First for stop making these threads. Thank you in advance
Sebastian Diaz
Is this where we post about hawken?
Ayden Ross
When are the Kong scrims?
Jacob Cooper
You're welcome.
Jack Morgan
Mechs on sale when? I've been saving up space dollars for a while waiting on shit to go on sale again. And with events handing out mc lately I've got enough for some of the heroes I've been wanting.
Daniel Powell
I see where the MWO is superior to MWLL and vice versa, but i just cant make me play MWO nowadays. So MWLL.
Cameron Phillips
what is anyone even going to run on the loyalty urbie?
srm's? or just a big fat mrm?
for that matter new loyalty mechs what are you gonna run on em?
Ryder Gomez
I will def try it because it'll be my first Urbie so i'm ready for the new experience.
I plan on 3 LPPC and an RL with XL180.
Oliver Green
Nothing cuz they suck. Only decent one is victor and that's for very good goys only.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Urbies are silly for one specific troll build on any of them.
>max std engine >twin erll's >x2 jj's
Then you play the game as an MBT, firing constantly on the move with massive dead side armour and structure 'glacis' to take hits on with a deadside.
Always be 'hull down' snipering
Jordan Evans
Guys is the Thanatos p2w?
Lucas Fisher
As i said - i'm new to Urbie, so thx, i'll try.
Zachary Richardson
>doing scouting for faction half of event >been doing just fine up until now >two kills and one solo kill until done >suddenly running into nothing but fag groups that don't want to fight >bunch of ecm locusts that instantly cap everything and then fuck off while a cicada runs around and takes focus >absolutely nothing anyone can do about it because they win as long as one of them is in the zone when the timer ends >don't want to go back to invasion because there's a massive premade that is apparently stomping every game and won't fuck off Faction play is such a goddamn shitshow.
Asher Ross
UGH, how DARE they play to the objective as a team, GEEZ!
>don't they know every game mode is skirmish because fuck you that's why!
Nathan Bailey
Because fighting is fun and caping is gay.
David Price
>i r teh potatoest hurr durr
how about NO. playing the game is fun, being a retard isn't.
Elijah Reed
Tell me once again where is the fun here - you wait-wait-wait, you cap, you get nothing.
Logan Sullivan
>i have no adult developed senses of delayed gratification and need things to be constantly blowing up forever and ever because GIMME DAT ENDORPHIN HIGH NAO NAO NAO MUM MORE TENDIES REEEE
playing sneaky sneaky games to achieve objectives stealthily is fun.
I bet you never even played any submarine games.
Robert Sanchez
Black Friday is on the 24th, so... next week?
Aiden Barnes
>going for caps in scouting
Literally the definition of being a bunch of homosexual niggers.
You get 1k cbills per node, but only for the player that takes that node. Objectives do not count towards match score, and the event requires you to get kills. You're quite literally wasting time just to be a nigger.
Oh wait, it's cuckstralian prime time. No wonder you're such a mozlem cock gobbling queer.
Landon Murphy
Playing as a team and playing the objective is fine. Great, even. The problem is, there's no fucking counterplay to what they were doing. If you're on the defending side, you literally have no choice but to kill them in order to win. And because killing them is the only way to win, if the enemy does nothing but run and hide all game with smaller/faster mechs that don't show up on sensors past 90m, or possibly even using stealth armor so they don't show up on anything at all, then you have zero chance of victory.
Colton Stewart
fucking underage ITT.
ADHD kids need their SPLOSIONS WHEEEE fix.
Luke Adams
stealth armour guys still have to manage their heat and turn it off and on to interact with flags.
Plus it forces the defence team to split up and not murderball, which therefore requires the players to not suck donkey wang
William Sanders
or playing scouting because it's FUN.
since it's far more individual skill based, and tactical, with teamplay being a massive force magnifier.
Ryder Bailey
>stealth armour guys still have to manage their heat and turn it off and on to interact with flags. I understand they need to watch their heat, but that doesn't matter much when they're in one of the fastest mechs in the game and can easily run away to cool down when needed. Since brawling is typically expected we were always slower because mediums.
