Why don't you guys work for the government?

Why don't you guys work for the government?

It seems like maximum pay with minimum effort.

Don't you mean minimum pay for minimum effort?

Yeah, you can see it that way, I guess.

yes, federal pension, benefits.. outta this world. other people work hard to pay their taxes so they can pay me 6 figures for my liberal arts educated ass to site in a chair and surf the web all day. THANK YOU TAX PAYERS!!!! Also happy easter you get to enjoy the day tomorrow like I enjoy the average monday to friday!

>cdl license
>military experience
>college degree
>no gaps in employment since I was 16
>no criminal record
>myriad of professional references
>no call backs

I'm calling bullshit i have my CDL also and get like 10 messages a day on indeed. Driving is a last resort for me though

My first cdl job after the marines was for .60 a mile heavy haul and I did that for almost a year. I didn't apply to forestry jobs in the middle of nowhere.

I don't want to work for the government, but after I got out of the military, I've been strictly blown the fuck out by the private sector. I'm an accounting student with a 3.84 gpa and I don't even get fucking interviews with the big 4.

How can you not find a job? Get off the welfare nigger

I have a great job just not through usajobs.gov

Yeah, I don't believe you.

are you white?

that's your problem if so.

Work for the faggot that take half my paycheck and gives it to section 8 scum. Just...

Depending on the federal job, it can be MUCH more stressful than the private sector. I have done both (yee-haw revolving door), and I always feel my life shorten from working on behalf of the "people." Minimum effort fags get thrown out during the probationary period of federal employment or are relegated to contractor positions and then get f-ing cut.

Most private sector industries typically don't hire former military. It's not looked favorably upon.

That's why you go hard the first three years, get Career Permanent status and then go nuts.

t. IRS cubicle jockey

>interview with Naval Undersea Warfare Center as a mechanical engineer
>government pay scale
>lol yeah we can offer you $43k a year
Fucking dropped

Contractors do all the real work

govy employees are cancer

All of you fucking suck

I work for my state's DOT and frankly it disgusts me the effort you see with so many of these cucks. I see people LITERALLY not sit down at their desks all day. It's almost always boomers ready to retire, or immigrants who know HR won't dare to fire a brown person in a Democrat controlled state. I try to work to the best of my abilities, but that's because I can't stand not being busy.

Are you mad, wagie?

>wanting to be bored at work
Fuck no

The hardest part about working for the government is all the black people you'll have to work with.

At my work site half of my coworkers are niggers.

My girlfriends sisters husband is german and makes 70k a twar to copt paste email responses for the governer. Hw works 3 to 4 days a week. He is also cheating on his wife.

It can't be that bad.

he works in germany or the states?

Why not?

Most of the jobs I fiond on that site require an assload of experience

I already do...

Look at the kind of people who run those companies, look at the kind of people who come out of the military.

There's a pretty good reason a lot of soldiers who come out of the military after a few years just start their own business, at least that's how it is around my area.

If you tell an employer in MO that you are prior service they'll you a career and a blowjob. Guess it just depends on the region

>fuck Im drunk

Aside from the fact that they don't really generate anything or provide any quality service, there's the added pitfall that their jobs won't be around much longer. My state alone (Illinois) has a crushing debt that they'll probably just default on.

They'll then find themselves in the private sector, but they won't really be able to provide value there because they've """working""" in easy mode for years in the public sector, AND the private sector itself won't be doing well.

It's like benching plates that add up to 405 lbs, but they're really just styrofoam. Then one day you realize they've been replaced with the real shit and you can't even get the bar off the rack.

Because I'm not an obese black woman.

Been working for the US Gov overseas for 5 years, living in Germany getting paid USD.

I get 1500 EUR housing allowance. Typical rent for this area is 900 EUR for a 3 bedroom house. I got a 4 bedroom just because.

We get +25% non-taxable Cost of living adjustment, even though COL in Germany is way lower than the US.

We get to cuck Germans out of their taxes, don't have to pay VAT, and get 60% discount on fuel prices.

My typical day involves showing up whenever, answering a few emails, going to the free gym on base, taking 2 hour lunch getting cheap food at the DFAC, doing some bullshit on excel, and leaving whenever.

Most of my coworkers are boomers who go full retard with computers. I only once met someone else under 30 years old working here as a GS. I got 4 grade increases just for showing basic computer skills. I get an automatic pay increase each year for no reason. Everyone gets put in for cash awards with totally made up reasons. In 2015, I applied for a 60 day training in Fort Shafter Hawaii and got sent there TDY. They paid for my flights, hotel, and gave 119 USD per day for food expenses, lel. I only spent like 10 per day.

Today I'll show up to work and get a 25% Sunday bonus AND will have nothing to do because the bosses are all on leave.

I could keep going...

Christ, you government workers make NEETs look like fucking plebs


Wow this is next level shit. I know a guy who worked in a few diff countries for an oil company and had tons of benefits, but he had to work his ass off. Still, lots of perks if you're willing to work overseas

Wew lad.

The fucking requirements are insane. Even allegedly entry level jobs require the most bullshit amount of experience.

Tell us about every job you've ever had since you were fucking 16, and EXACTLY how much you made, and how many hours you worked.

Then do transcript verification.

Then explain why you didn't work for ANY of the years

I'm 32 I've had like a billion shitty jobs and I have a degree, the amount of work it takes to apply is seriously retarded.