"Clownsuits are good, Vanilla has no flaws" Edition
"Clownsuits are good, Vanilla has no flaws" Edition
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How authentic to Vanilla is it?
>The goal is to recreate the exact experience, for better or for worse.
Is it the original code?
>We've got an old build that's up and running that we're using for reference. Most of this job is going to be infrastructure: making sure everything can work on a more modern setup.
When is the release date?
>We actually don't know when we're going to release it. I know that's a generic answer that we give for all of our Blizzard titles, but with this one, we don't actually know how long it will take. This is a massive effort.
>60 paladin
top lad
Why don't they just copy/paste the old build
>banilla is berfect :D no change :D
Fuck, preorder cancelled.
In 419 days.
Are we really going to go through 2 threads a day for an entire year just shitposting about vanilla?
these threads will die off after a few weeks
>know some AH trick to make a shit ton of gold that literally no one knows about
>won't play classic because I literally never spent any money for wow and won't start now
How can I still profit from this, fuck me dude.
2 stack for the same price as 20 stack -1 copper
During classic I always wanted them to go whole hog with lore dictating gameplay.
For example
Undead would have permanent underwater breath instead of just longer breath, permanent immunity to fear and mind control. 20% damage reduction from shadow and frost magic and permanent 20% extra damage from holy and fire magic. Imagine pvp where alliance NEEDs to bring dedicated holy paladins and priests or be over run by the undead horde!
Trolls would berserk and do 20% extra damage when below 50% hp, have permanent health regen even in combat but take 50% extra fire damage.
Tauren would be flat out immune to stuns and can accelerate their run speed over time to mount speed as long as they dont stop.
Night elves would take 20% less nature damage but take 20% more from arcane.
Gnomes get bonus to stealth and cannot be slowed or snared.
Humans receive extra healing from holy sources and take reduced holy damage.
Thats just off the top of my head. Would make racial choices actually matter and differentiate the factions even more.
Why run it on a modern setup?
>Classic WoW has all kinds of bugs and problems, it has all kinds of exploits and hacks that everyone knows about. We think we have a way to have the old WoW version work on the modern infrastructure and feel really good. The infrastructure is how we spin up instances and continents, how the database works.
Literally who?
>We’re going to hire people specifically for this job, and we’re going to staff it with people who are interested in bringing back Classic WoW in the best, most authentic way.
No that's a market you can easily corner, supply is lower than demand so you just buy everything and fix your price.
Works only during a patch though,but that's not obvious shit everyone knows like pristine black diamonds.
>one year
more like 2 years
This post made me want WoD models
Are 2-year retards just trying to troll us right?
No way people rly that stupid
How bad are Nost-cucks gonna be BTFO if Classic starts with pre 1.12 talents or with 1.12 talents but with buffed mobs/instances?
Are fury (or arms) warriors capable of soloing devilsaurs with not quite pre-raid bis?
No more fighting, everyone be friends
3 Servers
BFA, Vanilla: Pure, Vanilla: Remastered
>Fracturing an already small playerbase and wasting tons of development/support effort.
Sure, great idea.
youll need recklessness up and a full rage bar probably but you can
most of nostcucks would be shocked probably. Personally i wouldnt mind desu... after lvling multiple 60s on different projects during last 7 years it would be refreshing,
Vanilla remasted is BFA.
>Small playerbase
>Larger than BFA
except the part where it's the contrary to vanilla in all the aspects
I've leveled dozens of characters on private servers over the years, I don't want to waste time leveling again on Classic ... what is Blizzard going to do about this?
An actual, Proper WoW:Remastered with a limit on QoL improvements and 1.13-20 would fucking huge
Sucks, I guess I'll just have to pony up the cash for devilsaur leather then
Let's fix Vanilla.
>Class Balancing
>Raid/Dungeon re-tuning to bring it on par with the new class balance and more mechanics then 'don't stand in fire'.
