Prior to the Russian conquest of Siberia, were there white Russians living in Siberia?


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sorry dont have an answer to your question op but just realized i dont know anything about Siberia-Russian relations or history, any good book recs anyone?

also nietzsche in bottom left

Define "conquest"

Because it was more of a wild west thing.

hey! I'm also completely unfamiliar with this part of history and I would love to learn more about it.

I was reading the Wikipedia of the Russian-Siberian conquest and that led to this question.

Siberia was either underpopulated or nomads or some big remnants of the mongols chlling out in the middle of fucking nowhere ie: chagatai but northwards

>ignoring buryats and co

From my limited reading into this, there were Inuit like people in the far northwest, Mongol like nomads in the south, and various other nomads spread all around. There were people living along lake Baikal. I doubt there were many whites, if at all.

I read that there was a cave mummy found from the Neolithic era in far northwest Mongolia that had blonde hair and caucasoid features though.

This is all Wikipedia stuff I'm citing

I think there is a sizable percent of white Russians in Sakhalin but it's hard to find information about Siberia.

they werent Russians
they were ancestors of Tocharians
they are called Afanesevo today
they are eastern branch of Yamna
they were blonde/blue eyed
they were in Siberia/China atleast 6000 yrs ago

that's if that's true and if I am understanding that correctly, there would exist blonde/blue eyed siberians before the russian conquest of siberia?

si senor

Yes. Marco Polo claimed many of the Russians lived in Siberia and China at that time.

but that's also dating to 2500 BCE and when googling how the common south siberian person looks now, they don't look remotely white.

Afanasevo circa 4000BCE

the tocharians/afanesvo got KHAN'd, so no more yt

the siberians you google are yakuts, mongols, tungus, evenks, chukchis, uralics

but some still retain blue eyes, red-hair, from their raped yt ancestors

Ah, that would make sense.

What about when the conquest of Siberia was occurring. Would there be white individuals living in Siberia say 10-20 years before the conquest?

no, also the conquest expeditions were done by cossacks who themselves were already mixed

I thought it was done by cossacks and russians? And if cossacks were mixed why are there so many blondes in russia?

Russians didn't see themselves as "white", they saw themselves as farmers vs nomads.
Reprase your question as

>Were there any farming Russians living in Siberia

Also read War Peace and War.

okay, were there blonde farmers or nomads living in Siberia prior to the Russian conquest of Siberia?

Why would that matter when they might have not counted themselves as Russians?

Again, Historical analysis requires you to work under and think like the people in the past.

I'm not an academic dissecting that part of history, I was just curious about Siberia and wanted to learn more about the different ethnicities that might live there. If I am applying current ethnic understandings to that part of history, I don't see anything wrong with that -- especially when I am not even remotely familiar with that part of history and trying to gauge who lived in that area prior to the conquest of Siberia by Russians.

>I'm not an academic dissecting that part of history

what are you doing on Veeky Forums then? and what exactly is your job title? why do you seek such profound wisdom?

From motherland with love.
>And if cossacks were mixed why are there so many blondes in russia?
Cossacks were sub-ethnos who lived near the southern borders, original of formed from pro-Russia nomads (it's started before mongols, but the word came from Golden Horde period) and mixed with fight it's russians (peasants, criminals etc and etc), in Siberia they become even more mixed, patriarch Philareth even send shameful letter to russians (all, Priests, cossacks, administration) in Siberia about polygamy.
Most of blonde from North and north-West regions (which is fat away from the borders).
>okay, were there blonde farmers or nomads living in Siberia prior to the Russian conquest of Siberia?
Hard to say, the last really relevant nomads in Siberia were kyrgys who lived near Sayan mountains, but a lot of them move away when Russia finally took control over south Enysey, but tang chinese described them as talk red-hair (or at least part of them).

There were lots of white Finns living in Siberia that we'd call Russian today.

>figutive russians

sukablyat shto ti gavarish?

As early as the 11th century the Novgorodians had occasionally penetrated into Siberia. In the 14th century the Novgorodians explored the Kara Sea and the West Siberian river Ob (1364).[9] After the fall of the Novgorod Republic its communications between Northern Russia and Siberia were inherited by the Grand Duchy of Moscow. On May 9, 1483 the Moscow troops of Princes Feodor Kurbski-Cherny and Ivan Saltyk-Travin moved to West Siberia. The troops moved on the rivers Tavda, Tura, Irtysh, up to the River Ob.

please tip via paypal

>sukablyat shto ti gavarish?
A chto?

just dont waste you time on Veeky Forums when you could be railing svetlana

>when you could be railing svetlana
I give up.

That's interesting. So the conquest of Siberia served as a means for ethnic unification and expansionism?

do kyrgys share any relationship with kyrgyz? or was that a typo, lol.

just to clarify, the Novgorodians are the equivalent of blonde Russians? would they look like Finnish people today?

Also, what type of people inhabited eastern siberia? was that area extremely desolate due to the weather or was it also settled by nomadic type of people and possibly beautiful svelanas :)

btw ty ty for responding!

Novgorod never tried to colonize "Siberia" all what they do is rating some local tribes. There is funny theory about state of novgorodian vikings (ushkujniki) called Great Perm (ground Tortuga).
>So the conquest of Siberia served as a means for ethnic unification and expansionism?
Nah, initiation came when USSR canceled cossacks.
>do kyrgys share any relationship with kyrgyz?
Well kyrgyz starts settled in modern Kyrgystan in 10-11 centuries when they defeated Uighurs, the last migration happened I. 17-18 centuries, so yes.

the ancient andronovo were like the sharapova tocharians, smokin hottt

they got replaced by eastern siberoids, which you see today

siberia was originally inhabited by various forest dwellers, hunters/gathers until the afanesevo sharapovas came spread their legs and flaunted their red haired smitana-tasting juicy pussy

>white Finns

go back to /pol/

>Also, what type of people inhabited eastern siberia?
Paleo Siberians. Tungusics are late comers from Manchuria.

oh fuck off, hes asking a biological question of whether WHITE PEOPLE lived in Siberia.

Quit ignoring his question.

People who lived there probably didn't evne know there were darkies or whatever race you want because they only saw eachother.

During polo's time kublai Khan ruled the yuan dynasty of China and had influence on other Khanates ranging from Mesopotamia to the Baltic sea, so I'd imagine many Slavs moved east into population centers in China and central asia.

Nomads have no right for a clay. Terra nulius that is. The only mistake Russians did is not genociding filth on the southern Siberia like buryats and tuvans. Now gook niggers poison beautiful Russian people with their subhuman ugly presence

Abos and amerindinas are human meme has to die

Yes, but only in summer. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to find them