Would he have run China worse than Mao?
Would he have run China worse than Mao?
He wouldn't have run China at all.
It would be almost impossible to run China worse than Mao short of smuggling in 20 hydrogen bombs and detonating them across China's maritime coast.
probably not, but i do not think he had the skill to unify and rule china single-handedly like mao did.
Of course not. He was an overly divisive ass with an explosive Chinese temper that he couldn't control. Couldn't even be divisive correctly because he was hated by both the left and the right simultaneously.
Would he have run China worse than Mao?
Again, he wouldn't have run China at all.
Probably. His regime was exceptionally corrupt.
let me dream of a modern imperial china please
Would he have run China worse than Mao?
Hey, give Tojo a chance, will ya?
only yes in this thread
Mao had essentially the same strategy as Trump: to abandon the cities and take the countryside. Now all Trump has to do is assert his independence from the Russians.
Chiang didn't even run China. Apart from exerting tenuous control in his own controlled cities, his nation was rife with warlords, corruption and extreme poverty. He had absolutely zero popular support and only support he did receive was from wealthy tycoons who abandoned him as soon as the going got tough against the Japanese and then against Mao.
Mao at least managed to unify the country, double life expectancy and literacy, expel foreign ownership, industrialise a largely agrarian country and lift a good portion of Chinese out of poverty.
And then he went a spoiled it by saying something stupid like "Great Leap Forward".
He's run it horribly in his own special way.
I remember reading a book the other day that says exactly like.
Chinese Liberalism and the ROC failed because the urban elites with their vision of democracy and modernisation did nothing to appeal to the problems of the rural poor. It's fascinating to think that the CCP largely started with an urban base before they decided to make the rural poor their base.
What would be ironic is if the CCP goes the same way as Poland, a grassroot, democratic movement based from the countryside (the very people they are supposed to represent) ends up overthrowing them.
This. China would have been what Japan and Wicked Korea are today.
>I remember reading a book the other day that says exactly like.
What book was that?
Reminder that Chiang Kai-shek initiated the Chinese civil war by taking bribes from Shanghai triads and turning on communists.
Hirohito would have been better yes
Would he have run China worse than Mao?
>Foreign Policy: I don't want to trabble.
well, he runs prostitution rings better than him at least
Mao ran a pretty fucking elaborate prostitution ring. Not as great as Kim Il-Sung, but pretty big.
>Chairman Chan is well known internationally for wanting no trabble
>trabble comes anyway
>Soviet union invades
>as soon as they reach the border they are confused at the hundreds of random standing structures laden with everyday objects before them
>They venture into the labyrinthian expanse
>monks explode out of every corner and seize ladders, gardening hoes, lamps, chairs, and brooms
>rattenkrieg was fucking daycare compared to this
YOU DID THIS EUROPE! You could've had a wacky Christian denomination running China but you just had to kill Jesus' half brother
Mao did nothing wrong.