League of legends general /lolg/

best waifu edition


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xth for breast metal waifu

xth for my wife Syndra

He died over this ward 3 times. I don't understand.

>tfw no qt petite gf to let me nut on her midriff

I want Shyvfag for christmas!

>Urgot top is laning against Volibear, goes 1/10
>Next game, don't realise it's the same shitter that's been autofilled support until the loading screen
>Goes 1/5 with Alistar in 10 minutes, then quits

And Riot will do absolutely fucking nothing about this cunt because he or his mommy buys RP for skins.

Nice one.

I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get buffs or an escape added to her kit

>Irelia and Darius top
>Shyvana and Udyr jungle
>Jax for both roles

how badly i will get counterpicked every game?

What's grave boy's go to main and secondary rune?


Sure is fun when a 4 man decides to ruin evereyones fun and makes the game a waste of time

>meme build give me 105 bonus AD just from celerity


There's one guy who insists PtA is good on him, but I haven't tried it yet, plus I suspect this is the same guy that thinks TriForce isn't very good on Yorick

Cant get counter picked if you play blind pick

god i love normals so much
>pick meme champs
>go for meme builds
>win or lose, it doesn't matter
>nothing fucking matters

you ranked shitters will never know true fun

>not doing this in ranked

>Relentless Hunter Warwick is fun as fuck
>BUT doing a full clear will only give you just enough Gold to get Tiamat on first back
>Impossible to get boots until second back unless you randomly pick up a kill from somewhere and if you try delaying Tiamat your clear sucks

magical footwear

is there any way to check if someone got banned? or do we simply check op.gg and see if he has any recent games?

Yeah well you have to trade something for free sustain, cc, and attack speed.

>kleptomancy Viktor
>9 minute Level 3 Hexcore

>yfw you can't use runes such as increase in Armor, MR, etc. anymore

I'm fine with it but shit feels weird. It's off putting to see my armor and mr to stay default from the start after all these years.

>Literally 10 minutes
And you miss out on Alacrity from the Precision tree then.


Not playing both?

It's particularly annoying for junglers who relied on stats from runes for a good clear. Now all these stats are gone and 90% of new runes don't give shit for junglers.


Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

how do I git gud with soraka?

>oh boy on my next level up I'll have enough essence for another mystery champion
>get Quinn shard worth more than enough
>but using it for the discount on quinn gives a better BE efficiency ratio
>will end up needing to hold onto it and wait for another level up before purchasing my next mystery champion
>foiled by good luck
t-thanks rito...

>needs moar runes
We really should get more over time.

which jungler has a bad clear right now?
even dr. mundo doesn't get very low

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>mfw Demolish

>practice tool with my boy Aatrox
>fire up ULT
>spooky backward voices start when I ult

Black cleaver stacking is not a meme....amazing with garen and urgot

LeBlanc's midriff

>6k hp cho
>half the turrets hp in hit


Why Yasuo is hard to play:
Keeping up constant Q poke while not being poked back is tough, and winning trades is only possible when shield is up/enemy skills are on CD. Requires discipline to trade only when you know you can get away with it
Prolonged auto fights/burst fights pre-6 will chunk your health and you will die if you don't know what you're doing. This is where most Yasuos fail thinking they can just flash and auto Q someone to death at level 1 because they saw someone else do this to them lategame with full build *First Blood*
His wall is hard to use in terms of positioning, it's not an Anivia wall where you get to choose where to place it. Also it's a buggy skill and easy to counter simply by walking past it
Knockup is hard to land because skillshot, and you could get CC'd while trying to airblade knockup. Only reliable way to land a Q is Q flashing, but you have to flash for that so
Early 100% crit doesn't mean shit if you've already fed 20 kills to your laner and/or jungler and they can pentakill your team by exhaling on them. Have to play passively to get items if you're not snowballing, and even then you're still squishy as fuck
Ult puts you in a really bad position in anything less than a 3-man knockup if you don't have a team waiting to follow you up

Just a few off the top of my head. Any thoughts?


Okay what do you think about this for a Jinx buff?:
If Jinx uses her ult and it explodes in close proximity to her she gets knocked back a relative distance to how close she is to it (if it explodes right in front of her she gets knocked back more) as if she's rocket jumping or some shit. It would be kind of like new evelynn's ult.

post sauce though

I want to go swimming in Ashe.


you mean with?

Winning lane vs a pro yasuo user means you have to calculate (and execute) the fight exactly to your specifications, taking into account your cooldowns and his, the position of both junglers, the creep waves and the general "feel" of the lane (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what people call merely "gaming").

