someone find the old op
Eve online general /eog/
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How to fix EVE
1) Fix the game
2) Nerf mining
2.2) Make capitals and up require resources from multiple regions
3) Buff the Navy Apocalypse
4) Make pirates add a bounty on the players that kill them
X% of all bounties you earn against a pirate faction are added to your pirate bounty pool.
The more you kill them the lower your relations go
The lower your relations are the higher % of the value of your ship the pirates are willing to pay to see you dead
Dying pays out part of the bounty determined by your relations to the killer based on the total value of the kill
poors and retards not allowed
>Navy Apocalypse
Interesting idea, but the best way to fix rating is the simplest. Why are corps able to attract rats? Shouldn't these pirate corps be fleeing the rating hubs because pilots murder them 24/7/365?
Have pirates leave as systems become over farmed. Force people to spread out to find sites. No more balling up and ratting in dead end systems ezpz.
>le realism meme
That's the simple fix ye
But my idea provides more gameplay as well which is very important, specially increasing the rewards for people to do PvP when the bounty first starts to help with cover the cost of the gank and finally if the rattter is using too much bling and has ratted too much it becomes even profitable just like killing overloaded haulers.
Though spreading out will force conflict as well, if you set the right ratting / system limit before the NPC's become wary of the system it could work out well. The risk is that while spreading out technically helps it doesn't necessitate conflict, it might simply mean claiming more empty systems or making more friends.
>the adding nothing to the conversation or life in general meme
>help with cover the cost of the gank
>cost of the gank
It might not technically be the same thing but to be frank it's a gank when the other guy will bring supers on you
Going after super cap ratters might as well be asking yourself to get killed even if you get the target.
Make rats not aggro players with good enough standings that don't shoot them first and perhaps pay LP/standings for killing ratters. Pirate FW kinda thing with less gay.
Also severely reduce the number of anoms in general.
Have CCP told what happens to pirate POS / POS module BPCs?
>pirate bounties on players
>implying nullbabbies 15 jumps away from the nearest threat will be affected by this
>waah evil ratters
The idea would be to encourage nullbabies to kill each other
The important thing is to fix some risk vs reward issues.
Increase the temptation to start shooting people that you might otherwise let pass unharmed because they got that 1B bounty on them from Bloodraiders or something
And make the bounty work the same as player bounties :^)))
just kill blues bro lol
: ^)
>people make money
Here's the current situation
It's actually pretty bad for the game health to have this much uncontrolled inflation (especially when/if player count is also contracting at the same time)
Nerfing ratting works just fine but why not add some gameplay to that
Both my suggestion with pirate bounties (which adds risk to ratters and either lead to lower ratting rates thanks to ratters being killed or ratters running PvP fits which leads to less efficient ratting) or the other suggestion about spreading ratting out more would help with this while adding some of that good old action back into the game
>isk inflation is ruining the game
>lets create more isk out of nothing that you can get for free by podding yourself with your alt
>It's another I don't know what inflation means post
>oh hey my ratting char has huge bounty?
>let's use my massively buffed alpha FREE alt for anything else
you got me, that is technically true, but i'm much less concerned about some extra inflation that gets traded to ships and modules and sheeit than just "free" inflation from rats.
2 ways to look at inflation
isk / player
consumer price index
isk / player is simply going up as you can see. More isk is getting into the game while the player count is largely stable or slightly contracting.
CPI might be relatively stable which is good but that's largely result of other broken systems.
It's bit like in real world where some things manage to get cheaper year by year even though there is actual inflation going on.
In eve though shit like modules and ships might not be going up in price because the efficiency of everything is increasing with time. Everything is cheaper and faster to make and there is more supply than ever
+ lot of the individual item markers are actually quite healthy spots. Additionally most products are a buyers market and that are more or less immune to inflation. No matter how much cash you have the price of items won't rise when there are more industrialist competing for your purchases than there are consumers willing to buy. I personally make shit that doesn't even drive me a profit because making shit is fun. I always salvage my wrecks and see if I can turn the scrap into stuff that I ultimately use or sell. Just by making the decision to enjoy me some salvaging I already took a financial loss so why not sell at a loss or break even prices in jita as well.
memes asside, the effectivness of the system might be questionable (it might have to be paired with other changes like just flat nerf to ratting or rat AI improvements or what ever)
but even menial positive change is positive change.
>waah people are rich why isn't everyone poor like in glorious communism :(((
being rich isn't a problem.
The richest accounts of the game hardly ever leave Jita, you are basically a wage slave if you mine or rat in delve compared to the really rich people out there.
You are the burger flipper in the machine.
The issue isn't so much that people are rich and poor but rather where the money comes from and does that offer the elusive
>unironically using content
This. Also make sov space have no local like wormholes.
Oh so it's the usual collection of tards being angry at people making money and also being so shit that need crutches like no local to kill stuff. Got it.
who is angry at people making money here?
>lets print more money so everybody will be rich :^)
>500mn microwarpdrive I
>x-large shield booster I
>involved 10
How long before PH dies?
/dog/ in a nutshell
We should start a renter corp.
Wow, is the general generally dead or its just a slow monday start?
I was thinking of maybe returning the game, perhaps start with a fresh alpha.
What's the attitude towards CODE these days?
Thread's generally pretty slow.
Good time to do so. The accelerators from the last event still work for another two weeks or so. You can buy em cheap. Also come December alphas will have more skills available.
They're just as irrelevant as ever. Unless you're highsec mining or taking a freighter through Uedama you'll probably never see em.
