Nostalgia edition
old:How to climb:
Nostalgia edition
old:How to climb:
1st for atmas implier
xth for my wife Syndra
>tfw no mommy support/jungle champ that constantly has voicelines that lewdly compliment you and who's abilities are based around cooking and warmth
Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.
redpill me on vayne top,can i get reported for it?
I want Adventurer Illaoi but I know we'll somehow get an entire skinline around it instead of it remaining unique to Illaoi.
>tfw no qt petite gf
Xth for Fizz is now just another Yordle and Jax is no longer Gragas's drinking buddy
God damn waifuposters. Do you really find it fun to shitpost about how much of a retarded cuck you are? I swear this general would be quite good if you didn't do this
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get buffs and love
>tfw she will never use her fuzzy cuffs on you
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
> it's preseason again
> quinn is strong again
>MFW poorfag
>MFW finally could put some RP on my account because I've been thinking of abandoning the adc role and become a Zoe one trick pony, and maining a champ without having a skin will out me as a fucking poorfag.
>Riot releases project:vayne and now I can't decide between staying bot lane or becoming a Zoe OTP.
Help me bros.
Robot pussy
I want Cyber Vayne to pour motor oil on my face and grind her cyber cunt on it to grease up.
You should be reported for it. But technically no. Also it's fine if you play safe/ have a good matchup against a tank and have tanks on your team in the jungle or botlane
>wanting cold metal
lol ok
top quinn has been a thing since season 5 so no.
late xth for Vg vs VG custom game is up
EUW only get cucked NA
password is: Vidya
>Jhin is the most popular champion in league of legends
>people actually believe this
>implying she can't heat it up
have they brought back chat rooms yet ?
not reinstalling until Veeky Forums is back
Your top 3 mastery champions meet eachother.
What happens?
Assassin Trundle, the funniest shit I've played lately.
>mfw 2-shotting carries in less than a second
>tfw petite with no bf
No one said that.
It's pretty nice. Reminds me of Lucian though
Isn't that what clubs are for?
This, I refuse to go to discord. That shit is filled with unironical pedophiles and redditors.
Reminder that anyone that shills for that stupid program in here is just an undercover redditor.
I want to go swimming in Ashe.
You didn't posted it in the last thread,reported
any tank with tank CDR items and transcendence
The last two champions you played do thing.
What was thing?
Normals is some clownshoes shit.
Definitely not the most popular champion EVER, but definitely the most popular champion in the last 3 years.
>Still no invitation to any Veeky Forums club in NA.
They are all dead son.
vi buffs when she is so useless
People explained clearly to you in the prior thread yet you're still butthurt
fight me
>Gank someone
>They fuck up and miss their abilities/cc
>We both die for it
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums euw vidya +2 GET IN
Now that everyone finally tried out the new runes, what are your thoughts about it? Is it good? Bad? Decent but lacking and/or needs some tweaks? What is it?
It ain't bad but it sure as hell feels weird without the old rune system.
ADC buffs when?
I'll be your bf if you have a nice midriff
Which group of /lolg/ posters are the easiest to upset?
It's the red/green color scheme.
They should've just made the coat red, white or black to contrast Lucian's green coat.
xth for Cute Ashe
>tfw no cute white hair archer gf from freljord
>Veeky Forums filename aka saved from when I posted it
take this (You) and don't waste it all in one place
lulu stronk
You're the fag that is trying to trigger jhinfags and you aren't subtle about it.
What do you do when you can't even leave the fountain?
Good but I suspect they'll either add new tiers or buff a lot of champs resistances because wow assassins are too good right now
>Leona sparring match
>LeBlanc magical teasing
>Evelynn and Ahri competing
>Star Guardian's existence in general
>Project Vayne robot pussy
This general needs to stop giving me ideas faster than my lazy ass can write them. The fuck yall
Someone asked for it so here you go.
what those shitty 5 club teams that nobody uses anymore?
no, i want a real group chat like the old client had where all /lolg/ joins into
Fun but they made my main go from functionally decent to only-people-with-dedicated-autism-will-keep-playing tier. 2/5 I want my main buffed.
>tfw your main will never get a cool project skin because he's not the favorite son anymore
I've been had
shhh tristana is sleeping
Unpopular opinion: Project is the worst skin line
The skins look cheap (its your favourite champions, but blocky!), sound cheap (it's your favourite voice lines but ran through an annoying audio effect!), attract the worst people (what's worse than people who like yasuo? people who like project yasuo), and most of all don't fit with the style of the rest of League.
I do like Ashe though, one of the best skins in the game. Vayne is ok too.
*rapes her in her sleep and cums on her dragon*
>Not liking cyberpunk
Go away and fuck some nasty elves or something.
What bad matchups do i have to worry about when playing Olaf?
xth for breast metal waifu
Why would you want him to get a shitty skin? The PROJECT line is mostly shit, there's 4 good skins in it at most.
The marketing/cinematic/lore side-material stuff for it is top-tier though. But the actual skins themselves are garbage.
>Skin line is trash because they look cheap
>Except for the expensive ones, the cheap ones are the ones that look cheap.
>Travis found himself a girl who would stay with him for the rest of her life
so what about you, user?
I told you to not waste it, fucking hell.
Whoever designed this really outdid himself. Ingame is pretty decent but fuck that art is gucci
Your favorite skinline is Star Guardian isn't it
That's Yasuo not Jhin.
who the fuck is that on the right, i can't figure it out for the life of me
What's the best login music and why is it this?
It's my least favorite long running skin line but shit like 'they don't fit the style' is a really stupid ass argument.
>SFM league smut models are mostly done by furries
>Mostly bought then used by furry animators
just end me senpai, how can we compete to get our own models
gfycat com IdealisticOblongIslandcanary by the way
Which champion is helpful for when you're having depressive and suicidal thoughts?
Fun facts about Akali!
She is very stupid!
She has an IQ of 84!
She is a retard!
Nobody likes her!
Bard I think
>Ranged champions now get less stats from full tank items
How much would that improve the game?
That doesn't look anything like his skins though
Maybe rengar?
no more janna tank in aram the game is instantly shit
>me checking my (You)s from you
You're still not being subtle enough
I agree. The art for project skins is usually really fucking good but ingame its just meh.
Best ingame skin line is pool party.
Tell me where on rengar are there giant stitches
Camille's and Azir's are my favorite.
Jhin and Gangplank are a close 2nd. The audio team is always on a whole other plane of existence in terms of quality.
Someone here wants to be that guy below her.
They are not cheap, though. Project Yasuo is more expensive than High Noon and Blood Moon. Project Leona is more expensive than Pool Party. Project Yi is more expensive than Cosmic Blade Yi.
I was thinking original Bard but
Whenever I feel sad I just play Nami and spam laugh. Either that or Sona and just imagine burying my face in her chest while she tells me everything is going to be okay
Why did the Tristana update keep her personality intact but Poppy went from serious warrior to retarded?