/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

Heroes FAQ and Links

>SoV Links

>Links and Resources


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Lucina a shit


Azura is shit!

name a more reddit general



God I hate Japanese “humor”

Dangan Ronpa


the absolute state of takumifags


For those that know, how does rolling work? When is it decided what units do you get? The moment you start a session? When you open individual orbs? Before you even choose to start a session?

post more fire emblem comics

Grow up.

Yeah, Americans are WAY funnier


>not posting the superior rick and morty
what's it like having sub 400 IQ?

Heroes uses an advance system where it reads your mind and determines what units you want most and what units you dont want. then it increases the rates for the latter. all this happens as soon as you glance at a banner

You get what you get once you enter the summoning session.

It's why people advise doing full rolls when your pity percent is high like 4-4.50% and up. The pity rate applies for the whole session so it's not like you pull the 5* and then the other orbs change.



>Something else is bad that means this bad thing is good


the chad of freege, the virgin of velthomer and some old dude

> Seals available for crafting won't be given away in events

What the hell, I though it was the other way around, that you were supposed to snipe when your pity rate was high enough


What did Seth Macfarlane mean by this?

>tfw no Alphonse/Veronica art



Already have my dude

You snipe if you absolutely want / need that one and that's it. Doing a full roll at high percents has a higher chance of ending your pity rate. So you snipe the color you want, if it's there of course, and if you get the character you want then you should continue if it's high up.

that's because alphonse fucks anna every night
>when she's feeling kinky she gives him a discount

1 mooore daaay I can't fucking waait

>wake up
>see the new missions
>beat maps and mission in like 15 minutes
>nothing to do again

i need that FE channel now

Unironically better than
>uggu, Mami chan you wore your hair up today!
>[camera bounces in and out] entire class, simultaneously: She didn’t even notice the monster arm!!

Is Seth /ourguy/?

Veronica a cute

He's just some autist who's obsessed with magic and blindly orbiting Ishtar.

Just got a +Def/-Spd Lukas to merge into my +Spd/-Def one. How do I build THE WALL?


It's gonna be great. It's gonna be HUGE!

I feel like ISIS is prepping us for something big with all these sudden coin quests. I wanted to make a new seal but something is telling me to hold off.

He thought of the greatest way to circumvent Hollywood ninjas and warn the public years in advance of the horrors of pedowood

Make a shitty cartoon with huge popularity and use it as a vehicle to convey open secrets that nobody wants to come forward about in real life lest their careers get ruined


either Guard Or Quick Riposte , Reposition and ignis. Replace Fortress Def with steady breath if you have it. Threaten Atk is good too

Steady Stance3 or Breath, QR3, Threaten Atk.

And there's not going to be one new game feature there's going to FIVE! You wont believe it!

Reinhardt is oozing such strong chad vibes that people think he is a reborn crusader. That's some high level chad shit.

Sup slut
Why do you look like a boy

If the FatesAwakening kids got in Heroes what stats/skills do you hope for them?

Dramatic Heroine
Blue Tome User
W: Missiletainn (MT:16 and accelerates special trigger (cooldown count -1)) [Unineritable]
S: Moonbow
A: Empy.
B: Red Tomebreaker
C: Hone Speed


Hello Lucina, you're looking especially beautiful today :-).


>16 MT tome
14 MT.

Go away.


No thanks,

The mentality of FEH that /feg/ has developed is quite amusing
>complain about no content
>get something to do in five minutes
>complain again about no content
>get excited for a video explaining new content
>get excited for actual content
>content comes
>part of content cleared in five minutes
>complain again about no content
>back to shitposting for a few weeks
repeat ad infinum

FE Switch needs to hurry up so our complaints about nothing to do can go from a daily scale to that of a monthly basis, then shitpost about FE Switch until more Heroes stuff.

Oh Hi Marth. Anyway, how is your sex life?

Hmm fair and less power-creeping I can see it.

You know its coming, Charlotte and Shigure was just the start.

Redditphelia would just be Odin but red and a meme weapon.

Fix to

>Heroes FAQ and Links

Next time

>seasonal shit.

I got a +HP/-ATK Elincia
Is the ATK+3 seal enough to patch it up, or should I give her the summoner support as well?

>Fire Emblem Fates? More like, can't stay awake!

It'll be Ophelia's tome

>bad unit
Shanna is literally one of the best units in fe6

Why are Fatesfags so cringy?

>Spring Xander was released before Normal Xander actually came out as a GHB.

Here's your (you).

The ded game / no content thing is fairly recent actually. Mostly started a week or so ago because honestly it has been a while since we got anything big.

No one was complaining for a long time after the Sacred Forge got dropped. Same thing when Summoner / Ally Supports were dropped on us literally out of no where with no fan fair or trailer or anything.

It's not saying much when people complain about no content when it has been a while since we got anything like that. Mobages are a very finicky beast that only last with steady and frequent updates unless you build up an autistically obsessed fanbase like Fates who will stick with shit forever.

Great. Do you think that his HP pool is good enough to warrant spending 20k feathers on QR 3 fodder, or can I stick to QR 2?

>Crafting Deflect Magic when you can just toss DD3 on a RES tank
Poor form, Reddithardt.

For some reason Severa performs better as a combat unit even when she doesn't have wta.
What gives?

Guess she wont use roy then.

Exception to the rule.

What's going to happen to her?

Ophelia's Tome+*

>Ophelia's Tome+
>10 MT
>If foe's HP = 100% and initiates combat, unit gets Atk/Res + 1

And Owain's sword.

Hello, fellow man who is certainly not a princess!

>thinking emoji

I would hate Cynthia the least but lance fliers are saturated as hell.

Rally Atk/Spd
Flier Formation
Goad Fliers

what's with the fe4 manga's gay undertones

are you fighting armor units?



Red tome, Jizziletainn 16mt accelerates special by one. Can be inherited.


I laugh every time.

Not really, arena bst is too low to fight more than the lone Hector or Effie.
Just infantry, horses, and pegs.


I want to cum inside Lucina.


Really annoys me how the flier pool is slowly filling with tons of lances, I really want vanessa in but if she is a lance flier it would be pretty annoying

Thoughts on this?

> her coming before Sumia
What a shit fest it would be

That is one happy Ursula.

Delete that right fucking now