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>/hgg2d/ Game Archive (Please reupload anything you have that has less than 2 working links)
I'm still mad this guy makes a shitty goblin-protag game instead of a sequel to ero eater.
Grayson James
Goblin protag seems nice. I couldn't get over the dick-tail in ero eater myself.
Mason Hernandez
Thanks for the proper thread
Josiah Collins
Are these supposed to be female goblins? Halfbreeds?
Alexander Gray
What's wrong with the dick-tail?
Hunter Morris
>dick on the butt Guess it's since i'm a succubus fan and the sexy tail gets replaced by a weird semi-dick.
Parker Edwards
>playing RJ210287 >gets captured >well time to fa- oh god no no no no >it's RJ188985 all over again don't do this please >FUCK I CAN'T FAP TO THIS SADNESS LET ME OUT ALREADY >THANK FUCKING CHRIST >time to not lose ever again I think I might suffer from PTSD, fucking コボルドの家畜騎士 left me traumatized.
Landon Cruz
>just finished my last day of uni Fuck yes now I am officially a NEET again. Trying to better myself was the greatest mistake of my life. I am going to start pursuing my one true passion of masturbation fulltime.
Jonathan Hernandez
>RJ153105 >guess i should go to the obviously suspicious town chief to get the H-scenes rolling >mc gets framed into a dept, blackmailed, raped, blackmailed some more, amd ends up a crying wreck Should have expected it from a circle that makes games where they never start enjoying the rape.
Hudson Lee
>title looks like this
Ryder Brooks
>but the game looks like this
Mason Parker
Aren't all of his games pretty much like that ? There's always a "you've fucked up big time" scenario. At least it's up to player choice, it's not like you're on railroad on a trip from hell to worse than hell the entire game.
Gavin Baker
>cute bunny rape Nice to see, it always makes me sad when a sidescroller has enemies you can't fuck that look like they would be fun fucks.
Connor Russell
What are you? Pussies?
Juan Martin
It was the first one I tried, so all I had to go with were the DLsite descriptions for a couple of his games. The monster rape scenes were mostly comedic, so the major despair out of nowhere caught me off guard.
Jack Campbell
Oh, so this is the non-shitposting thread.
What are you playing at the moment hgg2d? Been having a lot of fun with pic related, I'm just weak to the genre even though it's kinda generic, I always have fun with it.
Hunter Hughes
By genre what you mean ? Happy virgin adventures with the occasional rape ?
Brandon Harris
hey, haven't been here in a while any good bondage/parasite/other-nonconsensual-equipment based games ? (kinda like the parasites in RyonaRPG i guess)
Jayden Ross
Pretty much, just add dumb girl to the list too for perfection. Another example was pic related(RJ196654), really fun to play. The cute art is also another good point about them for me.
Samuel Collins
Just finished RJ203314, planning on continuing RJ205551 later.
Carter Thomas
There's RJ126510 for a game full focused on living clothes.
Jason Brooks
GoR is a shitty anti-gameplay concept by itself. The losers must be exterminated, not awarded for being losers.
Got sidetracked with trying to marry a virgin in CM3D2 while waiting for new releases from MG, likely Ritania.
Robert Peterson
Tonight I was enjoying Aeroid. Beat the game so I unlocked the sprite gallery (finally). However the gallery was rather lackluster. Gameplay was fun if a bit frustrating at times and travel could be a pain in the ass.
Before that I was playing Tobihime. There were some cgs and sprites I didn't have unlocked so I 3-starred all levels on all difficulties and have 1 of each monstergirl. For better or worse that didn't unlock the stuff and I've since given up. That game was pretty great.
If anyone could tell me some games like these ones please do.
Bentley Nguyen
The sprites you missed could be the hybrid monsters that you get by impregnating monsters with other monsters. That was my case.
Nathaniel Kelly
Austin Sullivan
Aeroid was really fun . I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't already played it. Probably my top completed platformer Hgame this year.
Austin Hernandez
RJ149951 has forced equipment and a lot of bondage. It's also a really solid game as long as you can get over the art.
Jayden Martinez
>Anyone got a full save of RJ173704/RJ189279 or at least a guide to max love and unlock scenes and costumes? It's been a while since I played it (on another PC, so no saves) but I remember that the love maxed itself out after I completed the optional (magic-only) dungeon and defeated the next (2nd) boss, raping her in the process and letting the rabbit make a vegetable out of her afterwards. I also got a heart from choosing to support the heroine in the first scene with the choices when you meet the rabbit in her house for the first time at the start of the game. Needless to say, I pumped Reginetta full of semen any time I've got enough funds to make her cum with ahegao, and liberately used sex skills in the combat. So just play normally and don't spare the bosses she hates I guess, and you should be fine.
Can't wait for the next game of this dev by the way.
