is he a meme?
Is he a meme?
Yes and so are you
No, he's the real deal.
He just also has 10/10 bants.
he is based
>but it's precisely because I don't know what I'm talking about *sniff* that I should continue talking, yes? no! I hate that! I hate that you know...when you say this and I say that. My radical lacanian position is this, I contend that *heavy breathing*...
He is absolutely necessary to modern philosophy.
Without him, we would have to sift through every single nonsense idea and find the flaw in millions of people's thinking.
He allows us to quickly filter out the obvious sinks of time that so many place before us.
Praise Ziz for making the Messianic sacrifice that saves us from the pop culture underworld.
Holy Kek, I'm reading Absolute Recoil right now, and this is exactly the best summary of what the book is about so far I could give.
>I'm reading Absolute Recoil right now
Why is he so active in public lecturing and interviews when he has the weirdest autism among all philosophers?
my nose is always full of snot, and I always need to rub my eyes because they basically water constantly
he's given me hope that I might be able to speak in public and get a qt wife regardless of these things
His critique of ID politics has triggered a lot of people, including many of his (former) fans. That's been fun to watch.
His philosophy is literally 'the eternal trigger' with constant revolution replacing hegel/marxist end game of absolute spirit / communism. I think he hates capitalism more because they supplant urges to do real things (ie trigger people - sometimes with literal guns) with dumb t-shirts.
It is little known, but the book is called absolute recoil as a metaphor for this 'true triggering'.
See attached (and a reminder that he is basically, physically speaking, troll like), this is his literal wife. Which, IDK, seems to suggest he is at least on to something.
How does he attract attractive women?
He's fat, looks dishevelled and constantly *sniffs*
Do women just love psychoanalysis and marxism?
He's just a celebrity. They usually get more attention from females regardless of how they look.
>not reading Violence over and over
>not reading Welcome to the Desert of the Real over and over
Its not just that. The man is a charisma machine.
He did a lecture at my uni and was flirting with all the pretty girls. They all loved it.
Chatted with him myself briefly. He's exactly how he appears to be on camera.
Sure maybe, but he's also a Marxist intellectual among Leftists when he does lectures at a university. Not hard to give women an ideological boner when they already love what it is you say anyway.
Thats probably how he gets all his poon then, universities are full of qts.
IDK, throughout his work he talks openly about sexual violence - I think the implication that hes a sexually experimental partner may be some of his appeal.
Heavy kek