bard edition
old >Useful sites
How to climb:
League of Legends General - /lolg
Why aren't you watching /our guy/ Sneaky RIGHT NOW?
What champion do I play so that everyone knows I'm a princess?
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
I just bought Kindred and I like her
peach be sure to side b all game
sometimes i miss all the friends iv thrown away over the years
Irelia is an underrated waifu and I hope her visual update makes her appropriately sexy
Why do you not get a notification upon receiving a gift? Its pretty fucked, I just flamed my e-bf for a good 5mins because I thought he was trolling me when he said he sent me my skin
When do the /lolg/ games usually happen
>tfw no qt petite gf to cuddle with in bed
why did you thrown them away?
Can confirm, my friend bought me a random champion and I had to check every one of them individually to see if it was unlocked or not
>enter room
>see this
>wat do
whenever someone actually feels like hosting
>I just flamed my e-bf for a good 5mins because I thought he was trolling me when he said he sent me my skin
>not checking the skin selection age in the champion list
>having an e-bf
>being this easily rustled
you should just kys desu
I wanna cuddle Jinx and never leave her side
Call the guards because there's an intruder in my house
>Why do you not get a notification upon receiving a gift
you used to in the old client
No one else
can bring
new era
I use this shit regardless of what I pick as a keystone. Give me one reason not to pick these.
I want to cuddle Jinx and have my dick never leave her pussy
>When you buy a skin last week and just noticed it going on sale
>jungler picks Eve
Guess I lose this match.
begone sloot
What's inside
so far i have nocturne and jayce from the last 2
honestly I can't help but get biscuit and future market every time I don't netbuild.
my brain doesnt work so good. pretty sure i just hoped at least one of them wouldnt let me go so easily
maybe i just wanted them to show they cared but its too late now
you did apologize right?
because junglers dont make use of it
you sound histrionic as fuck
>Jinx not being shaved
How long do you think you could be inside Jinx without moving or anything before you cum?
I want to FUCK the robot.
I want to cum inside of Jinx!
Dumb Zer0 poster
>tfw here's no defense item that builds out of tear
I wish the itemization wasn't so damn boring, I mean the biggest shakeup since season one has probably been jungle items, followed by attack speed items and then waaaay behind that would be AP items and then mana regen items (which have been removed from the game for the most part)
I really hope riot starts focusing on items more instead of reworking rengar and morde and ryze and leblanc for the 10th time
it was garbage, disregard
>not wanting to fuck this robo
+245 hp at level 1, wew. This shit is insane on champions with HP scaling. Urgot's shield has a 30% bonus health ratio so it goes from absorbing 70 damage to 133.
there is like 3 or 4 champions that actually need and build tear
yeah im a miserable and genuinely shit person overall maybe one day ill grow up and stop being such a fag
don't play silly games where only you know the rules with your friends
that's very rude!
You release after a couple of when she says so
post reasons to live
I really hate both items that build out of Tear. I wish we had a third option that wasn't boring shit. Or at least they should give a more interesting active to both items.
Smol girls.
Don't we all, user
How does she stop you from cumming before she wants you to? I could only be inside her for so long before I'd blow
Whenever I hear the fish and push near each other, I just think of a bitch who doesn't wash.
Not disrespecting your waifu, just saying
>user doesn't want to fuck the robot
i asked for this
>its a people dont know the difference between Robot,Android and Cyborg episode
But that's a cyborg.
I want to FUCK her too.
Clamping down and sealing really really fucking hard
So what are those items that build out of Lost Chapter, we know that yet? As nice as Morello's is in terms of efficiency, it's annoying that it's pretty much "take this on most mages".
I didn't realise such a large image of LC existed.
Same (not the being a cunt to BF, not getting a gift notification.) It was my birthday yesterday and a friend gave me a gift skin. Didn't notice until I went in game and saw I had a skin for Sion. I felt like shit for not thanking them
maybe ill remember that next time im doing some autistic shit and stop thanks
>no raindrops in Vayne's art
semantics, I don't follow the PROJECT lore
>enhanced cyborg pussy
>Tfw u will never pick up a smol girl and hold her in your arms
>You will never hold her tight little body close to you in bed after a session of passionate love making
hows everyones late night games going? hopefully better than mine
Is Kayn top a memepick?
Why is she so perfect brobros?
I don't mind, I'd smell like fish for her
>unshaved Jinx
She looks like the kind of girl who'd have little to no her, but I can't turn down a proper bush.
are morde and yorick working in the jungle pixelbutts
That would make me need to cum even more is this somehow stopping me?
Hit promos for plat 2 again. So pretty gud but then my shitty NBN fucked up my connection to one game so I lost one game so far.
well maybe its not raining, not even riot can control mother nature yknow
they exclusively rely on lanes not to feed
any single fuckup in those lanes and you lose, so no as a team, yes as solo
this game was around plat 2 elo, try to avoid these wonderful players
hey oldfags im looking for FUCK IM FALLING DOWN THESE ALISTAIRS
old as shit comic someone help me out
Maybe a small bit of fuzz near the top.
You know when you start getting pubes during puberty and the first grims are those reeeeally soft and thin hairs?
She'd have only a few like that.
but i thought it was implied that it was the same encounter, since vayne's cybercycle is skidding behind jhin
I am okay with this
Anyone have some other suggestions for me of non-marksman characters that can go Bottom lane?
Project Yi is Handsome
Xin Zhao + Taric
Leona + Darius
Thresh + Rengar
If you do its not coming out because that hole is sealed.
My support bud plays absolutely nothing but Nautilus but has had his eye on Taric. What makes Taric and Xin Zhao work so well together?
Has anyone tried Cassiopeia bot Lane? I feel like she's almost like an ADC since she's more about DPS than burst...
I wonder what part of lore do Pulsefires, Projects and Programs have with each other, what came first and who is supposed to be stronger.
I assume Pulsefires are further in the future, perhaps more advanced in technology but less enhanced since they are not completely cyborgs (Cait has cybernetic eyes but that's it)?
Have to quit for awhile. Apparently I'm getting carpal tunnel syndrome. So I'm just reading post with one hand. And not the fun way
Xin makes Taric's stun really reliable. Taric's shield and healing along with Xin's innate healing helps mitigate poke. The all-in potential with Taric's constant passive procs and Xin's damage makes for an explosive engage with a good followup. You can repeatedly heal in an all-in while you both slap them with autos. Xin's new W gives him a way to reach the riskier minions and apply some lane pressure.
Xin dashes in and uses W, Taric stuns off the slow which guarentees Xin's knockup. That gives taric enough time to come in and bravado a few times so he has more heals ready to keep Xin fighting.
holy crap that is cute
>tfw no mommy support champ that is based around warmth and cooking and that has semi-lewd encouraging voicelines
azir, bard, tf, yasuo
Does it just keep building up? What happens when she lets me release and how does she do it?
just play silent night sona