>Heroic Dungeons or Keystone style dungeons
>Heroic raids that award slightly better gear and are much more challenging (think Mythic)
>Arenas and Rated Battlegrounds
>Retune gear to the stepping stones of dungeon -> heroic/keystone dungeon = normal raid -> heroic raid
Instead of playing the same boring shit that people have theorycrafted for years let's revamp it and make it more enjoyable. Instead of having two button rotations and hardly any bosses with more than one 'mechanic' we can get a challenging and rewarding game that gives gear based on skill rather than time investment. The only people who want 'pure Vanilla' are those who want to be handed the best gear by afking in 40 man raids and battlegrounds
Aaaaand now were in MoP. Oops.
was there a good shockadin build in vanilla? Never played paladin in vanilla.
My interest would be mainly to play pvp and/or heal in raids
mop is a good expansion though
Kill yourself
I liked it, but id like to keep Classic in Vanilla with no changes.
nobody wants to play Vanilla without any updates, shut the fuck up purist cuck.
Even our boy staysafe wants changes. Face it shill you're on the wrong side of history.
Then go play retail or a MoP private server or something else that appeals to your NuWoW tastes instead of ruining Classic
So if Vanilla is Vanilla, can we remove stuff from Classic: BC? Like heroic lockouts and Badge gear, flying, resilience
im not the guy who posted lets fix vanilla
save the spiell
Go play on your 5x xp masterloot p servers nost babies.
Fuck off, Burning Crusade was literally perfect
TBC is objectively the best expansion of all time
and the badge system isn't even an issue in TBC is a big fucking innovation ITS REALLY BIG issue in wotlk though.
I remember hearing about it at the time, but I never really tried it
But I think you can do it if you have a spell dmg set and a healing set, you'd just judge crusader, shock, judge righteousness
fuck difficulties unless it's stuff like 5man tbc heroics where you get different gear, having a gorillion of difficulties is why the game was drowned in itemlevel power creep
also raids should only have one difficulty: the hardest but there should be differently sized raids, 10/20/40, basically what vanilla was doing already
Gonna roll a white male ret pala just because i want to kill horde niggers
>what is Blizzard going to do about this?
why would they do something about this?
I'm fort it. Blizz has the chance to put things right.
No flying, no seperation of pve and pvp gear, no shammy/paladin for all factions, no shared faction Kapital, no welfare epics
Heroic raids a fine, Ilevel needs to be erased because it doesn't accurately reflect how good gear is for your character.
Separate difficulty for 10 man and 25 man is retarded.
i was digging it until i read the part about gnomes. then i realized gnomes should not have been in the game to begin with and were likely a filler to make the factions have an equal amount of races when the horde had one extra. fuck gnomes and fuck wow. fuck blizzard too with a mighty dick in the ass. blizzard is so last gen
>This is a massive effort.
How is this more effort than just loading the fucking code onto some new servers? They already confirmed they had proper code control back in the day.
BC started the downfall
Flying, resilience and dungeon difficulty sucks
>nobody wants to play Vanilla without any updates, shut the fuck up purist cuck
That's exactly what blizzard said 2 years ago and when they saw private servers having so much pop they changed mind.
>you think you do but you don't
>Started the downfall
Because seal judgement seal autoattack for 200 hours is so good, good job retard
No Wotlk started the down fall
>hundreds of people in each starting zone
>mob spawns don't scale
>players realize they can't level
>proceed to run across the world to raid the enemy faction
>massive world pvp ensues
>this continues every fucking day as the server collectively levels to 60
It's going to be beautiful
i would love to see someone doing ahn'qiraj
mythic or nax without
>i need re balance i main retri
no, raids shouldn't have difficulties or raid size options, vanilla had it perfectly nailed down but lacked some more content, shit like karazhan was supposed to be in vanilla so it would have been another 10/20 man
heroics for 5 man are fine as long as they provide unique challenges and loot, not just scaled up garbage, it gives replayability to low end content and some new challenges for people, raids should be challenging and relevant by themselves, not because of some difficulty toggle, raids are the endgame pve content
>The goal is to recreate the exact experience, for better or for worse.
That means 2 things
>they never pretended vanilla was perfect
>they won't put your shitty ideas in practice
You'll have to level 1x, you won't be able to respec for less than 50g, you'll have to grind gold a way or another, you'll die in wpvp because of level 60s ganking you during an escort quest.
