Skyrim edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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xth for breast metal waifu
I'm literally just playing adc because that's the only thing I can do well, but if I try shit I like on mid lane or top lane, I just feed my ass off.
Any tips?
kys kindredcucks
xth for Soraka 1shot monster build
Sounds good to me
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
You are now trying to date one of your top mastery champs, the other two are your wingmen/woman.
How badly does it go?
Try an easy tank champ to play mid like Galio or Cho Gath. Just get tanked up, don't go for kills, farm, and defend your towers.
You will get experience on how to solo a lane, and you might even come to enjoy it more.
>Braum and Janna
I think it might actually work, desu
>queue up Ziggs/Nautilus bot with my bro
>up against a Xayah/Sona
>get into a pre-minion fight, have to back and heal up, can't leash for Rengar jungling because we'll miss creeps
>dude goes ballistic on us, then goes into all-chat telling the enemy to camp us because he'll never go bot
>rengar gives up first blood and blames us for it
>Naut bro brings the heat and puts Rengar into full autistic tilt mode
>proceed to shut up and get big
>kill sona/xayah like 8 times before laning is over, then first kill their tower
>all the while Rengar racks up like 3 more deaths while Nautilus and I roam the map laying waste to all who stand before us
>even our top Vlad and mid Ekko are bigdicking
>destroy their Nexus at 25m despite Rengar refusing to leave the jungle because neutrals are the only things he doesnt die to
>Naut and I don't have a single death between us
>post-game Rengar goes fucking haywire about how 'toxic' we were
>absolutely dump all over him so much he can pretty much only repeat TOXIC TOXIC TOXIC
>he ragequits the lobby after getting owned too hard
>immediately receive a notification that my report on him went through
I think I've peaked guys, I don't think I'll ever have a fucking game of LoL as satisfying as this one was.
After two years and a half of torment, I can finally rest, I got my good boy rewards, yet I still feel empty inside
garen is a an easy champion for a newshitter like myself, and I find him to be fairly enjoyable
am I gimping myself by picking him in the [current meta]?
>queue for a game
>lose matchmaking coin flip
>get stomped
What in the goddamn fuck am I looking at?
Practice more.
>with Jarvan and Gragas helping
I'm a fucking pussy so Sej doesn't care for me and probably goes home with J4 who's a brainless chad and tells me he'll set me up with Lux if I get out of the way. I get drunk with Gragas afterwards and the Lux thing never happens.
>for free
New login, Jhin looks great!
Shen Skin When
the only way I can see this possible is running ignite, -60% cd on active items, and spam redemption on the enemy team for true damage (it also deals some true damage to minions, but so little)
still, how the fuck
I prefer that other fapfic where sona makes some user cum over and over again,
but that one isn't pentakill unfortunately
>Kindred, ASol, Bard
They surrender at 15.
good job!
xth for my wife Syndra
Okay, I'm intrigued.
Any guy who has less than mastery 5 and no honor symbol with Aurelion Sol is almost a guaranteed loss for that team.
I want Shyvfag for Christmas!
I like this fantasy
actual xth for my wife Syndra
like everytime, kill yourself
Bow before my wife cucks
Look at the hips on this icon
>this just carried me in a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums since when did the egirls get so good?
Soraka, Kench, and Pantheon
Soraka is polite and enjoying herself but she's not looking for a relationship. She really only said yes because Tahm has some dirt on her and went behind my back to ensure she at least accepted the date so that he could get leverage on me. I can see his eyes staring at me from the rim of the toilet bowl through a crack in the bathroom door. Pantheon is undercover as the patissier but I think Soraka caught on since he never takes his helmet off, threatens anyone else coming into the Patisserie with his spear, and keeps sending me notes embedded in the sweets asking me if I remember the proper stance for a Grand Skyfall.
Explain the true damage or I'm kidnapping your wife
>Date Azir
>Jhin and Darius are wingmen
>Darius shouts WITH OVERWHELMING FORCE on the 5th drink
>Jhin kills the bartender
>Azir's glorious thighs and imperial phallus destroy me
>Meanwhile I'm not into dudes anyway
N-not well...
She has some nice DSLs. Bet she's good at a few other things too.
and thighs
>Takes up to 11 hours to level once upon reaching level 50
>Keeps scaling up from there till 150
Sure going to love playing for 24 hours to get no blue essence for champs
hope he kills himself to be tb h
trade secrets
>watch qt play zoe
what the fuck was riot thinking
>Ezreal Q now procs Ludens and spell effects in general.
For what purpose?
top lane is the most hipster thing in existence
Why is this allowed?