And needing to turn it off to get flags makes zero difference because they always had at least 10 long before we saw even a single one of them.
David Bailey
>hiding and running away is skill >brawling is bad mkay t. Sissyboi
Mason Lewis
>gets nerf'd continuously
>game mode is called 'scouting' and is all about getting dat intel >actually playing the mode as intended is somehow retarded compared to 'every mode is skirmish, fuck you'
you sound like a potato steering wheel underhiver
that just means your team is shit.
Leo Rogers
Dunno why you dudes are surprised
Greg was always a pussy so he plays videogames like one
Juan Mitchell
>not getting both the intel AND kills This is why kong lost MRBC
Jaxson Moore
Cloak Of Skill is real dudes.
>playing my brawlerlurmbote >winning again and again >herding the cats makes for great matches where people are thanking me and congratulating each other for following my calls when i berate their potato-ness into useful order
>calling people out on their BS and DUMB and they fix their shit and become good parts of the team for victory.
Lucas Lopez
You'll make real spuds out of them yet.
Brayden Robinson
>people thanking you and GGing for you abusing them into playing well.
Ryder Flores
ded general
Samuel Turner
Wow, its almost like it's a dead gaem, eh?
Zachary Foster
Holidays are almost always when. So Thanksgiving or Christmas, most likely the former.
Nolan Wilson
This is why kong lost mrbc
Nolan Richardson
enjoy running at 90 kph away from anything not a light, shooting the shit out of it with your 360 rotation
>the pig being total assholes refuse to give the based mad dog the 360 rotation it is supposed to have and the other few big torso turners also get nerf'd down to the victor only having ONE version that even gets close to its nimble torso.
Xavier Hall
>day 2 of the event >finished both challenges >even quadruple the solo kills requirement for QP >people still bitch how solo kills are somehow a problem
uhhhh, mechbabs?
Angel Morris
They're running the wrong mechs, though to be fair there are a LOT of niggers who are trying to capitalize on distracted opponents and gang up on an isolated target in order to try and get the most damage on the target and hopefully the solo kill as well.
I just ran a memegun cheetah for two games. Got solo kills done easy picking offf damaged mechs when the rest of the team was dead due to their own inadequacies.
Matthew Morales
>mad dog supposed to have 360 torso twist What the fuck pig. Mad dog is one of my favorites, and was my very first buy when I started playing last year. And now I find out it's not even at its full potential? Riot now!
Jeremiah Powell
thor also has a 360 twist
victor are all supposed to turn as well as that ONE version.
centurion is supposed to twist and turn like a beast too.
Isaac Price
raven is supposed to 360 too. can't remember if the flea is supposed to (locust?)
Gabriel Collins
trying a new whammer build for my beloved black widow.
>shotgun 10, mrm 40, 4 erml
seems to be going quite well so far.
gotta grind more xp etc to fuck about with the skill tree for it, gotta try to get missile nodes AND shotgun AND laser nodes
Jason Smith
i am the sandblaster of DOOM
that dmg wrecks enemy armour real good
>friendly mechs 'secure' all my kills before my cd's are ready to finish the mech off myself
Carter Gonzalez
>MW4 babbies think all the mechs in that game that had 360 torso twist "should"
By the tabletop, these are the mechs in MWO that have Extended Torso Twist, aka 360* twist:
Nova Cat, Osiris, Urbanmech, Wolverine.
Luis Bennett
table top is BATTLETECH.
video games are MECHWARRIOR
two seperate but related IP's
purely because the vidya devs have always wanted to do slightly different things.
Mechwarrior Online is a mechwarrior game otherwise it'd be called battletech online
Jeremiah Russell
And MWO isn't MW4 isn't MW3 so there is no "should" from one game to another, they're all interpretations.
Elijah Long
vidya devs generally have wanted to streamline or fix some of the more glaring issues with Battletech. Such as the fact that small lasers suck donkey dick, or how ballistics and missiles are generally just inferior to lasers.
Grayson White
>centurion is supposed to twist and turn like a beast too.
uhh it does?
Jaxon Price
yeah, in the lore dan and kai chose it for its superior mobility
Xavier Hill
But BATTLETECH is literally a video game you dunce.