I'll just play a classic server to corpse camp retailcucks for a month then leave.
The only one worth getting
the meme hamer
That's basically what paladins did in BC as well though
t. vanilla and bc paladin player
wotlk continued it with lfg (added late, but whatever) adding raid difficulties and being flying focused in the later zones
>large login queues
>hundreds of people in each starting zone
>mob spawns don't scale
>players realize they can't level
>they impotently complain to GMs about it
>they make Reddit threads where they are insulted and threatened with murder
>MMO Champion threads say this is exactly why Vanilla is shit
>Blizzard tweets "we told you so, but you didn't listen"
>within a month the world population is lower than the top private servers
The only hope is to grind your way ahead of the mob.
>chinese people want to play Vanilla for FREE
>That's basically what paladins did in BC as well though
>t. vanilla and bc paladin player
I leveled a Paladin in BC and didn't get remotely bored
Vanilla is flawed as fuck. You try selling a game where you press the same 2 buttons every 10 seconds, in the same exact order for every fight. It's bad.
No more fighting, everyone be friends
3 Servers
BFA, Vanilla: Pure, Vanilla: Remastered
except the biggest private vanilla server will shut down when classic launch to play there, whitekidney confirmed it
also all big guilds and players will move anyway, only slavs will have their private servers because it's free
Is there something useful for a feral druid?
No wotlk literally started it
raid difficulties is wotlk were fucking fine and for the raids that didn't suck in wotlk doing them in heroic mode was awesome raid difficulty isn't a fucking issue untill they introduce LFR if you think otherwise you never did heroic ICC and for some reason think people shouldn't be allowed to.
THE REAL FUCK UP with raid difficulties was the 10 man and 25 split that was fucking retarded and fucked up ALOT of boss design.
Heroic dungeons are heavily nerfed in wotlk
the bade system is abused and ruined where before in TBC it served as a good incentive to keep doing dungeons a non existent incentive in vanilla.
Dungeons let you skip raid tiers of loot
every good fucking idea of BC is ruined in WOTLK
flying isn't a big deal, farming hotspots in the world is what causes wpvp, not trying to snipe people while they are traveling, if you are really autistic about have them add a longer cast time, but then they'll just run away on the land mount.
You won't raid as a feral druid anyway. Only exceptional players with good relations with their GM can pull this shit but that's only 1 feral for maybe 10 guilds.
If you were good like that you'd knew already about legendaries.
as far as i see it Patch 2.4.3 is the most played pvp-patch why dont they just start doing pvp arena only servers in wow, where you equip your hero in a launcher and only actually play the char in arena
9 servers:
BfA, Vanilla Pure, Vanilla Remastered, TBC Pure, TBC Hardcore (no flying), TBC Remastered, WotLK Pure, WotLK Hardcore, WotlK Remastered.
>exceptional players
Thanks for a good laugh.
>TBC Pure, TBC Hardcore (no flying), TBC Remastered
Probably more than a year.
But I am already losing my mind so hopefully something will come up to distract me.
Yeah but I never said I specifically wanted the bad class design of vanilla, BC was a lot better in that regard, but they added a lot of things that to me fucked up the game
>flying isn't a big deal
Wrong, flying is one of the biggest issues in wow
that sounds good
You don't get how autists minds work.
They don't just want the game to be like they chose. They need everyone to agree with them, they feel stress and anger just thinking someone might have other opinions.
Just read the average posts, it's written like some superior mind came to enlighten us witht their extreme intellect and knowledge.
An overwhelming majority of (max level) world PvP encounters takes place in a number of hotspots like farming locations (be it Elemental Plateu, Skettis or Tyr's Hand) or vicinity of instances. Flying by itself does nothing to curb any of those. I can see the argument that it makes the world FEEL less dangerous because odds of being attacked and killed while moving from point A to point B are decreased from low to effectively zero (supposing you had actually prestigious 280% flying mount, otherwise it might make sense to use ground mount anyway), but as far as overall quantity of world PvP in TBC is concerned, it's effectively unchanged, besides the effect of increasingly experienced players becoming more goal-oriented and less inclined to start or join "pointless" skirmishes just for the sake of it. Indeed, since you are focused on long-term impact on how players approach the game,
that puts 1.5.0 as the time of death for world PvP.
