>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png (Due to a large influx of applications, only returning Warbros are currently eligible to join)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh
Samuel Kelly
Nezha a cute
Jacob Rivera
I want Ivara to agility stance on my face.
Jacob Murphy
Those fuckers are going to release the event side by side with the razorbacks Or they're going to delay it even more
Brandon Perez
Easton Myers
Of course they'll delay it again, I'd honestly be surprised if their shitty network could handle two simultaneously active events.
Luke Stewart
why do people like nezha so much
hes just rhino's faggot little brother who probably likes sucking lots and lots of dicks in his highschool locker room
Dylan Rodriguez
Aaron Anderson
Why does this Manic have a vacuum handle?
Jayden Ross
Camden Williams
>implying that isn't why we love her (him)
Noah Martin
Samuel Gutierrez
Dylan Perez
LF Nezha dick, paying 20p per thrust
Joshua Foster
I'll give you two filled anus statues for it; best I can do.
Aiden Lewis
Cyclone Kraken never
Alexander Scott
can someone tell me which polarity ignis wraith needs? I can't figure out polarities for the life of me
Wyatt Gray
>this pic is that you OP?
Hudson Carter
No, there's only so much spoonfeeding that can be handed out and you've hit your allotment for the month.
Nathan Martin
I'm just gonna assume it needs that one that looks kind of like a triangle
Michael Smith
At least 8 vazarin
Nathaniel Gomez
it needs about 5
Justin Jenkins
Is there some way to turn off the bright as fuck flash that the syndicate procs make when building up?
Logan Brooks
Disable bloom
Julian Perry
It's still obnoxious as shit even with bloom off
Carter Lewis
Has there always been this massive cave thing with sentient bits in this one eidolon cave on the plain?
Jaxon Reyes
>Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.2.5 >Certain Caves in the Plains can now be more indepthly explored (Operation: Plague Star will bring more gameplay to these expanded Caves). In a future Update, these Caves will be eligible for Bounty and Incursion missions!
Carter Barnes
daily reminder to join the sith! before its nerfed
Matthew Martin
Is this game f2p friendly?
Carson Garcia
I left around the time when Inaros was released. Just saw the thread and thought I'd ask if the game has improved since then or if I made the right call to call it quits on DE systematically nerfing everything that would make grinding easier.
The new update looks nice from the outside.
Austin Flores
>before its nerfed >800dmg it works on big guy? because if not than it's worthless
Cooper Barnes
yes in that with enough grinding you can buy anything
Andrew Hernandez
800 damage x 7 orbs x 7 seconds
Jackson Reed
The only thing you really miss out on without paying is time, so yes. You can grind out in-game items to trade with other players for premium currency, so everything is obtainable except a few steam workshop related cosmetics.
Carson Jones
i have 800+ plat(lazy to make more), multiple prime frames/weaps, lots of end game shit
and i spent $0 so far, you can literally get everything except certain cosmetics for free. You're paying to skip the grind--except that warframe's core gameplay IS the grind, so....
the best f2p model i've seen desu
Kayden Foster
they've been more reasonable lately and they're making poe grind progressively less painfull worst thing to grind right now is focus 2.0 and 2.5 is coming Soon™ to make it less ridiculous
Tyler Brooks
why are akstilettos so expensive?
Sebastian Jenkins
Long time player returning after 2 year break. What is the4 best way to farm credits now?
Wyatt Watson
its top 3 secondaries in the game
Angel Lewis
Did they ever say anything about Damage 3.0?
Jose Hill
I just started this game and I'm on the second planet. First planet went well, but here I just feel weak and useless.
Enemies take 3 shots of my bow, and they can spawn in large numbers. All I'm doing is mashing E until they're dead which is not fun at all. I have no idea what weapons are upgrades or sidegrades, or how to even build them. I've modded my equipment, but 10% damage increase won't help me against these shielded enemies.
What am I doing wrong?
Aiden Allen
because its #1 on the pleblist for secondaries
its better than a lot of primaries
David Brooks
the bow is worthless, literally one of the worst weapons
mods are more important than weapons for improving your damage
Andrew Campbell
William Gomez
You can pick up a Braton from the market for 25k credits and it should help a lot more for now.
