I have made about 5% in less than a year by going to my bank and asking them to buy stocks for me. I did nothing after that. I make money while I sleep. Why do you fuck with shitcoins and schemes? You cannot beat the market. investopedia.com
Grown up investment thread
What did you make with that 5%? I guarantee I've made much more with crypto. Stay mad gramps
>Yes, you may be able to beat the market, but with investment fees, taxes and human emotion working against you
Fees are negligible in crypto compared to stocks.
kek, easy to avoid taxes with crypto
If you can't control your emotions that's your own problem.
These don't matter if you know what you're doing.
These apply to all income
Only a problem if you allow it to be one
Most traders are shitters who do no research.
>You cannot beat the market
kek he fell for the efficient market hypothesis meme
lmao you're not going to get powerfucked when Chinese gangsters decide to pumpndump your shitcoin portfolio
Enjoy financial security you cuckmaster
Daily reminder Veeky Forums is a board for the discussion of blockchain and cryptocurrency related topics.
Also I literally just made 30% in a day with ARK, your 5% is shit.
>I bet on black and won, your "saving" is shit
5% a year? lol. How about 20% in an hour?
risk = reward
Lol, plenty of people here make 5% a DAY on crypto.
You definitely can beat the market, especially trading smaller cap things. They aren't however very salable so when you have large capital you won't be able to keep up those returns.
Guys I made a whole $5 CAD with my TFSA. Real money that I can spend. Your million shitcoins are worthless, but maybe I'll share my happy meal if your cardboard sign is funny.
Put it into a (((RRSP))), good goy
>I don't understand it so its no different from roulette.
Easy ro avoid. Cough IRS...
Made 250% buying ETH in early March. Enjoy catching up with me in 40 years, grandpa.
>All these cryptofags getting """caught""" and (((triggered))) by an obvious troll thread
>"Let's all go on the internet and lie about our fake money gainz!"
I buy dividend growth stocks. They increase their dividend by 15% on average every day. You can google dividend achievers or dividend aristocrats. I am in a better situation than OP because I am not only making money but I make more money every year. As for crypto I guess you do not put in $400K when you buy a coin. And you would not have the balls to do so because you know as well that ALL of these coins do not have any real value. For the record I have 4 BTC which is less than 1% of my net worth. As for your 20% in an hour just remember the recent Polo "crash" when Ripple was pumped and within 10 minutes you could lose 50%.
I make 7% a year on dividends when calculating with my original investment plus about 15% last year due to the nice Trump rally.
tldr "crypto investing" is 0,1% getting rich of losers like you :)
I meant they increase their dividend by 15% on average every year. sry I am an old grandpa
How much have you put into your TFSA?
Are you actually investing it or did you just dump it into a savings account like the name says?
Are you taking advantage of the fact that you don't have to pay any taxes on profits, dividends, or interest, and a you doing the same with an RRSP?
TFSAs can be amazing if you use them right, don't fuck it up.
Or do both, they aren't the same thing.
Enjoy being dinged on taxes and reducing your gains, or wasting time and effort to trickle it out clandestinely to avoid suspicion thereby reducing gains as well.
Not bashing crypto just saying it's not quite the free money people wish it were.
Was about to ask which dividends you bought with that kind of increase.
I'm heavy in REITs and oil/energy dividends right now.
>s&p 500 up 12%
>you're up 5%
no difference between you and crypto morons
In ten years, none of those words will be things.
Good job bro you're almost keeping up with inflation
do you think dividends are the best route for TFSA ? I've heard of people making like 300k off their 50k tfsa and not having to pay taxes, it's tempting to try and gamble.
Stocks won't exist?
Tax deferred dividends is a free stream of money, better if you set up a dividend reinvestment plan through the company (direct ownership, may not apply) or bank/broker (held in trust, synthetic DRIP) which means you get more shares instead of cash and pay no trade fees for it.
I do set aside about 10-15% to play with and have made good to great returns, but until I'm doing better it's too stressful to try and trade during the market open while I'm at work in a timezone offset by two hours.
>5% in a year
i make 5% everyday kid
>Tax deferred dividends is a free stream of money
I want to explain why this is wrong, but this is a troll thread started by a cryptofag, so I'm not gonna waste the time.
Come into a real investing thread some day and make this statement, and I'll explain it to you.
>Enjoy being dinged on taxes and reducing your gains,
you really think we sell eth???
Explain to me how it isn't.
I get money deposited into an account monthly for shares that my bank holds in trust for me. I did pay $6.95 in fees to the bank to purchase said shares, but I do not pay to receive the dividends whether in cash deposited or shares transfered in via DRIP.
Because the entire account is tax deferred (TFSA) and not tax delayed (RRSP) I do not have to pay any capital gain taxes on any balance increase whether through a sale at a profit or through receiving a dividend or interest payment.
I don't know what people do with them.
People say they made $x but if they didn't ultimately exchange it for cash they haven't made anything as far as I'm concerned. I don't tell people I made $150k on my house just because it got reassessed, I didn't make anything because I'm still holding the asset and haven't found anyone willing to pay for it in cash.
So far I've bought BTC and ETH and just exchange them depending on parity. I'm in the process of looking into other at coins but haven't got involved with any yet.