Asher Ross
John Diaz
I can't seem to find a download for it any chance you have it or know where i could find it
Samuel Ross
The male mark between the brackets didn't show up properly on the post. It's RJ203431 and it's on nyaa.
Levi King
If only someone wrote a guide on where to download games and put it in the OP
Noah Peterson
>even though it's kinda generic It's okay to have strong opinions, user, you don't need to insert those self-depreciating remarks. What you've posted is one of the absolute best hrpgs out there, and you're absolutely right to like it.
Julian Clark
How long until you faggots just resort to making separate threads again as your only method of coping with things you don't like?
Tyler Diaz
Drug Garden game's demo when?
Samuel Reyes
I cant stop shaking with excitement at the thought of all those new juicy games about to come out in december he's having stability troubles. He said he will do his best to have a demo before the end of 2017 , on his blog 11/11
Ryan Reed
will this ever get complete? I don't play games that are not finished because I fear the translator might drop them
Jayden Gutierrez
Adam Parker
Blake Richardson
>I cant stop shaking with excitement at the thought of all those new juicy games about to come out in december 90% of them are getting delayed to next year.
Nathan Hughes
Adrian Cox
I believe in Christmas miracles
Austin Lopez
>They scream, they whine, the NEET past their prime >In smelly room, with smelly hands covered in smelly grime >Waiting for their presents so in degeneracy they can partake >But the Grinch laughs aloud "All their porn I will take !"
Dominic Peterson
Are you op of that other shit thread? Stay salty
William Hill
Isaac Martin
>coming into a thread and begging for source without even checking other posts Time to kill yourself
Hunter Powell
>people still using the old thread
Lincoln Lewis
That game with the symbol in the title that's unspeakable on Veeky Forums.
Jace Gonzalez
i found it already
Brody Martinez
Isn't it complete? Been playing for a while and didn't notice anything half-assed
Joseph Allen
>KINOKO-ex I like how this guy manages to do something new for the people he didn't last time. >release RJ173704 with a flat loli, get 1K+ sales >rerelease as RJ189279 with a grown ass woman, get another 1K+ sales >release RJ205494 with an oppai loli, get nearly 1K+ sales >promise a rerelease with a flat loli >announce RJ209833 with a flat loli, an oppai loli and a real male protag this time >while posting the updates to latest versions of all his games on his blog
I wish I wasn't such a poorfag I have to pirate his games.
Luis Adams
Aren't all of his games with male protags? I remember trying one and it had a male protag, so I dropped it.
Evan Edwards
>RJ209833 >that description MUH
>・RPG Tkool MV製。 Oh well, at least the art will be in a modern resolution this time, not some sub-640x480 pixel mess straight from the last millenium.
No, not at all. His older series has a male protag. Reginetta has a male "protag" whose only role is being a dick carrier. 30 days aventurer has a loli protag being a slut. His upcoming one will have a full-fledged male protag in the open world setting and the best features of Reginetta included. So there are some games for you too.
Evan Bailey
>be in an amateur theater group >lead actress is indian or something >script demands a girl with golden braids >ask if we're going to go through with that >girl responds "naah it won't fit. Like for example, have you ever seen an asian with blond hair?" >mfw I've been binging Meltys quest and trying to contain the spaghetti
Carter Gutierrez
>I've got a 7 vm that plays absofuckinglutely everything but most newer wolf games will insta-crash on the xp one. You just haven't set up your XP properly. I'm on a Win7x64 host running a barebones 10-years old MS Virtual PC 2007 with Japanese XP taken from XP Mode installer, fully updated to the point where XP support got dropped, then converted to POSReady2009 edition via registry hack and updated to the latest version (POSReady is still getting updates since it's officially supported until 2019). All Wolf RPG games run flawlessly, including games based on the new Wolf. The only tweak I did was increasing VM's video memory to 16 MB in its settings file (can't do that in the UI). I also prefer XP over 7 since I can easily put it on a RAM disk and run the whole VM from there.
Jaxon Diaz
What is the source? I can't find anything, I even checked the last thread.
Gavin Long
Thug Hero Party
Ethan Parker
But did you check the replies?
Blake Smith
Pretty sure the tradition to color your hair exists for about as long as humanity does.
Liam Mitchell
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH no Yes, doesn't help much either can I get more hints on the cryptic "symbol" that isn't allowed in Veeky Forums?
Mason Stewart
I took mine from a sp3 disk so it's likely not enough, it's missing who knows how many updates, it's depressing how fast the OS is when you disable all the security and useless services a vm doesn't need, boots in a literal second. How do MV games hold up in your xp? I find they run like shit in VMs regardless and will eventually go blackscreen, likely due to some d3d issues with the graphics driver, i used virtualbox. vmware seemed to have control of it but i just didn't like it, hyper-v doesn't do sound well so it can fuckoff.
Guess i'll try to snag an updated copy of xp or something, good to know they do actually work.
