/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: GudaGuda Event Guide:
guide pastebin.com/qPCx9Wnf



Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>GUDAGUDA Honnoji Event lasts
November 8th - November 24th

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Order translation

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Honnoji Rate Up Campaign
2017-11-08 ~ 11-24 3:59 UTC

5* Okita Souji
3* Medusa, Mephistopheles, Cu Chulainn

>Craft Essences
5* GUDAGUDA Poster Girl
4* After-Party Order!
3* Fate GUDAGUDA Order

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: i.imgur.com/ufcB3OP.jpg
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=1447471767

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
Add yourself: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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The Saint


Does Fran love (me)?

based lizbro

Is it okay if I prefer to be a gameplay fag over a waifu fag?

We're not really sure, leaning towards yes.

The saints

Liz is blasting off again!

So which 40AP should I be farming for exploding pots right now? The berserker one is the easiest by far, but does it give less pots than the other 40AP quests?

Even if that's (me), DELETE

How much do you have saved for me?

>tfw only need Shuten until I have everyone voiced by Aoi

Who is your seiyuufu? Are you going to get all of the Servants they voice?

Hold hands with the saint!

I wonder if I should roll for NP2 okita

Assassin only gives one more pot. Keep doing zerker or clear out the lower drops.

She loves your air conditioner

7 quartz

All 1,2000 quartz sensei

Would answer to my call!
I mean... she is catholic but I heard of saints and nuns forming families.


1 (one) ticket

>>Arthur winced. Mordred. Why did Manaka have to mention him of all people. The wayward child of his sister who had come to his court, enjoyed his hospitality for years, fought by his side, and then tossed it aside like so much trash when he refused to make him his heir - a brutal youth who had brought Britain to ruin, and whose last ragged breath was spent dealing him the blow that ended his life.
>>He had claimed to be his son up to the end, screaming to be recognized as such, but Arthur knew it could not be true regardless of what history recorded.
>>No child of his could so callously slaughter and burn the people he had sworn to protect.
>>No son of his would swear to bathe the world in blood until only they remained.
>>And his eyes....those cruel, hate-filled pits in his face, burning with such dark and terrible rage...and something else.
>>When Arthur had told Mordred he did not have the quality of a king or any claim to the throne, he saw him unmask himself at last - and beneath the knightly armour dwelled only a craven beast, who looked back at him with a hunger he had only ever seen in the eyes of Tiberius before.
>>Arthur shuddered. It mattered not now, Mordred was a millenia dead by his hand. There was no point wasting time to reminisce on him or his hideous gaze, and Manaka's pestering to hear of his tale didn't change that.

Wtf I love male Mo-san now

>this post


You're gonna roll for Grand Boyfriend and Killer Curry 13, right?

I'm debating if I should blow some apples to get the last CE ASAP. Right now I have 45 pots, so I would need to spend approximately 4 apples to get it now.

Is anyone else who didn't roll the Gacha having difficulty farming this event? Farming for gold material feels impossible unless you rolled a few poster girl CE's.

>Restart countless times to ditch shitty Siegfried
>Bump into the fucker again in Orleans
>Roll for Okita/CEs and get him again

Motherfucker I just turned him into MP out of spite. Need Poster Girl.

Pots get easy once the 40AP lancer and beyond are doable. Be prepared to burn a few apples if you want to clear, user.

Yup event isn't possible to clear unless you rolled or will use apples

We told you about those apples man.


NOW what do I wear???


You should play a game with better gameplay then

I did it, lads. All SSRs at max ascension


Gloved or non-gloved ascension, F2P-kun?


I have a good amount of apples, but everybody recommends I save them for Christmas.

>whale with Grailed GOLDEN
Where did you come from?

how much money

3 tickets
I have better things to save for like bryn for example

Oh shit a real whale.

You can't say that you love her if you haven't at least tried to NP5 her

So this is the power of Money...


>dude keep saving the apples for future events


user no

I might roll for Killer Detective 13 honestly.

Nothing. I'm saving for Umu Bride kowing that i'll not get her anyway

Should I just farm 20ap until they release those quests or continue farming pots so I can get the last skull and Guda-o CE?

green with white horns and cute please

You know nothing of love. This is love.

Do what you want.


I want to form a family with Martha!


put your LB gudao CE 1 hour before and after it changes please

A very hard choice, consider myself a very, very lewd person (in vanilla terms) that also likes cool stuff.
Gloves and bikini looks excellent, the one with the red jacket looks really cool.
But the one with the hat? That one and the bikini are making me have a hard time choosing just one. The red jacket is cool too but I am trying to choose one of the two I mentioned before.

but I am thou, thou art I

Sweet mother of god


Who wouldn't?

If that's not some shopped bullshit, I would be laughing my ass off if I got that roll.

This is fucking hilarious in hindsight now that we know there final fight was really just Artoria finding her on the battlefield and spearing her before Mordred could even raise her sword.

Maledred is an incestuous patricidal rapist!

The Jap that originally tweeted it was just one really long scream.

>ywn be this lucky


>can't even get a fucking 4* servant
>somehow manage to drown in 5* CE's though

It's a strange kind of luck.

Wait, when was that revealed?

what is your prediction in who is going to be the next popular alter saberface to be added in f/go?
I bet my money it's going to be nero alter

I wish martha would wear more conservative clothes like this

>only NP4
I'm still waiting for a 5* NP5 in one of these rolls, but I guess that's pretty good. Also, I already had that image, so I don't think that's yours.

>more Nero pandering
I rather just punch her in the face


>Okita, Tamamo, Jannu, Altera
>no good 4*s other than Nero and a free Emiya
>just NP2 Sumanai and Stheno

>tfw your waifu is good gameplay wise so it's inevitable she will get the normalfag attention
Not fair.

When the fuck did I say that was me faggot?

Alright /alter/, who is the MOST autistic servant?

>implying that's canon

He's probably referencing shitty Apocrypha, which has that scene. And there's no indication it isn't canon.

What's it like being autistic?

Apocrypha showed it.

Though even before that the CM FOR SN made it clear Artoria pretty much OHKO Mordred, it just showed her (still him at the time) with their sword raised.

The ones that have Reality Marbles.

Gameplayfags that can't think for themselves and get told he's shit by other idiots.


Arthur Alter

Arthur Alter
Okita Alter
Mordred Alter
Mashu Alter

>NP2 Sumanai and Stheno

My condolences.

Ah, so fanfiction then.

nevermind that
do they hold hands?

Alter Alter


The Caster class as a whole
Filled with autists and betrayers

Wait sorry it was the Zero CM that detailed that bit of her life actually iirc

Jeanne is autistic?

Not as bad as you think.

No love for 1-4*s besides blueman?