> News - Miiverse has shut down on Nov 7th, ending its in-game functionality in Splatoon for Wii U. - Inkbrush Nouveau has been released! Sub: ink mine, Special: baller. - Next US Splatfest is sci-fi vs. fantasy! From November 17, 9pm PST to November 18, 9pm PST. - Karaage without lemon has won the latest Japanese Splatfest!
which one did you pick? i was gone all day so i couldn't suggest anything
Zachary Parker
Oh I don't really have just one to pick, but I do like (might go with this one regardless during the week if I think of some suitable woomies) One is similar to another I did a while back that got like one (you) so I'm not sure how many people saw it or if woomy owner even saw it Go ahead and suggest anything
Isaac Myers
What, babby can't handle the mighty Nozzle? You don't even meed to hit all three to kill a chum, and their hitboxes are massive too. Ink a lot and kill bosses.
Henry Gonzalez
Dylan Ross
I’m still for the ska band idea. Also Biker during going full drunk-gay and hitting on a random yebby
Austin Moore
I didn't see her when she got posted, but I stumbled upon it when I went on the booru.
Jack Lopez
Speedy Woomy is early!
Joseph Jackson
Don't worry, he got me too. ;_;
Lincoln Flores
what if you took your woomy out to eat crepes and she really liked it and said she wants to go out again with you soon
Oliver Adams
Kayden Garcia
what if you bought your woomy an ice cream and she got brain freeze, except she's cold-blooded and can't warm herself up so it hirts until you come back home
Cameron Jones
I bet 15 swim speed chunks that I'm a speedier spaghetti.
Luke Ramirez
Ska band is cute but I'm not much for music, by which I mean I don't think I've listened to ska in my life. I feel like slut woomy owner would be all for the idea, though, so I'll keep it in mind. Drunk gay Biker is also still hilarious and canon. Speedy woomy is cute! CUTE!
Jace Collins
if she's coldblooded she wouldn't get brain freeze in the first place now would she
David Smith
1P off
Jacob Jenkins
>1p left to superbonus
Alexander Sullivan
>1199p fuck you grizz
Gabriel Bell
agree, she'd just get sleepy and hibernate right in the middle of the street
Anthony Evans
>Go ahead and suggest anything Cliche airport scene between Tennis and Green before the plane leaves, like in the movies
or, Tennis and Lemonade fighting over who stole whose outfit. Shirt and tentacle pulling a plus. Can include Lemonade says something like "You're just jealous because everyone loves my feet!"
or, Green Woomy eating ice cream from the box while Sweets comments about something, could be about the ice cream, or "She's only gone for one weekend!" or what have you
or something for the Squelcher Squad?
Noah Jackson
“Bro those are some fresh clothes. They’d look even fresher on my living room floor” “Hey, I know one thing that’s more fun to ride than my bike” “Wanna see my crotch rocket?”
Luis Johnson
I don't think squids do that. Do you know anything about cephalopods?
Kayden Sanchez
GGs crew
Juan Perry
This OC shit is cancer >Speedy - shes fast lol >Slut - she likes dick lol >Tennis - she likes tennis lol >Green - shes green lol >Sweets - she likes sweets lol >Lemonade - lemonade lol Why are you wasting your precious seconds in this lifetime posting this degeneracy
Leo Morgan
Good runs Lunaricrew. We won all but the last one!
Blake Hill
Sorry for not playing longer, I just wanted to get my bonuses in because I'm going out soon and might not be able to play for a very long time and didn't want to miss out. If I'm back later on I'll definitely play some more, thanks for the games guys.
Camden Jackson
>Green and Tennis airport scene Damn I was thinking about this exact concept as a comic for like a week straight, I might pull it out again. You clearly know how to appeal to my interests so I'll keep these in mind. Also doing something for Squelcher Squad would be nice
Jackson Nguyen
Draw yourself doing something with your life that isn't squid porn
Landon Morgan
>cold blooded gear rewards
Jaxson Sanchez
Draw a young squib sleeping in a fish tank like a crib.
