Fighting Games General /fgg/
I'm doing nofap noporn. Do sniffs count as porn?
That's not bad.
If it wasn't a Morrigan reskin it would look alright.
Squiggly is best girl
You're doing nofap not noporn why does it matter?
Play Es
because I browse this gen and you always post sniffs. if sniffs are porn then I can't browse this gen anymore
¿Qué es?
That's a funny way to spell Valentine
She was.
Good luck finding a general that doesn't sniffpost.
Cutest boy.
I think the animations are fine, the moves for the most part are really easy to tell apart and clarity is way more important than smoothness in my opinion.
The only animations I have a problem with are the falling animations and the grounded animations.
I have a real hard time judging how long a knockdown lasts and how long characters are in the air for juggles in 14.
best rwby
Butterfly girl when?
wanna play some 13?
Found it.
yeah, sure
animal boats fg when
Of course clarity should be the priority, but the other user was right that they look stiff. I believe after this they'll do a much better job in their future projects.
Why does she have an asian-looking face?
Why did the original version?
I really like the bb style chibis
>when you remember morrigan's accent
user, she just has her eyes narrowed for a sexy look.
why did they have to do that
Doesn't BB have enough characters?
Does /fgg/ have any good players besides Broski and Ghodere at any game?
Wait, how did I do that?
I don't know. Gonna have to ask capcom that one.
What secret?
you didn't, newbie. moot did it for you.
Never mind, misread that. On mobile.
Reveal trailer when?
pick one
Play Weiss
With the hype around DBFZ do you think we'll get more 2D fgs based off weeb shit?
Arcsys might do more licensed games if it does well.
I've always hated the KoF aesthetic
It's also never once had good animations. Some of the idle stances are straight bizarre
In my opinion Tekken multiplayer isn’t for casual players. Tekken is’s a 3D fighter game, arguably the best out there if you’re scared of projectiles go play MK X or SF where you can jump around like an idiot 60 million times in one round just to get close to your opponent. This game is about timing, execution, precision and being technical, not that button mashing crap. Learn how to side step, learn how to back dash, learn how to anticipate and punish this isn’t a game for casual players it really isn’t. If you’re a casual Tekken player stay your ass on Offline mode so the rest of us don’t have to waste our time beating your ass in 30 seconds flat when we find you Ranked Match. This is a great balanced character. Can’t wait to use Geese and more importantly can’t wait to use him to beat all you crying bitches who don’t know how to fucking press up to sidestep lol
Whars this about Ono going to a Redbull event? When is it?
Are we expecting anything meaningful?
That's a big sword
The early games were damn gorgeous.
>Using the simpsons scene where Marge gets the wrong game
You're mixing the memes in a bad way
noctis will be forgotten on sunday when you'll see angryscar teaser
Bizarre doesn't mean bad. And who might you be talking about, anyway?
I've already forgotten him when I saw he was not Lightning.
So Noctis is officially the next Tekken 7 character huh ?
It would have made more sense to add Tifa to the game if they really wanted a FF guest, but whataver I guess.
Nigguh, even if Ono shows up just to shoryoken it'll be more hype than fucking Noctis
Capcom already won
(event is this week end and realistically we're gonna get the Sagat reveal)
No, the next Tekken 7 character is Geese since he hasn't come out yet.
that was fast
you forget things very quickly
Maybe you'll be able to dress him up in some of Lightning's dresses. She wouldn't mind, she's got more than Chun-Li.
That would have been awesome. Still works with remake coming out too.
솔직히, 스타로 아빠는 못 이기겠더라
Mature circling the booty in one of her idle stances stands out, forget what game it's in.
Leona's stance is just nonsense.
Mai's stance would get her killed in a real fight.
Well in Mai's case, her stance is trying to distract the opponent by making her breasts appear big.
Why don't anime games get post launch supports?
If you play ramlethal, you don't like fighting ga-
>Mai's stance would get her killed in a real fight
Good thing she's a ninja that can throw fans ad infinitum and summon fire then.
>the feeling of finishing a combo with the 2f ex orochinagi glitch
Mahvel is getting it though.
So NRS has officially won this entire generation, right? You LITERALLY cant top having hellboy and the fucking turtles as DLC. The only thing thats going to come even close is going to be when again, NRS puts out Spawn and Pennywise in MK11
What is the Yu-Gi-Oh of fighting games?
Probably Marvel VS Capcom
They will ever come back fgcbros?
i dont even know what yugioh is supposed to represent
King of Fighters' dream match installment after XV and XVI
I hope so. That's one sexy team.
I always scroll past the hentai games general trying to find this thread and it looks so tempting but I don't wanna be that kind of person as I haven't fully given up on life yet.
>Buff guy wearing an open jacket
>Little kid
>Blind girl
Nah. Pretty standard fare.
What's the MtG if fighting games? SF?
What is the fighting games of fighting games?
Well you're entitled to your opinions, but I don't see how the animation is bad in any of those idle stances. Mai's in particular has a traditional focus on animation quality, if you know what I mean.
And the stances by themselves are not bad, they tell the player/viewer something about those characters' personalities and styles.
Funny enough some of the games are actually good and not just filler between the porn.
Any recommendations?
>distract opponent
>martial artists
>dont even flinch when faced with hard ass punches and kicks
>perfectly zen still mind when engaged in kung fu at all times
>but easily distracted by saggy titties
yeah, no, does not compute. dumb stance is dumb
As someone who plays both MTG and SFV, I can't even think of a decent comparison. Don't even want to touch this one. Just no man. No.
I haven't checked XIV's story yet but from what I gathered Verse was an amalgamation of souls and there are hints of Ash coming back to life at the end after it's defeated. So maybe they'll get back too.
The thumbnail makes it look like someone put nipples on her butt.
What do you like? Almost all the Rance games are good if you like RPGs.
The other boatsluts fg when
I hope you don't play Standard.
Maybe I can convince the hentai games general to play cummyhime with me
wow dont be degenerate user
Grandmaster who's Achilles's Heel is basically a trope now.
It was developed to kill people by seducing them and attacking when you get near. Doesn't work as well for tournament fights where the other person knows you are an enemy.
I like these better. God, I'm a sucker for nicely drawn legs.
I've only ever played summertime saga but I'll try those ones.