Previous: >Apoc Anime Event 1 Quartz everyday for a week 1 New 4* CE >Rate-up Astolfo is always on the rate-up 13 Karna 14 Mordred 15 Amakusa 16 Jeanne 17 Jack 18 Vlad 19 Karna 20 Mordred 21-22 Amakusa
Fuck off Go shitpost somewhere else, we know what you were doing with that thread. We know exactly how that thread will turn out if people post in it because of how you started it.
Liam Robinson
Why isn't he dropping and badmouthing her?
Andrew Torres
>implyign this thread wont turn to the same thing after a few posts
Jason Rogers
Atlas was here
Jayden Edwards
What a cutie, can i lick her?
Wyatt Stewart
>married off to Conchobar as basically a "sorry I killed your dad" gift >Conchobar then molests/rapes her in a political conference and her second husband starts a war over it, leading to his death >openly tells her third husband he shouldn't be jealous, but he gets jealous anyway and is killed by Ailill as a result >even then her final husband was a brash hypocrite, insistent that he was her superior even though he married into royalty and who got mad at her for sleeping around and then slept around behind her back She deserves to be protected.
Justin Ross
Adam Martin
how did you retards get so fucking bored that there's no event that you just go on a shitposting spree in your seemingly vast spare time? do something fucking constructive like drawing lewds of mecha eli-chan. DO IT.
Justin Powell
Tomoe is cute! CUTE!
Benjamin Martinez
This. Let's just forget about what happened in the last thread.
Eli Bailey
This. Let's just forget about what happened in the last thread.
Jordan Sullivan
Conchobar when?
Lucas Nelson
Why is "regend"fags so annoying?
Oliver Harris
>Shitpost thread deleted HAHAHAHA
Matthew Sullivan
Should I roll for Jannu or Jack?
Austin Nguyen
>shitpost OP thread got delete Mods actually doing their job
Gavin Johnson
Ushi a cute.
Daniel Williams
>lewd >of a toaster I don't understand.
Jayden Lee
Chase Sanchez
Easton Diaz
That's not suspicious at all.
>shitpost thread nuked instead HAHAHA BTFO
Daniel Torres
I missed the event (fuck you, tablet), What was the deal with the mecha-elis?
Logan Diaz
Jack if you want to be a mommy, Jannu if you want to be a cuck.
Gavin Fisher
>proxy broke again AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Daniel White
Austin Parker
Based Mods
Logan Morris
Robert James
How much incest yuri we are getting once Morgan is added?
Nathan Reed
Raikou every thread until you fug your mother
Chase Green
>shitpost thread got deleted >melvin fails to have people forget the last thread by fucking up his proxy again You're fucking kidding me
Jacob Cooper
Is it really yuri if one of them is a futa though?
Joseph Fisher
Are there any Mecha Liz doujins?
Jose Phillips
Explain this
Brayden Murphy
Thomas Thomas
>jetcuck thread got deleted HAHAAHHAHAHA
Xavier Ross
>jetcuck thread got deleted HAHAAHHAHAHA
Henry Robinson
Maybe if she showed up in my roll
Tyler Stewart
why the fuck are jannu and jeeg just hanging out outside of the bathroom
Hunter Roberts
But my mother is dead.
Jackson Collins
Holy shit melvin stop
Ryan Murphy
lol mom i did it again
Carson Lopez
>NP4 kek
Bentley Miller
Joshua Mitchell
>Melvin's proxy is acting up again >L-lets your forget what happened guys How can he ever recover
Carter Edwards
I want to impregnate Jannu till she forgets about dragon and trap dicks.
Nathaniel Lewis
Jesus. So this means that: a) Melt casually obliterates Lancelot. b) Melvin is a worthless proxyshitter. That's the gist of it right?
Josiah Foster
Colton Lopez
Nolan King
>2 fucking new ips So the gilfag is indeed just spamming proxies after all
Jack Cook
himouto umaru chan made a robot of elizabeth and wasn't satisfied so she made a kaiju sized one in chrome to show her appreciation or whatever.
Jeremiah Rogers
Why are the clones so much better than Sakura?
Blake Mitchell
Justin Bennett
Isaac Parker
I hope news saves us.
Brandon Jackson
It's fucking hilarious
Sebastian Murphy
Moriarty is slowly becoming an /m/fag.
Jeremiah Morris
>Melvin starting shit again because his thread got deleted the death of /fgog/ cant come quick enough
John Gonzalez
What happened on the last thread?
Eli Morgan
>posting this after doing this kek
Matthew Diaz
>Melvin EXPOSED posting as Jetfag AND Gilfag
Jayden Ward
>2 new ips Gilfags are fucking finished
Hudson Hernandez
Charles Richardson
Only your own self control regarding shitposting can save you.
Each time News comes out, people pretends it changes things or makes things better, its still just the same shitposting mess as always though. That's never going to change unless you change it.
>he spend hours in taiwanese picture dump replying to his own posts and pretending as both sides lmao
Easton Gray
Nobody deserve this.
Adrian Turner
*blocks your path*
Carson Bailey
Gilcucks getting BTFO
Isaac Scott
Sebastian Richardson
So now we can talk about the game content, r—right guys? guys?
Ryder Allen
>gilfag is claiming his boogeyman is proxying >except the poll is on his favor Something is wrong here shouldn't proxies be able to turn a poll around?