Hudson Nelson
I'm a full time student with a job, but thank you for your concern
Ryan Stewart
November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo!
Jonathan Bennett
>Occupation: Full Time Student
Xavier Lee
and you spend the rest of your day drawing squid porn? jesus dude
Gavin Moore
Bring it on.
Jaxson Turner
well what else are they gonna do? study?
Jacob Wood
That's exactly what every cold-blooded organism does, that's how we fish them, just put them in cold storage and they stay fresh until they are unloaded
Connor Torres
That's less smug and more trying to hold back from cumming.
Aaron Rodriguez
How do I continue to get better at this game? I'm getting better with motion controls and I've been utilizing the WeenieSplat Jr to much success. Are there any weapons I need to have? (I've see a lot of high level 20-30 players using Dual Squelchers so I'm gonna try those once I hit the lvl req)
In the meantime here is some lewd official squiddo from the app.
Evan Cruz
Blake King
is there a not-autistic discord server? last one i was on had some person going ballistic about some off topic content
want to play some pick up games but dont want to deal with spergs
James Nguyen
That's not what smug looks like, kid.
Ian Myers
>not-autistic >discord server
Pick one.
Jose Peterson
both of the discords have idiots, mainly in the off topic channels. i like Ela/Lordo's server more, though.
Camden Price
>is there a not-autistic discord server Have you been on /ink/ long? I've notice that as far as generals go, this one is really quite autistic and talking about the game is highly uncommon. I think in this thread alone, there's one or two posts related to the game itself out of 50.
Josiah Cox
Awareness is key. Jr is really good for it because it inks a lot, but you might want to switch to something more offensive later.
Carson Evans
that server is full of furries and spergos. what about the other one? lost the link
Isaac Anderson
the furry is in both discords and the second one has more trannies and tismos
Blake Adams
>Lordo's When did he become an owner?
Gavin Foster
>Cephalopods have blue blood Food for thought.
Michael Bennett
Blake Hall
James Lee
>the furry is in both discords Wrong
Juan Bennett
i always imagine woomies having ink colored blood
Hudson Hall
Everyone has someone they can look up to and aspire to be like one day. We all have different definitions of what was a true hero is. Personally, PizzaKingBob is my hero. He is everything I hope to be when I grow up. I am forever thankful for what PizzaKingBob has done for me. Bob has blessed me with the training to reach S+ in all modes. Bob has carried me to gold in League numerous times. Bob has reached 100+ Salmon eggs in MULTIPLE rotations. He is the most caring, loving, and genuine inkbrush player I have ever known and that is why he is my hero.
Justin Roberts
Bloody hell guys, it's the best I can do. There's a limited number of facial expressions, you know.
Luke Powell
>/ink/ >non-autistic
Juan Butler
Hey guys, SleepyJirachi here
Ryan Butler
Why are these threads mostly porn and roleplaying? Don't they normally deviate into discord shitholes before that happens?
Leo Wood
>Awareness is key. Tell that to my team. I press X and look at the map to see a roller sitting next to my spawn rolling the entire area without being contested.
Chase James
This is closer to smug.
Joseph Morales
where do you think you are its a childrens game everyone here (save myself of course) is a degenerate
Dominic Ortiz
Because alot of us are just playing the game without /ink/
Liam Watson
Hey what's up senpaitachi it's ya boi craig again here to bring you yet another exquisite assembly of deceivery and ruses of the likes that you have never experienced before and will not only going to forever change the very essence of your being for all time to come but also go down in history and be rehearsed for aeons to come as the greatest tomfoolery in history that has taken place if it weren't for the fact that you'd be met with excessive ridicule and mockery for trying to convince anyone of what has transpired on this fateful day where this absolute madman came to bamboozle a gathering of nerds players who never saw it coming their way yet even if they were foretold of what was to betide them on this historical occurence it would had not diminished the outcome but would have only made the shame resulting from this cunning stratagem more severly than you could possibly comprehend and as such should not be ashamed to simply proceed to lay down on the floor and embrace the storm that is about to obliterate anything you thought had ever known
Camden Adams
Nintendo games in general attract autistic fucks who would rather suck each others dicks while owo-ing or the other half that seem to do it unironically when its clear they're just as bad.