Do they make you unlock all the 3150 champs first, or can I just roll for a mystery champ once I get to 3950?
You play a fucking Goat lady it's over for you.
Rolls are random, you can do it in any order.
That said, to get MAXIMUM GAINS you would buy anything less than 4800 and then roll from there.
>Riot will never make a show or a mini-series based in the PROJECT: AU
>we'll never get see a fully animated show done with the AU's fantastic cyberpunk art direction
>we'll never get a show that switches between three narrative arcs - the Rebellion, the Corrupted and the Hunters
>we'll never get a show from Riot that deals in mature and philosophical themes, like what it means to be human, the inevitable fall and loss of humanity through technological advancement and etc
>Riot is more inclined to make a fucking Star Guardian anime on account of the massive amount of cookie-cutter fan pandering alone
>hell they're more inclined to continuously waste their money on esports shit as they just recently confirmed that their building a LoL-themed stadium in Korea
It hurts /lolg/.
Is /lolg/ against Yuri?
Even Riot thought that was retarded and they reverted some of the changes, it's going to be capped at 50 in the next patch.
i hope her mother die in a very painfull death
My autism always makes me to argue with other people when they start to blame me for shit.
Is it possible to always block everyone while ingame or something? Without muting my friends?
Tried /mute all and it also mutes my friends so i have to add them again.
personally no
Yes but they made a disclaimer saying that they changed it so you are guaranteed a 4800 champ at a minimum if you roll for a mystery once.
I guess they figured people aren't dumb enough to pay 3950 to get a champ that's 3150 or less.
>Some autistic Ezreal self-insert starts working at riot
>Decides to try and undo the whole "Let's make Ez look pathetic by having him lie about Lux being his gf" levels of retcon to their relationship
>Decides to try and push the ship in the SG lore
>Decides to also make it so a cosmic loli has the hots for Ez because m-muh harem self-insert blonde must be popular
It's as if they're trying to tell us something.
>tfw no qt petite gf
The 22nd.
>Some autistic Ezreal self-insert starts working at riot
Did this actually happen?
November 22.
Is Hecarim top tier now?
isn't ezreal the champ literally the self-insert of some weirdo
Not if you post more.
>tfw no loving aryan gf
>>we'll never get a show from Riot that deals in mature and philosophical themes, like what it means to be human, the inevitable fall and loss of humanity through technological advancement and etc
You really think Anthony Burch and his cuck gang could deliver something like this? Get real nigga.
>get Zyra with BE and buy the dragon sorceress skin out of raw impulse
>practice in bots before diving into normal draft to test her out
>go 4/1/14 on her, and that death was just me being flat out retarded for no reason
I've fallen for the dragon meme and I can't get up.
No he was literally anime from Shurelia, the weeb girl that used to work at Riot. RIP Finales Funkeln
>and I can't get up.
Well yeah, it's hard to move when she's tied you down with her vines
Literally 3 seconds in the scoreboard at the start of the game. If you can't handle few clicks get the fuck out you feeding retard.
is J4 op
Definitely not Burch, but the Warhammer Guy probably could. That or they would just hire actual writers if Riot were to ever produce a show.
Then again we probably wouldn't get it anyway since the majority of League's playerbase is tasteless teen weebs and college kids.
Lissandra is my waifu!
Ask me anything!
What champion do you hate the most?
>practise tool still disabled on pbe
for what reason?
pretty strong
Riot being incompetent.
>On a 14 loss streak
Fuck Janna.
We all know about the most toxic/autistic mains, but which mains are the nicest?
this is your top/jungler for today!
>Darius' second Q
Are you enjoying the milk anons ~
>hitting second Q with the shaft when you could have easily hit with the blade
>Not pressing the attack when you have five stacks and Ornn wasn't under turret yet
>Didn't reposition between him and the turret at the beginning to get more aa's off, instead standing in place and aa-ing
You both misplayed but come on, that one's on you.
Project: AU Show written by burch
Jhin: Hey vi want to see my big rifle
Vi: Wow that is a big rifle jhin can i feel it
its mature humor xd
why didn't darius just kill him with ignite and flashj when he had 5 stacks
>Written by Burch
So Jhin is black now?
I got my gold frame fuckers
yeah sure why not
i am mostly fishing for (you) i know i played that like a fucking retard
>making an asian character black
Nah Burch would only do that if Jhin was originally white.
Can someone explain to me how you can get out of bronze playing like this?
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see chompers get modified into a proper ecape
Who's the cutest little cow and who gives the best milk? Yes you are!
I've played darius like 4 times in my entire life and even I know he played this incredibly wrong
does she really have fluffy ears?