living.


>nufe shit
who cares?


Is FE4 gonna be considered NuFE after is gets a remake?



On the topic of Takumifag meltdowns, anyone get thatfatesbitch's meltdown screencapped?

This seems like someone being over dramatic for no reason. Must be sad to get like that over a gauntlet.


Gaiden is nuFe now.

Can you imagine being so reddit that you get upset over a gauntlet where the results don't even a matter?

Fury's sister when?


Palla, literally everyone from Silesia, Thea, Vanessa, Syrene, Sigrun, Elincia.

>when /feg/ does the same for every gauntlet regardless of who wins

No, but people are going to realize how much influence later games took from it and pretend it is.

Innes is so stupidly good with Defense Ploy. If you haven't killed off Arvis for him, do it asap

That looks like her brother

>implying that skill isn't be re-released as soon as they put another healer on banner

/feg/ does the same though, when it looked like Shanna was gonna lose everyone was bitching and whining about it.

Compare and Contrast

Can Halloween Henry be a bonus unit for the rest of the duration of feh? I’ve never had an easier time dealing with lyn or Reinhardt

Heroes needs several banners specifically dedicated to NPCs.


I'd consider Sigrun's hair more of a bluish hue, but the rest of those are decent, even if I prefer blue haired fliers for the most part with only Erinys keeping up with them.

>Implying IS hasn't given up on healers

The last permanent one was Genny all the way back in May

Cry my a river, sissy.

/feg/ only does it ironically and because there's nothing else to do. reddit honestly takes stuff like this seriously because the majority are underage and mentally deficient.

>taconigger this mad

Her and Thea kinda fall into that weird blue/green/aqua area, so it's kinda iffy, but I see how one could see it as blue. It also depends on the image in question one might reference.

They're going to address it eventually. It's a matter of when, not if.

didn't she get a cypher card amazingly?

So /feg/, what did you use your fuckload of badges and coins on?

>only does it ironically

I want to roll for him for gameplay reasons, but I can't stand his squeaky voice. Maybe I'll grab one if they every come out with an option that doesn't involve going through gacha hell.

What do you love about Sakura?

What healers can they add as non-staff in FEH?

Its true. The people you see taking it seriously are reddit crossposters. There's a lot of those in /feg/.

The only time /feg/ ever genuinely got salty over the Voting Gauntlet was when Lyn lost to Camilla. This board just trends towards whatever has the most shitposting potential otherwise.


You underestimate /feg/'s autism

>tacuckmi fag once again screaming it doesnt matter

Call it a meme, but I will get my Tana to do this someday. (For anything not shown, Reinhardt is buffed by 1 goad and 1 hone, Tana has 0 buffs. None have any supports.)



Why the fuck is this piece of trash in the /feg/ tag /feg/ is already garbage enough

I've only played Fates but want to play the others. Where can I get an emulator and Rom for Mystery of the Emblem?

He's finally complete. Thank you sacred seal quests.

>no lancebreaker

should i bother spending my coins on upgrading a seal now or should i wait until the next tempest comes out?
i already have DD3/BA3/guidance3 and panic ploy 2 which is good enough but hardy bearing and squad ace d look like the best options as of now

>Roy and Lucina are going to be in Smash forever because they're so popular
Get memed upon Smash Brosfags

kys fatescucklandia cuck


How arena can be fixed?

Distant Defense 3
Brash Assault 3
Breath of Life 3
Guidance 3

I also created Deflect Magic and I'm trying to decide what to upgrade, considering they're just gonna put more seals better than Atk+3.

I'm SUPER into the idea of forging Phantom Spd 3 IF THEY EVERY CREATE AN ASSHOLE THAT CAN USE IT PROPERLY. Fucking Watersweep is shit and whatever Alm has, I can't remember.

Oops. posted in the dead thread

Whats stopping them from introducing bigger maps into FeH? Like 1x4 screens big, for special events or different modes. Would give the game a new twist and more use to healers since the maps would last longer.

>3-13 archer
>penta-axe general
>August and Dorias
>that bolt axe guy from PoR
Who else should be on these banners?

What happened with Smash Bros General in the first place? I'm ignorant, for reference.

horses and dancer ban

add in a banlist where you can ban up to 3 units per season and can't use or get matched against them for X number of badges per character

Nothing. It's bait.

Wait until the next Tempest to see what they bring next.

I assumed for that, and just gave Tana a blue tomebreaker since there's no single definite B skill she would use
I believe she had several.

Silque with Nosferatu

Dancers and horses need to tank the score even more, at least on the defense side (so if you have a high scoring team you see even less of them).

The myrmidon with a horseslayer

>isis reveals most banned characters
>rein lyn and random dancer

Ethlyn, L'Arachel, Nanna, any SoV cleric,