>go roam in a cruiser
>spend 2 hours looking
>eventually tackle some guy
>he lights a cyno
>next day, roam in another cruiser
>spend 90 minutes searching
>fight some dude in a cruiser
>loki uncloakes, lights cyno
>next day
>jump into mamet
>phobos tackles me and loki uncloaks and lights a cyno
>go roam in caracal and maller with a buddy
>the locals counter us with 2x ceptors, 2x vindicators, 2x drakes and a scythe
>they light a cyno anyway when the maller gets tackled and drop in a Lif
It really is a dead game, it used to be so good back in 2006-2012
Lol that's Eve
>it's a put everything i own in fleet hangar and get caught episode
>minimum of 3 bil for the privilege of being allowed to rat
Can't believe people actually put up with this shit.
If you aren't in a super right now ratting don't bother posting
multiboxing rorquals can apply tho
>not just dumping a freighter full of moonshit into a refinery
>Can't believe
But it's good. No CTA, no mandatory fleets/paplinks. Ratting all day long!
Can i post if i'm multi boxing afkishtars?
Only if you got at least 15 of them and one of them has a meme fit
I'd fuck facilisks so hard
>All this talk of ratting
>Muh supa ratting!
This has to be a meme no one actually rats anymore that shit makes me want to kill myself after 2mins max soooooo much easier buying some sweet plex
>CCP is doing so poorly that Hilmar has to shill on /dog/
>>CCP is doing so poorly that Hilmar has to shill on /dog/
>go to work and make 25b isk in a day
>grind ratting for weeks on end
>willingly handing over money to CCP
loving every laugh
I do it for my dear Seagull
>letting work steal your playtime
>working at all
>my dear Seagull
Yes, do it for him!
did you just assume their gender?
reported for not being considerate enough
fuck off reddit
>using Reddit as an insult
>login issues
Wow thanks ccp.
>sorry, user, but you don't have enough PLEX to use this feature
>buy more PLEX
>that bamboozle text
Holy shit they aren't even hiding it anymore.
Buy 440, get 60 plex for free.
>buy 440, get fucked for free
Imagine all the DAMAGE you can buy for 5$!!!
>that feel when you finally get a Customer Service Token after buying dozens of Lootcrates
>4) Make pirates add a bounty on the players that kill them
To prevent new players from being worried about having a bounty on them while they're still learning the ropes, require a minimum negative standing with the pirate faction before they start adding bounties. You can then inform the player when the pirate faction starts hating them with in-game mail and use it to briefly explain the bounty system.
Ye some minimum relations required, then inform how to get rid of it (earn the pirate factions favor back)
Could also limit it to not build up during missions or in high sec in the first place. Those could be considered that you are just pawn working for concord but low or null sec stuff they would take personally.
Something like that
>Could also limit it to not build up during missions or in high sec in the first place.
I thought half the point of this was that it ensured carebears would build up a bounty and be ganked for merely existing.
>tfw Vile Rat got his revenge
>tfw pre election this general was full of hillary-shills and probably still is
People will just learn to farm this system and generate even more isk from it
You are mentally ill if you think anyone cares
Well yes that's entirely the point. More isk for losing your shit while you are trying to rat. Give isk for losing stuff which is quite good gameplay even if few turboautists multibox it with billion alts and milk the system for some more.
It's much better imo if some of that rat money was instead diverted trough this system
Even if the ratter ultimately gets bit more money, if he has to lose his ship for that which is a fine trade + some ships will be lost to other players looking to hunt players with bounties.
Not to mention increased RP possibilities to allying yourself with pirate faction and cashing in bounties placed by them
High sec is hardly the problem and praying on the ultra casuals who do some lvl 3 missions in their battle cruiser will just drive them away from the game for good.
What needs to happen for the good of the entire game economy is to introduce some risk and reward into going null. Currently it's basically free isk to go null.
With proper risk mechanics the rewards could even be tuned up more than they are right now.
But ye depends how aggressively the pirates place bounties, maybe it would be that even some high sec active mission runners would start to rack them up, depends how you want to set up the boundaries.
t. hill-shill pervert
get rekt fag
trump #1
>proud trump supporter
>posts jingoistic garbage anonymously on Veeky Forums
how did it feel user, when your girl lost
did you scream at the sky
kys pol
>when /pol/ arrives in your thread
>niggers in charge of launcher functioning again
muh .exe security
damn pols girlfriend is hot
pol must be a model
really made me think tbqh desu
/pol/ is leaking from their containment again.
>implying EVE Online isn't /pol/ in space
after hearing about this game i wanna try but iam afraid that people will just fuck my shit up
As long as you don't fuck off in low or null with only two days under your belt no one is gonna fuck you
I just got into the game again recently and haven't played since 2013. Why are the mining lasers so quiet and boring now? When did they change the mining sounds?
You using a rorqual?
It's not that difficult desu. Lots of veterans willing to show some noobs how it's done
eve has sounds?
Getting your shit fucked up is completely normal and a part of the game. You play a LITERALLY IMMORTAL demihuman whose wallet cannot be robbed. People can destroy all you have and you can buy it all back at the flick of a mouse.
You can only be fucked up to the degree you permit it (i.e. how much assets you expose to risk). All you have to do is control how hard you get JUST'd
Start by not buying PLEX and turning into into retardedly expensive ships you don't know how to fly. If you listen to this advice, you already dodged the first bullet and are more successful than a bunch of new players.
stop breathing
We wuz capsuleers n' shit.
>current year
>can only choose male or female char
Delete mordu