/dg/ - Destiny General
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Obligatory post your guardians.
Reset just happened why not update the OP?
No more then Cayde does
im too retarded for that shit m8
I need to work on alternate fashion sets.
>Didn't even update the OP
Based retard
then why the fuck did you make the thread
>tfw no emissary gf
we urnje now
>tfw no Failsafe gf
What shader?
One of the shitty Vanguard shaders you get from Vuvuzela
you should work on your first fashion set first.
blue geometry
sorry its not all black
>"Due to a known exploit, New Monarchy won this Rally. However, Future War Cult actually received the most using earned tokens. We will be updating the Tower today to reflect this."
future work cucks
You can immediately tell when these quotes are fake because there'd be a link instead of just text.
Cucksafe needs prepping user, the fallen bull is taking a breather.
Americucks projecting their garbage fetishes onto everyone.
>last minute trials run
>only chance to run it all weekend
>want that warlock bond
>friend lags out halfway through game 3
>adjust butt hole setting to tight and win
>matching for game 7
>strange error code in orbit before match making actually goes through
>get loss anyway
A fucking 1 bungo. A fucking 1
>doing spider tank heroic pub event solo on my hunter
>getting my ass kicked
>kill one spider tank
>almost kill the other as it the event ends, but no cigar
>finally two people zone into my world as the chest spawns
Fucking thanks bungo, real helpful.
Do you do anything other than bitch and moan?
im the only one who doesn't add some form of shitpost into the op
like switching the clans with some reddit/gay clan
When the game isn't shitty I don't bitch. So get ready for some more bitching.
Anyone up for nightfall on pc eu?
Not that other guy, but the spidertank event is probably the easiest to solo complete on the heroic difficulty.
Like I openly admit I'm average at Destiny at best and I can complete that on my own no issues.
Just wanted to let you know, freedom isn't free. Stop being a europoor.
What's with the ugly exotic helmets,shouldn't they be the best looking instead of the fugliest ones?
>pay money for a working product
>get cucked on a regular basis by a company whose sole purpose for the last 26 years is making video games
You're right. They're going through some growing pains, and I'm expecting too much
As a hunter huh? Well grats on having a big dick.
what clan
No, I'm not talking about the game, I'm talking about in your life. You're a whiny little turd dude, grow the fuck up. Yes its shit but guess what dipstick, we're all fucking dealing with it.
Jesus fuck, what a whiny cunt.
>tfw no short haired failsafe gf
synthoceps are really fun
It doesn't matter what fucking class you are they give you the fucking cannons that continuously respawn and do a fuck ton of damage.
Shoot the fucking tank, occasionally shoot the fallen that drop in, its not that hard.
And just so you know just like my skill in Destiny my dick is average as best.
Not him but as all 3. It really is the simplest of all public strikes to trigger.
Might wanna turn that passive aggressive shit down to 11, nobody here is interested in being your surrogate parent. And there was no need for a second response. See
>female titan
>exo warlock
>male hunter
How can one man have taste this bad?
Triggering it is easy, killing it is hard for me.
Congrats on being better then me.
Blank as fuck user.
Well since you don't have an argument any more I guess we're done here.
>Triggering it is easy, killing it is hard for me.
Use the scorch canons, charge the shots.
Finally up to Power 273. Is the PS4 clan still active or is it dead?
>flashpoint is titan
>a bunch of players sitting around waiting for publics to spawn
this game is really good at not letting you play it
I do but I get swarmed with Fallen. I'm not going to respond anymore, I know what to do I just can't execute.
honestly if thats how you feel about it there was no need to reply to my first post at all. Keep wasting your time though
Here let me help you maybe you will respond better to that.
Do you put all the orbs in the thingys as soon as you can?
Next time dont, do all but 1, then get the first down to a sliver of health, put that last orb in to trigger the heroic version, then kill the first one.
Now you only have to deal with 1 at a time.
I genuinely and sincerely hope this helps you user.
>I do but I get swarmed with Fallen.
Dude for real?
>Go and grab the canon.
>Shoot the charge at the tank.
>Hold the shoot button to charge the shot
>While the shot is charging run away from the event area, if you're on titan that means on one of the platforms/crates above the event, if you're in EDZ that means behind the large rocks half-way acros the map.
>When the shot is charged, let go of the trigger to detonate.
>Jump out from cover, shoot second shot.
