Who /joiningtheArmyinhopesofbecomingaGeneral/ here?
>Favorite General(s)?
>Favorite branch?
Who /joiningtheArmyinhopesofbecomingaGeneral/ here?
>Favorite General(s)?
>Favorite branch?
Unironically Sherman
>hated war viciously at a time when it was still viewed as glorious
>viewed his own contribution to the war as nothing but a necessary way to produce peace
>did everything he did with the express goal of keeping America safe, even if he personally found it distasteful
>revolutionized logistics with his march to the sea
>hated his red hair, until somebody told him that red haired scalps were especially prized by the Indians, at which point he started to see it as a gesture of defiance
>got bugged by religious people all of his life, first by his adoptive parents, then by the Episcopalians at West Point, and then by a Catholic wife
>ignored all such people
>tfw Petraeus gave a talk at my uni and I asked him about the existence of the Disposition Matrix and he said he could neither confirm nor deny its existence
>being a government man
Oddly enough most members of the Military are conservative who hates Government with a passion
I just got his memoirs from the library. It's the second edition, and I heard he censored himself a little in it. Does anyone know if the differences are significant enough to warrant reading the first edition instead?
This was true when I worked for a federal investigative agency as well. I have no idea how these people justify their life choices to themselves.
I'm joining because every able bodied young male should be prepared to fight for his country.
>dying for spooks
>living for spooks
You'd probably like this guy.
Palpable butthurt.
>in hopes of being a general
Get ready to suck an infinity of dicks.
Speaking strictly for the US here
Not me, and here's why:
I spoke to a Lt. Col. late at night once while pulling staff duty on New Years. I could tell he had something to drink but he seemed pretty sincere.
I asked him why it takes years to ascend through the ranks of Captain>Major>LtC>Colonel, but only one or two years to get an extra star as a general. He told me that colonel is probably the highest a pleb could go, if that. Once you get your first star and become a general, you're basically in a special club and you begin answering directly to the Pentagon.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I just think it's unlikely for Lt. Fuckstick from some ROTC program in Alabama to ever become a general.
You have to rise through the officer ranks quicker than your peers in a 30 year, single elimination, dick sucking contest which seemingly requires you to attend ranger, airborne, air assault, and maybe even pathfinder school. I've never seen an active duty general without a ranger tab, ever. We are also in an era of "patch stigmas". If you do not have a deployment patch you are considered less hardy of a soldier. Fact. Period. If you're not in the Army now you have almost no chance of getting one either.
To sum up, if you're not a guy who entered Westpoint or VMI at the age of 18 and have no aspiration to become an infantry officer and go to ranger school and deploy, you'll never be a general.
So you mean military is just like every other highly desirable job with a hierachy?
Something like that. It's all about who you know. I was being groomed for success for a couple of years before I got reassigned and got out.
>>Favorite General(s)?
He had a sweet nickname
>favourite branch
Air Force because I'm a planefag
Isn't that a line of hair products?
A lot of this applies I'm my country as well. Even if you outperform guys from whatever military school is considered prestigious where you're from, the fact that you're a product of the ROTC means that you are going to be discriminated by the guys who graduated from that particular school.
Yeah, you need those to win pissing matches over here, too. But it makes sense.
"Professional Aircare, for you"
Forgot the thing.
>Favorite General
Caesar. Kek.
Consider the fact that I am on Veeky Forums
>Favorite branch
>join the army in hopes of becoming a politician
Isn't that circuitous? Just try your hand with politics directly.
being a General in the US military seems to me like a political move, like literally becoming a career politician. We have this shitfuck general in charge of our Cadet Corps and whenever he talks, he just seems sycophantic as fuck.
If you want to play RTS IRL then just become a combat arms officer.
Good boy. Join the military.
The funny thing is those dumb, stupid animals are probably too dumb and stupid to even google to see if it is true or not.
He wasn't religious?
>Oddly enough most members of the Military are conservative who hates Government with a passion
Such people are painfully aware of the short-comings of bureaucracy and have no wish to see such things spill over into their private lives.
more like spooks lmao
After two years nobody cares what school you went to. If you want to be a general kick ass in school, kick ass on your fit reps and volunteer for literally everything that comes up, and go infantry. Also buy lube, lots of it.
>Applied for Direct Entry into the Royal Military College here in Australia
>Advanced up to the Officer Selection Board before being found unsuitable and barred from reappling for 2 years
>Decide to return to university
>I'll be 24 when I finish my degree and can reapply again
Is 24 too old to expect to see promotion up to the higher ranks? I mean I know it falls within the accepted age range but I'm terrified that I simply won't have enough years to serve to rise through the ranks and I very much want to.
Admirals > Generals
>married a catholic
>Favorite General(s)?
Well, not a general, but an admiral.
Von Lohengramm
What's not to like about him?
>Favorite branch?
the navy
recommend me some good books Veeky Forums
>The way he BTFO the rest of the civilized world for so long
>European country with conscription