Oliver James
upgrade your mods
try the braton,grakata, boltor or harpak for starters, bows are unwieldy if you're not into them..and they still are even if you do. You can grab the Hek later on and that will carry you far
Nicholas Long
Friendly reminder tha DE is pretty much done with the plains the grind and the bugs are here to stay, they will never implement those bounties changes, focus pool will be global without capping exponentional costs and the best/fun perks will be nerfed soon. DE is already working on the next big area and a new f2p mmo because they know the fucked warframe too much and they want to drop it asap so they can start fresh.
Zachary Young
infested defence or survival on ceres 25k for 5 waves/minutes
Christian Harris
>10% damage increase
it should be like 90% or whatever you can afford, upgrade them
Mason Hall
Thanks guys!
Nathaniel Rodriguez
The gist of things is: rivens mostly take values from basic mods. Secondaries have not one, but two primed crit mods, and they also have Lethal Torrent on top of that. What this means is that it's extremely difficult to get a decent riven as far as lowest dispo secondaries with crits are concerned.
Michael Diaz
Upgrade your mods in your ships foundry Eventually the 10% will turn into 50%+ Leveling your equipment does nothing except give you more capacity for mods So if you haven’t upgraded your mods, your weapons HAVENT been getting stronger
Cooper Jackson
buy blueprints from the market with credits, build those weapons in your foundry
make the taxon too(upgrade to carrier later), do your MR quests to level up, unlock more powerful weapons and rinse repeat
watch youtube videoes and read the wiki to see how weapons perform
Jack Smith
Eli Fisher
Jaxson Stewart
What do I pick for a sidearm? When should I even use sidearms, as they feel weaker than my primary?
I have max "Bane of Grineer" which is 10% and "Serration" which is 40%.
Brody Foster
so what's the orthos prime's range, it isn't listed in game or on the wiki I mean it's obviously huge because I can almost hit a nullifier from outside his bubble, but an actual number would be nice
Thomas Robinson
Is this an acceptable build for Rakta Cernos? Serration, Split Chamber, Bladed Rounds, Vital Sense, Point Strike, Storm Bringer, Infected Clip, Crash Course. I'll, maybe, drop Crash Course for a Riven when I find a decent one, but otherwise is this fine?
Charles Young
never mentioned it but it's bound to happen eventually because current system is broken and flawed on many levels
Zachary Nguyen
>grineer barneyfag What, he evades bans and derails shit whenever he sees tenno?
Justin Butler
Have you seen Dargyn pilots out innaplains? Those fuckers will warp in and completely disregard everything just to harass you. Shoot that fucker out of the sky three hundred meters up? Fuck you, he'll make landfall perfectly unharmed and hunt you down with a goddamn kraken. Pilots are ruthless
Adam Sanders
is this worth anything?
Gabriel Butler
I missed last baro - did he sell anything good?
Jaxon Watson
Oh, I understand now. Pure, unbridled autism, used to pursue Tenno relentlessly.
Alexander Adams
I'm sure there's a bowfag out there somewhere that wants it
Jonathan White
Don't bother with sidearms until you feel comfortable with your primary enough to have another weapon for the sake of mixing things up or a different firing type, etc. They can be comparable or stronger than primaries eventually. In general, just look into blueprints of weapons from the market and you might find something you like, and use the wiki. Even if you don't end up liking the weapon, taking it to rank 30 gives you Mastery Points and that's always good.
Serration/Hornet Strike/Pressure Point are top priority for maxing, but exponential costs mean you shouldn't go further than would break your bank for now. Elemental mods that add +X% toxin/cold/heat/electric are also significant.
Alexander Jones
Aside from shotguns and launchers, what are some 'fun' weapons that are viable at 100 - 140 missions?
Jordan Wilson
staff skin and virtually every primed ammo mutator; so no.
I've seen pilots ram Bolkors out of the way just to keep their pursuit going. Think about that for a second. A guy on a flying scooter forcibly rammed the aerial equivalent of an armored freight train because it was in his way; and he fuckin' won.
