/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1351

■ Current Update (11/8): 「電撃!ポリタンカーニバル」

■ Future
├ Dec: Erythron Dragon Raid Boss EQ
└ Jan: Enchanted Forest Field

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
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└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Current Scratch: pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ Alchemist Replica (until 11/22)
├ Vehicle Formers (until 12/6)
├ [SG] Mother Cluster Imitation (until 12/13)
└ [SG] Darkness Conviction (until 12/13)

■ Current Collection File
├ Majestic/Phantom Battleship (until 11/29)
├ Polytan (Basilis series, until 12/5)
├ Revolutio 2 (until 2018/3/7)
├ Aura (until 2018/3/20)
└ Evleda (until 2018/3/20)

├ General Information/News: bumped.org/psublog/
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pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
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pso2.arks-visiphone.com (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Trees: arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affixing: pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage Calculator: 4rt.info/psod/

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Someone make a proper thread that won't be deleted.

They were too thick to be called thunder thighs
Too heavy. They were more like hunks of buffalo meat

neck yourself

>nemesis hidden ability
>when the barrier is up it reduces PP consumption by 20%
wtf i love nemesis now

Are regular OT nemesis weapons recolorable or is it just NT?

>doesnt fucking matter because drop rates are such trash ill never even get the one I want much less max element it
nice fucking even sega, episode 5 has be shitshow after shitshow after shitshow.


is there even a point to going to the second area in ult nab if you aren't in a party?

Polytan is a weird EQ

I hope your ready for another fucking Advanced Quest campagin "with the promise of 14*s" followed by damage spong ultimate lilipa with slave-nt (fucking recycling a reskined fucking weapon) and then a "difficult" (see absolutely fucking nothing) Dragon EQ. Enjoy your fucking three year old content you pig, grind some more you goddamn swines, our game is fucking shit and we dont give a fuck so why should you?

Except nemesis is the actual reskin. How new are you?

Maybe you should just go.

>people in this english community still shit on ep4 for giving us Summoner, rings, Star gems, and the story despite classes not being neutered to shit and the pillow chucking
>these same people praise EP5 despite this episode legitimately fucked the balance beyond repair with hero and nerfed every class that isnt FI or Gu
I cant tell if its stockholm syndrome or if people really hated yamato, tokyo, earth, etc. at this point

You will be mine

>see someone with akatsuki
>assume it's just the camo
>it's the 14*
>they're using it on hero

I think the worst part of episode 5 is how sega's starting this 100% buffed quest shit. They know that every mpa is filled with hero's so its totally fine to just ridiculously bloat enemy's hp pools and have them 2 shot you. Newflash, its not fucking fun, it gets boring as shit because it means every class but Hr is already starting out gimped and has to take a step back from the fight to heal if they get hit even once. Darkblast is dogshit easycheese people pop whenever they go against a boss that actually poses a challenge and they still haven't un-fucked every t-attack class despite pushing multiple balance changes which only served to cuck them even more.

Isnt akatsuki unsheathed as hero? Someone confirm pls

Anyone else leech yamato by cycling tmg normals and regen so that it looks like youre doing stuff

Tiny swede

>finally unlocked Hero
It's fun!

What's that camo?
That actually looks really good, most katana camos just have really terrible color schemes

Making all the fodder yourself and especially in the way you listed in that post is a tremendous amount of money. It'd be way cheaper to just buy it off of the market.
Same with going for 100% success rate, it's simply not worth it on an affix that cheap. The extra money you spend to get from 80 to 100% is almost as much as a second attempt at the 80% would cost you, not worth it whatsoever.

>katana camo
I don't want to disappoint you, user

Isn't that Yonohate Out or whatever? It's for sword, not katana.

Price depends a lot on the market, sometimes its better to buy stat4 at low slots, sometimes its better to buy stat3 and force your way into stat4. That method should cost less money right now for shit4

The pod from nier automata is a mag camo right? I'm scared to look for the price

3s Pow4 fodder straight from the market is usually around 800k on Ship2. 2s around 650k. And it's not even just that, there's also the extra cubes he'd have to throw down. Cutting down on one fodder saves a bit of money but it wouldn't even come close to what a single one of the 2s fodders to make the pow4/fever runs you.
If he followed your(?) advice he would quite literally pay 3-4x as much as just taking that 80% chance with a single pow4 boosted by extreceptor, there is just no point in spending that much extra when you are already that high.