His windwall and passive will negate your abilities, do not become demoralized, is he too strong? is his skill superior to mine?. The infinite dashes will make you doubt, feel insecure, after all you are facing the strongest champion in the game, you have to be solid, steel-hard, cold, reliable and confident, you must dodge the tornado, an ability only the elite players possess, your mind has to operate at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities, do not shake, do not fear, concentrate.

The quest is over, take your LP, deactivate your mangekyo sharingan and rest, because to defeat yasuo is to realize that you are simply better, both as a player and as a man.


>mfw people say b-but the damage sucks

it's a 15 second mini-ghost, that shit is damn useful and if you take ingenious hunter since that also reduces the cooldown of predator

Don't you mean Lulu?

at what elo do the following champs get hit with a hard drop-off


just about every bruiser really likes health and ad a lot probably to the point where buying at least 2 is good on every one of them


>posting small version


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Annie, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Zoe, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka, Lulu

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air, Tristana

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona,Janna,Poppy



they need to address this via base stats too not just runes otherwise they're pigeonholing players just like the old rune system

Nice meme

>runes reforged
>Ryze and Evelynn exist
The time now is perfect. Riot should release a new mode- on second though I should probably say this somewhere else.

Why would anyone pick Nami instead of Sona at this point?

It wasn't as important as saving the large lewd version.

Where is irelia? why did shyvana suddenly jumped to top tier?


What's a decent pick into Yasuo toplane that doesn't get outscaled 1v1 no matter how far ahead you are by the point he gets phantom dancer.

Playing tanks and having him cut through you by mid game sucks and its damn annoying how teammates will fuck off when you lock him down, am I just doomed to play Nasus?

This is true. I've fapped to that picture at least once a day since I found it

>Relentless sexual aggression

has anyone else tried fleet footwork celerity jinx? feels super strong and super fun getting ms buff procs from 800 range rockets

yorick, similarly to nasus he'll still fuck him up later on
not sure about when he gets 100% crit tho


>pedofags hijack the list
fucks sake

I agree with this too. I've been expecting all sorts of adjustments, as we all should. But new runes on a regular basis is something I'm thinking far less people are thinking about (not that I'm bored with what we have)


why did they have to make poppy so insecure...

>Inspiration + Resolve gives +145 health
>Celestial body gives +100 health
>infinite axes for infinite kleptomancy procs for infinite health potions
>more potions from biscuit delivery
>inspiration gives 20% extra potion duration
>Revitalize: heals are 5% stronger, doubled on targets below 40% health

>Celestial body can't reduce true damage

Different kind of fun and CC. Mainly that first one. I'm just not one to jump just to what's the most powerful at aĺl times.

It's okay, she's playing the long game

Is he bad now?

Not anymore, she's domming everyone this patch.

>>Celestial body can't reduce true damage


If I recall true damage cannot be reduced with anything

It's true damage, nothing should be able to increase it or reduce it.

>klepto on a ranged sheen champ
>tons of free attack speed from precision
>or free AD from sorc/dom
>lower resists help his split damage actually be useful
>fewer tanks means easier to burst people
Nah he's probably sleeper OP again

>playing urgot
>get shit on in lane by a kennen
>still carry the game hard

nice fucking game lolbabs
love playing like shit and still becoming an unkillable cunt that shits out damage

Guys what if I play klepto gangplank and start ancient coin for the bandit passive

>lay in bed
>stare at my bottle of scotch
>feel like drinking
>feel lonely
>feel miserable
>I want someone I can spend time without family or friends ever needing to get involved
>I am going to Wendy's so I don't drink

>my friend got 7-day suspension for saying easy after every game
I thought it was a joke, what the fuck people are this sensitive?

Anyone need a support right now? I'd like to cool off from today.

did he feed?

Sounds funky but I could get behind it

xth for Cute Ashe

I fucked up my sleep schedule, so now i will have to stay awake all night to not oversleep and be late at work Edition

Okay then, hopefully will see ya soon bud.

>be adc
>support has klepto
>at one point around ten minutes in I notice she has a fucking Elixer of Iron trail going behind her

>Deliberately antagonize other players in every game
>Surprised you get punished for being a massive cockhead with no social skills
Are you autistic? There are repercussions for acting like a dumb asshole, even on the internet.

Its annoying. People play for fun, not to shit on people unless its ranked and they got stomped

>vayne jungle

>jhin top with press the attack

I want to rape a baby


who in their right mind would pick Fleet Footwork?
that rune is complete ass

So what are you guys playing while you wait for the game to not be shit?

What are some of the best ign's youve seen?

>klepto lane udyr

>people who say easy
should have been a perma desu