Jason Sanchez
the upcoming BATTLETECH 3025 game is a BATTLETECH game.
NOT a mechwarrior game, retard, they are different things for a reason
Alexander Rogers
And only one does. To be honest, it'd actually be a nice buff for any of them.
Ryder Martinez
this, give less armoured mechs that are supposed to be 'fast' and 'nimble' much better speed and torso and or turning tweaks inbuilt to the chassis to make up for it.
Evan Reed
It's a video game tho, you said only Mechwarrior titles are video games dumbass.
Jose Sullivan
>table top is BATTLETECH. >video games are MECHWARRIOR
>Mechwarrior Online is a mechwarrior game >otherwise it'd be called battletech online
how about you learn to read dumbshit
Parker Johnson
Yes, and BATTLETECH is video games.
How retarded are you retard? What you even tried to imply with your retarded original post?
Nathan Brooks
battle tech isn't out yet, and is obviously a bt game, from the bt ip.
you fucking retard reject from reality.
the video games already made have all been mechwarrior games, you can tell, by how they're all called MECH fucking WARRIOR, a seperate IP.
stop being a retard and NUH UH goal posts moving fuckwit.
you are wrong and you're going to stay wrong you retard.
Brandon Diaz
American Prime Time?
Nathan Watson
You can't say I'm wrong when you don't even have a point yourself. How the Ip's are relevant to anything here? What is your fucking point you inbred cockgoblin?
>the video games already made have all been mechwarrior games Factually wrong. Mechcommander, Mechassault, Battletech are all video games.
Again, what is your fucking point moron? What have you tried to imply by this post?
Guys is Whispers a real hood niBBa or a britbong urkel?
Jace Miller
No, he is a main man. We go way back.
Isaiah Thompson
Bonus: The first game was actually named Battletech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception in 1988, predating even the first MW game.
Brandon Diaz
Who is the best MWO youtuber and why it's Snuggles Time?
Austin Cox
Sad Bonus: I was in Jr. High when that game came out.
Michael Allen
>hey uh.... fuck I forgot... uh... uhm... its snuggles uhm.... uh... pls fuck my wife uh.... snuggles time
Hudson Nelson
You need about 3 more 'uhs' and 4 more 'uhms' in there to make it accurate.
Ian Lee
>pls fuck my wife uh I would tbqh.
Austin Wilson
give me a good reason to reinstall this piece of shit game.
Brody Cook
Ian Clark
btw phill the shill is previewing new mechs and map atm
Benjamin King
oh boy look a shitty drill and a hanging lamp
fucking gas yourselves all of you
Evan Morgan
Lucas Williams
>Watching the NigGerNutGarglers
Those fucking marketing whores have their chat in "followers only mode." Christ.
Alexander Morris
Well, I do want to die t b h f a m
Jackson Evans
go away jules
Joseph Hernandez
post tiddes and I'll tell you
Andrew Davis
>year of our Lord 2017 >game is still balanced through kwerks given out at random that make absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever >game still looks and runs like complete and utter cancer garbage >spoopy heat is still there
and people are still stuffing the PIG with money. I am disgusted by the lot of you.
Jonathan Barnes
Joseph Johnson
Robert Gomez
Lucas Martinez
kys, pardner
Elijah Perry
Isaac Kelly
Is this where the remnants of the Titanfall 2 general went?
Alexander Evans
What? When did /tfg/ fall? Did somebody stop going fast?
Kayden Turner
I suppose, this is where giant robot games tend to go to die, or go beyond death in the case of MWLL. We do dig giant robots.
Gavin Davis
Jackson Lee
Clean, clean, clean for vagene? Hash, boom Valvoline!
In other words, another 7-day ban from the brown sea for posting a screenshot. With stats. Showing how terrible the matchmaker is.
Seems "bad" and "horrible" are now redactable words because feelings can be hurt.
Luis Hall
>blblblblblaaaaa uh I can't talk today
Brandon Jenkins
shut up babbykeks
Oliver Rodriguez
I don't know where they went. They were around in September, but they seem to be gone now.