The only thing the buffed quest shit does is punish you for playing with shitty pugs. We really need expert 2.0 or something.
>play with an organized MPA
>buffed damage doesn't mean shit because deband cut
>takes the same amount of time as a normal run would because your MPA actually does damage and there's WB/shift cut/zanverse
>play with shit pugs
>they hug the floor more than they actually attack because they have no HP affixed at all
>they do no fucking damage with their unaffixed weapons and ~50 atk units at best
>lucky to have any of the shit listed above, and even if you do, expect to see WB in retarded places or a techer who can't even buff once every 3 minutes
>takes three times as long as a normal run

Ok nigger, I just did the math using shit2 prices, following that method linked on the post you are quoting should be 1.853M PLUS affixing fee (not counting a 4th fodder and assuming ex receptor comes with quartz because its incredibly common now)
Now doing following the earlier examples should be
2,353M PLUS some retarded affixing fee because previous examples show 5 fodders on target unit TWICE and affixing fee on 11*~12* units for 5 fodders is a little over 900k, assuming this he would be spending 1.8m extra or over 4 million in total, original example linked would be 2.3M if using 4 fodders or 2.2M if they use 3 fodders on the final result
Somebody should have explained to him it would be cheaper to use pow3 vol/gunne/idk soul and mut2 at this point

Can dailies be done even after that day is over, or do they expire and you have to cancel the quest? My translator is giving me engrish


They don't expire

can i fuck you?

yes, but I don't have a vagina

that's even better

>10 hrs farming ult nab
>0 *13s
>0 weila
>0 *14s
>only getting eggs and candies
i fucking hate this shit

Which potential for Maron is better?

>play ult as soon as boost starts
>1hour later
>special egg?

I wish they removed SUmmoner or did something about it
>more than half of my 13*s from yamato are fucking violas
>toritori eq was ok but everyone hated all the fucking eggs
>even nips hated it
>ult naberius is nothing but eggs
>first 13* from naberius revival is maron egg
>latest 13* is fucking nemesis tact out of all the things
>my SU is level 1

I didnt know the dengeki eq drop 14*s until today

Doesn't matter which quest drops 14*s or not. You're never going to get one, and neither am I.


honest question are you colorblind

>Play tons of the new Yamato when it was released
>Actually get a big variety of 13* drops
>Comment to friends about another one
>One is all "LOL I BET IT'S A VIOLA EGG"
>It actually is
>Stop getting weapons entirely it's nothing but Viola Eggs from here on out
What is this
Have I been cursed

are you just running in circles or clearing the quest?

>They actually made a Nemesis Tact
ahaha what

They knew what they were doing

I got one


running in circles

Please go back to the bridge and do not return.

I got my Xion Long that I'll never wear

everything that's a hu sub has access to automate, which is essentially everything but force.


>farm for an hour
>get a nemesis for a class I'd play
>get no weila boards
>get no 14*
ult a shit.



>finally got another gix sword to max the one I got from boosted ult amd
Finally, this nightmare is over

I never really understood the allure of Io.

But Gix is garbage now, not even worth using anymore

>have maxed gix
>0 desire to use on hero

why does this post have no replies?

holy shit thats so cool.

im upset its been so long since my last nemesis drop i need.
i got another weila though

I'd her horns

Well, I guess its a good thing my nemesis sword is almost complete too~

I stopped playing hero for like a month and its actually been pretty refreshing going back to it

>run ult
>get nothing

I spent 12 million and am waiting for affix boost.
The reason why I spent this much is because:

PowIV 2s and 3s are fucking expensive (closing in on 1 mil each rn). And according to the other user I had to get 9 2s PowIV for three 3s ArksFever-PowIV-JunkA. Now 3s Flict Arma And PowIV was 2 mil each, Extrareceptor was 300k each with stage soul and finally Escarde soul and upslotting was 0.5mil total.

Most of it was spent on PowIV units and 3s Flict Arma + PowIV since that was cheaper than trying to affix it myself with stuff off the market.

I porbably got jewed hard because of how retarded I am.

If you actually went with the recipe that guy provided you got fucked over. Hard.
There is absolutely zero reason for you to go with fodder that has both Pow4 and Flict Arma on the same one, same with Pow4 and Arks Fever.
Should actually think for yourself a little instead of blindly following whatever some rando posts.

>don't listen to the guy who gives you a cheap-ass recipe screenshotted right in the simulator to give you the odds
>listen to the random fuck who gives you completely fucking wrong information
>don't question it halfway through when it ends up costing you millions and millions
>don't fuck around in the simulator to find a cheaper solution yourself
What is wrong with you?