James Hill
Your retardation is terminal, time to kill yourself
William White
Asher Kelly
Nicholas Myers
I'm just being honest here, guys. I can't find anything, I went back and forth multiple times and got no fitting RJ number or name.
Charles Miller
I just remembered the initial post asking was deleted, so here you go.
Owen Collins
How did RJ188985 end anyway? Girl dies?
Adam Morales
>How do MV games hold up in your xp? >16 MB video memory >MV Nice joke.
They lag (sometimes horribly) even in my 2003 on a real hardware (i5+HD6970) if that's of any consolation. And 2003 is basically a fixed XP.
MV is just an unredeemable shit, whether it's in a VM or runs natively. It can't be unfucked, just give up and run it (in a browser) on the host.
Bentley Clark
>The reason why Fatima didn't go rescue Selma from her hell was because she was too busy raising her freak Orc child >By the time she was done she had just assumed she had died in the Kobold prison >Game ends with the Orc kingdom in chaos and other races getting ready to move >Basically things are going to get even worse without the Orc kingdom acting a stabilizing force >Edye lost all her powers and Fatima decides to seal herself for around 2000 years so no heroes to help either >Humanity must barely survive with Fatima's Orc kid leading the orcs and Luna leadings the humans in an awkward alliance >Meanwhile Selma is still alive, insane and probably going to lead the Kobolds against Fatima in the future game AHAHAHA THE DESPAIR WILL NOT END
Jason Garcia
Thanks user!
Gabriel Watson
fuck you and your shitpost
Grayson King
She got turned into an immortal freak to be raped forever. 3000 years later she's like this
Cooper Gonzalez
What the fuck is wrong with Thug Hero Party?
Elijah Murphy
It's not OP's game.
Ethan Perez
Any games where you play as a maid or wearing maid clothes besides the Russian Nekomimi one? I always loved maids getting fucked.
Christian Sanders
Cooper Miller
Don't be mean to me user-kun
Connor Ortiz
I expected something more cheery considering the MC's design in the new game.
Isaiah Kelly
DLsite has a tag for that, but I don't think there are any good games where you play as a maid. Damn shame too.
With the devils sealed the Kobolds are going to shit on everyone considering their focus was more on lost giant SCIENCE rather than demonology or magic. And considering Kobold's treatment of females makes the Orc brothels look like nice resorts... things are pretty grim.
Joseph Howard
The Guild House Maid. >that last preview pic Now that's eating ass.
Julian Hill
Shill cuckshit in the cuckshit thread. Shill good games in a good thread.
Joseph Moore
first one lad
Michael Evans
Stay in your shitposting thread, thanks.
Jeremiah Kelly
>Guess i'll try to snag an updated copy of xp or something Download Japanese XP Mode installer (XP NEEDS Japanese language support and fonts in particular, which are NOT installed by default in non-JP versions, so just get JP version) Extract xpm file from that exe using 7-Zip Extract VirtualXPVHD file from that xpm Rename it to whatever.vhd and mount it in your VM, repeat after 30 days when its activation expires. If Wolf games still won't work, you will have to activate the OS which depends on your VM and/or host OS to get the updates.
It's automatically activated on Win7 Pro/Ultimate with in MS and VMware VMs; VirtualBox needs a modified BIOS file for that XP to remain permanently activated (there's a post about it in VirtualBox forums explaining how to dump VM's BIOS and mod it).
Nathaniel Walker
>repeat after 30 days when its activation expires. Does the old xp trick of making it think it's in safemode not work anymore? I loved that one.
Lucas Richardson
>activate the OS which depends on your VM and/or host OS to get the updates Not necessarily.
ESR version can download all available updates for Windows XP in any language and build 1-click self-installing ISO from them. I don't know about POS Ready updates though.
AntiWPA? It still does, but XP in Safe Mode (including "Safe Mode") cannot use Windows Update which defeats the purpose. XP Mode is OEM-activated, and the proper activation for OEM versions is a vendor-specific text string in the (virtual) BIOS.
Brayden James
GOTY is out, I thought it was set for december for some reason.
Cooper Torres
>Any good milf rpg like Love love my buddy ? I don't think so if you don't want a sissy/shota protag. If you don't mind, there's RJ158546
>btw anyone have 1.87a link ? Check the archive, it was posted not too long ago, with several mirrors at that.
Benjamin Barnes
See See
Josiah Ramirez
dont know if you are the same guy,but someone keeps using the thug hero party meme every time someone asks for sauce,and its getting boring.stop giving a random ntr game and forcing people to play your shit
James Anderson
Every retarded lazy ass deserves getting bokunopico'd. Go back to your hugbox, leddit.
Robert Johnson
A couple of the playable characters in RyonaRPG are maids, and many are compatible with the maid clothes. MSE has maid clothes you can wear.
Christian Thompson
>maids getting fucked Nothing but pure unadulterated maid fucking. You don't get to play as a maid though.