It's a shame because I'd love to actually talk about the game without someone namedropping some random faggot I have no interest in just because they do squid circlejerks in discord and can't keep it to their containment channel.
Gavin Lopez
cool post retard
Thomas Nguyen
posting off topic shit isn't against the rules here or at least isn't enforced.
Elijah Smith
cutely sleeping woomies
Logan Mitchell
why do you do it?
David Thompson
you ever wonder how your stupid ass survives to pull off some dumb shit sometimes?
Dylan Gonzalez
Well squid, start the discussion yourself then. Meta is a bit stale right now because metashot is too powerful for its own good, but lower tiers are fun to discuss, like how Flingza with its wall pretty much makes Tent obsolete.
Eli Davis
>filename living up to my stupid ass standards, i see
Jonathan Gonzalez
>Meta is a bit stale right now because metashot is too powerful for its own good It's literally worse right now than it's been at any other point in Splatoon 2
Carson Parker
All the time. I wish I remembered to record my encounter with a Luna, while I was running the RBP.
Easton Edwards
they're stick users, you can tell by the way they aim/move
Jason Cooper
Or Splatoon 1 for that matter. Even in days of 96, Tentatek and Eliter dominance we still had Tentatek, 96 and Eliter, whereas now everything is Splattershot exclusively.
Liam Lopez
It's not much but I was proud of this stupid play.
Owen Hall
Oh, also Dynamo and 52, so 6 weapons forming a diverse top-tier meta.
Elijah Hernandez
If everything is Splattershot exclusively then how are people using Stingray, Ink Storm and Ink Armor?
Juan Brown
>Roller tried to run you over instead of flicking you at kill range >Panic Splashes A true mark of a shitter.
Jace Miller
Tentatek was largely dropped in favor of the Splattershot, but their collective overall use is lower than it used to be The real problem in the meta right now is the Brella + Sloshing combo
Ryder Campbell
why turfwar are you retared
Camden Hall
God damn it, you guys fuckin crack me up. I'm glad you people thought this up and that I accepted it. Also, About that threesome that was suggested... I mean, I don't want to double dip in the sense that I've been drawn by you literally a day ago and also in the sense of two woomies, but I'll just leave this here.
>Riding, like on a bike
That's all I'm saying. If I don't get chosen, perfectly fine. If I DO get chosen... well, god damn. I hope my body can take it.
Tyler Reyes
turf war is fun are you a tryhard
Anthony Evans
t. rainy
Jose Parker
no i try to play with adults and not little kids though
Jaxson Sanders
can you fuckers start being namefags so i can at least blacklist you
Evan Fisher
Tell me how to play another mode pre lvl 10 you stupid faggot.
Luke Price
ranked is more fun and less random. if you lose, you know its at least partially your fault and dont get angry, in turf its always uncarryable squibs.
Carson Sanchez
Try filtering "woomy" or some other trigger word that the autists in the threads parrot unironically over and over.
Alexander Gonzalez
i'm not the autistic one here
Easton Wright
>you know its at least partially your fault Wait so its MY fault our roller on tower decided to ink the enemy spawn all game instead of doing anything else relating to the tower control?
Lincoln Howard
>100+ Salmon eggs in MULTIPLE rotations That's funny, I played with him one rotation and he was constantly letting us down. When he left and someone else joined we went on a massive win streak and the waves/rounds just blew by. He played with again one time and the same problem came by, he's too greedy and won't stop to help you out if you're in a tight spot, racing back to the egg basket to collect more eggs when we're already 10+ egg quota met
Liam Morris
If you're not an S+, yes
Ryan Ortiz
right, only adults play ranked and only kids play turf war, got it surely this is a solid and non-refutable fact
William Morris
Just play League Battle. Literally the "Who gives a shit, have fun" mode. Everything to gain and nothing to lose.