>doing nab ult
>going smooth as fuck
>TE leaves
>his party members RA and HR leave
>MPA goes down to the shitter

I learned something I guess.
I'm retarded
I won't ask for advice here again
I won't be touching affixing again

I mean one person gave you good advice, the other person gave you bad advice.
You chose to follow the pretty obviously bad advice without actually thinking it through.

In the grand scheme of things it's not like it really hurt you, you will still get your gear. You might have wasted a couple million but that's money you will make back sooner rather than later. Just take it as a lesson, pretty much everyone wasted money on shit they didn't need or could have done better before in this game. Next time you want to affix something you will have some experience with the system and a better idea of how it all works, partly because of this "fuck up".

Yes I think I learned some stuff.
Just new to the game and tried to learn how to affix. But the most complete guide is 2 years old and doesn't even list things like extrarecptors.
I was also retarded.

At least I will have this amount of money back in a few weeks since it was only 12 mil.

Give me my last nemesis by drop so I can go home.

What's that? You want MORE eggs? Well.. ok then

>Untekked weapon drop
>Turns out it's an Ares takt.

>ares takt

don't reply to retards who obviously make shit up

what happened to guardians

What the hell do I do with polytan smile affix?

It's a worse version of emper embrace

I just dump all of it into a NT 12* I have lying around or just got

if you have enough patience you can give it to a random weapon to stack it with emper embrace but might be a waste of meseta

How about put it on a 1* and then throw it onto a vita weapon?

you could try, i have not done calculation if that's actually worth doing though, but it's something i should do ASAP

how about throw it into an emper embrace

800 if it has no element or affix and 300 for the affix cost for a boost equal to a vita 3* of the same type. Still 2000 to throw it onto the 3* though.

>random 630 before EQ starts
>connect against
>realize my loading times are miles times faster
>no delay or stutter opening my inventory
>swap weapons on the fly without delays
>take 4 seconds to load amdu TA
>not 16-20 seconds like usual
what the fuck, is this what playing from japan feels like?

we wouldn't be in nearly as bad of a state as we're in right now if qliphad didn't royally fuck the game balance

every new "endgame" weapon set that comes out has to compete with it (see: 14* getting buffed, nem-nt, polytan weapons having always-on jellen with 13% mod and always-on 5% saf due to jellen)

it is entirely qliphad's fault and the power creep is absurd.

hero was just a mobility creep.

the 100% boost events are probably just sega testing out a new difficulty before going final but with the large plethora of games out there all competing for your time, people are tired of pso2 and will happily move on to a new game so they can get that "start from fresh" experience all over again.

And before Qliphard it was Austere. And the next time it will be whatever the weapon set released at the end of Ep5 will be.
Blaming those is retarded. Having a harder to get weapon set that isn't immediately outclassed next month makes a hell of a lot of sense and is 100% preferable to how it used to be where you'd get an upgrade literally every month unless you lucked out and got the ever elusive ridiculously rare drop from the current EQ.

this is the dumbest take I've ever seen in here and that's saying something

at least you didn't post your whore of a character I guess

austere wasn't anywhere near as busted as qliphad and you fucking know it.

the two are totally incomparable, even if you get into the timeframes they were released - austere was this long-term grind that when you saw somebody with one in the lobby you were like "damn dude look at all that work they put in" and then they shit all over everything and it was cool

but qliphad was just handed to everybody for free for about a tenth of the effort and the fact that it utterly annihilates the competition is staggering. every weapon that comes out between now to the standardization of 14* weapons is going to be compared to qliphad for the people that have one, and if it isn't either

A) stronger
B) almost as strong but has utility

they aren't going to bother

which i guess you could say about austere, too, but at least orbit was around at the same time too.

red dragon weapons are going to have to be even fucking dumber than nemesis-nt for people to deal with the sheets there, too.

man fuck all those basic bitches. how many times can people jack off to the same low poly ass in a lewdkini before it gets boring

I wish I had over 4k SATK in lobby

卐 卍BrBo卐 卍

>but qliphad was just handed to everybody for free for about a tenth of the effort
I'd say overall it was less effort, but, saying it was just "handed to everybody" is an exaggeration

Whole Excube drops weren't exactly consistent early on
The 9* objective could be annoying
Deus Esca triggers didn't even exist until much later

If it was just the sheet, sure, but you had to repeat this six times, and then after affixing, spend 120 more fuses

With Austere there was chance most of the miscellaneous items you needed besides the Caligulas and Neros were already sitting in your storage to begin with

nt blackonia skull weapons when

>6 minute BrBo run
I'm making a BrBo now.

You had to do the austere grind twice, or spend an obscene amount of money at the time for 5% (or whale for 10% when they were available since they aren't tradeable) element boosters.