>Fall back into cover while charging.
its not rocket science, the fallen don't follow you too far from the tank if you actually use cover.
>honestly if thats how you feel about it there was no need to reply to my first post at all.
There was no need for you to respond to mine twice yet still you did it, funny how things work, huh?
>this absolute, unbridled degeneracy just to get a shitty emote that i got within my first 3 brights
>Use the scorch canons, charge the shots.
Holy shit, I honestly didnt know that was a thing. That should make things easier.
>doing titan public events
>first event over, 33%
>next one done, 67%
>logically third one is the last one
>lol nope, 93%
they were all heroic
Holy shit the worst part of weekly reset is being forced to play this hunter. This class is hot garbage,
>tfw playing titan
>needing to charge
get the first tank weak before triggering
the cannons respawn so just spam
user, I'm tired, can you cut the bullshit bants? I don't have the energy for this retarded bullshit. You can charge, you should charge, doesn't matter if you're fighting two or one, you don't NEED to charge, you SHOULD charge. You're using gerentext wrong you moronic fuck.
I'll be an american one day, one day.
not in a clan atm.
What are those shoulders?
t. warcuck
Why is there no exotic ghost shells?
Who hurt you today?
Was it daddy?
Was it mommy?
>missing out on all the welfare
Cause who gives a shit.
That's why you should have three titans.
Attention: Contacting Destiny 2 Servers. BUNGOOOOOOO
>wanna level a warlock
>realize I have to go through the story again and talk to hawthorne
Part of me wishes I had three titans. Pity they fuck you over loot wise for that
>getting invited by "420 blaze it"
I'd rather miss out desu.
There is for season 2.
They look weird and terrible.
Whats the new warlock armor look like?
Its good right, please tell me its good...
>Turn in my clan and flashpoint milestones
>Poopoo garbage
>Turn in an exotic I picked up
>My fourth Raiden Flux
Oh boy Bungo, I sure would hate a trade-in system for my fifty duplicate exotics. I sure would hate having RNG stats on armor/weapons so that when I get a dupe my first emotion isn't soul-crushing disappointment at knowing I wasted the past hour earning literally fucking nothing. I sure would hate it if you curated Xur to make sure he doesn't bring the same fucking item 3 times before bringing something worth giving a shit about.
Fucking killed my desire to even bother with my other milestones knowing they've got, at most, a fucking 2% chance to give me what I want. I don't even have half of all the exotics in the game and yet I've found more dupes than I have uniques. Wake me up when Xur comes, then put a bullet in my head when he brings Raiden Flux for the third time.
Are warlocks canonically niggers?
>Titan exotic chests
>7/7 Exotic engrams that turned into chests have been Actium War Rig
I've gotten more armor and specifically of this chest than I did of Exotic guns so far. It's amazing that I've gotten duplicate things more times than I got unique things too yet I don't think I am close to having everything.
google it.
Is the Graviton Lance worth using?
I'm getting mixed messages from people
I've gotten 6 Tricksleeves.
I seriously just want Dinklebot back as the voice of my ghost. The Ghosts have been around for hundreds of years and have seen absolute horrors. I don't want a peppy disneybot following me around acting confused about everything. I would pay good money to have them rerecord voicelines for them and add them as dlc you can choose from. Include female Ghosts, more monotone Ghosts, actual robotic Ghosts. I'd love to be able to make my Guardian my own, even more than we already can. (protip: we really can't in D2)
Its not bad. Just dn't miss that third shot or else its worthless
PC or console?
Titans and Hunters got the better deal.
all the damage is the third shot if you miss it,might as well not have fired
It's shit. There are way better exotics.
Also PRs are undercooked in general right now.
It's much better on PC than console as long as you don't miss the third shot
everything on that Hunter besides he helmet looks like an eight year old designed it
>"Osisris is all about Triangles right?"
>"Too late."
Titan looks really nice
>all the cool looking hunter sets are mobility
But the hunter is based on vex stuff, like the titan.
Hey thats not the Titan one posted above, at least that means we get more armor besides for this expansion(outside the season 2 stuff.
Is there a worse character in Destiny than Ikora?
All the cool looking sets on every class are mobility. It's all about mix and matching to get a mashup that looks ok and gives you usable stats.
What's with D2 warlock helmets and that weird back fin they all have it looks like shit
the Vex don't have random triangles slapped onto their bodies
no you shouldn't dumbass
there's no reason to