Landon Bennett
12m with prime reach iirc, its the same with guandao..not 100% sure
lots of secondaries are just trash fodder to level up and never use again, but there are good ones
beginner friendly sidearms: Lex (high damage pocket sniper, think CS's desert eagle) sonicor ( CC king, very useful) spira / fusilai (if you like ninja kunai) sicaris (burst shots, good for early starchart) marelok (good pistol but you need a clan)
there are other super sidearms that outperform many primaries late game, and you should alternate-level your stuff (ie have a strong secondary while you start with a new primary and vice versa)
i recommend taking the lex and sonicor for now
bane of grineer is situational, you can put it in if you dont have anything else, but see if you have others to slot it in. Ultility mods like -reload time are fine also
Wyatt Ortiz
get a non-broken version of serration
Brayden Torres
Chase Brooks
>they will never implement those bounties changes That's happening within the month, and will likely come out whenever the fuck the event actually drops Also they just added caves that they're going to tie into the event and bounties And that other eidolon is coming, too
Joseph Jackson
>pubs never want to go beyond 10 defense fissures do i just have to suck it up and join a clan guild?
Jaxon Brown
>A guy on a flying scooter forcibly rammed the aerial equivalent of an armored freight train because it was in his way; and he fuckin' won. Their determination is exemplary, and very annoying.
Jayden Allen
>everytime I log on it's night on earth >can't get any sunlight threshcones >can't do Titania's quest
why the fuck does the cycle last this fucking long fuck you you fucking bastards
Angel Murphy
what color palettes are worth having? I have: >classic >classic saturated >easter >halloween >ki'teer >shamrock >smoke colors
Kayden Garcia
>not checking the timer on deathsnacks
Ethan Turner
the ones with colors you think look nice.
Julian Sanders
>Lephantis recolor Nigga you serious? Shitty event incoming.
Benjamin Howard
Thank you for the info.
I didn't notice before that some cards had cracks. Is serration always silver, or is there a gold serration as well?
Asher Adams
Brayden Garcia
So after all this time grinding Cephalon Suda I'm eventually able to get a Synoid simulator for my Mirage. Is the weapon still worth it since reddit balanced it to the ground or is there more powerful weapons to use on Mirage now ?
Camden Smith
I swear by eximus
Evan Nguyen
wf poedb tw/us/item.php?n=HEMOCYTE this shit
Sebastian Mitchell
The only difference the rebalance made is that now you need to push alt fire in order to deal decent damage. Apparently pushing a different button than LMB and W is too hard for some people, hince all the complaints about it.
Josiah Garcia
You do realize that detonation deals electricity damage, right? Decent damage my ass.
Cameron Robinson
Does anyone even use the Zhuge or did I just get fucked with another shit riven
Parker Cox
Ryan Fisher
How do I Oberon for Eidolon hunts? Do I build for range? Do I need strength for the radiation augment? I am a newfag and think his role is the hardest to fuck up in that team comp so I want to try him out.
Mason Taylor
That's not even the worst part.
Jeremiah Lee
It seems that some people actually believed this shit from last thread. I just wanted to spark conversation. Didn't know there was such a desire for a beast-master frame.
DE isn't doing any of what was stated, or so I hope.
Benjamin Edwards
The crossbows can work for Thunderbolt shenanigans, so maybe you can find someone who wants it.
Blake Harris
If you care about having a lot of options, it looks like the only color you're missing is purple. Try one of these: Dojo / Storm / Twilight / Lotus / Infested / Eximus, see what you like.
Oliver James
Is it wrong if assume anime poster as a cute girl?
Chase Russell
>have to farm melee via stealth kills >can't force myself to do it because it's an excruciatingly slow process AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA How do I farm shit melee without wanting to kill myself?
Mason Williams
isn't the balistica better in ever way though?
Brayden Brown
>by the time I wake up, saryn prime will be done cooking >by the time I get her to 30, titania will be done too tomorrow is going to be a good day speedrun T3 spy
Henry James
>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i think you should just go ahead with the whole killing yourself thing, twitch faggot scum
Jason Gray
Barely anything as is. It needs to be cycled to have useful stats. All bows already have, like, 3.0 punch through.