>world PvP
this is what BC babies with their daily welfare quests actually believe.
Moreover, I wholeheartedly agree flying had more long-term impact in subsequent expansions when that kind of hotspots effectively disappeared and a number of mitigating factors were removed (faster mount cast time making escapes easier, 60% flying being buffed to 160% removing any incentive to use ground mount), but while this is an argument against flying being added, it's not an argument against TBC experience itself being bad.
flying is literally fine in tbc.
flying DECAPITATED world pvp for good, sure vanilla did some retarded shit like adding overpowered guards that would just charge and kill you instantly but flying was the final nail
tbc didn't have any world pvp at all until the isle of qq and even then it was minimal
hurr duu i like to fly
even if the non cata world isn't made to fly in it and would look like shit or would need invisible walls all over the fucking place
>team decides to release one server, thinking it's enough
>10x the amount of people the server can handle try to play on it, but that's ok because you woke up at 3:00 and managed to log-in the millisecond the server went live
>but an hour into playing the devs decide to restart the server for no reason as a 'test'
>you get kicked off into a 24+ hour queue
>mad chinks and eastern yuropoors DDoS the login server causing queues to crash and reset you to the login screen
>only the people that live next door to the server and have no ping can log in after each queue crash
>then the dev team realizes it forgot to implement autokick for afk players, so those lucky enough to have logged in just stay online 24/7
>queues increase to 72+ hours
>by the time you manage to log in for the second time you're still in the starter zone and Chad is literally already level 58
oh wait, that was elysium
Feral druids are only allowed to raid if they are ranking with the gm. That means being good enough to be in a premade with a guild master going for rank 14 who has dozens of druids wanting to be part of it.
You need to be a top pvp player.
But there are also good and bad pve players, look at this realmplayers.com
They all have the same gear but some manage to have 10% more dps. Being good a pve is not just "don't die", it's optimising shit to the extreme.
>didn't play vanilla at release
>is now hyped for the classic servers
If this is you, feel free to kys
no one is talking about flying in vanilla that'd be stupid.
>blizzard should listen to the private server players who constantly attacked blizzard and supported companies that profited off of blizzards intellectual property
>lights hope might bring in 5k concurrent players that will actually pay for the game which is what the private server community considers dead when you spread them across three regions
>blizzard should ignore their current playerbase which has been loyal and paying for years with numbers that are likely 100x the vanilla private server numbers.
>most original wow players moved on or completed the game and have no interest in coming back
>current generation of gamers do not want to spend 200 hours grinding to reach the level cap. they want quick games like pubg, hearthstone and league which have an element of rng and matches shorter than 30 minutes.
are purists blind or do they really want to set vanilla up to fail?
what kind of absolute retard raids as feral? you just heal and loot all that feral gear nobody wants, then you respec and go pvp
>implying you can afford constant respeccing in vanilla
Good luck getting the gear when fury warriors, rogues, hunters, and then tank warriors will get it before you.
Maybe you'll get some bad MC shit when bwl is out.
>doing something for people that already my suck my cock
>doing something for people i want to suck my cock
it's so fucking easy to farm money in vanilla, there are spots that people that know it just not tell people like you
>daily quest areas were packed with world pvp
>multiple farming spots that were hot spots for world pvp
>outside of dungeon/raids near the summoning stone
>isle of q was an absolute mad house
there was plenty of world pvp. it just was not forced on everyone. the main thing flying did was remove the ability to corpse camp.
Okay, so, farming spots became bgs (they already were without flying) but now instead no wpvp would ever happen on the way from point a to b, why would you want that?
Can't you see how flying is basically just a very slow teleport and that you don't have to interact with the world at all because of it? This isn't just about wpvp, btw
Anyone else plan on trying to get all the popular streamer names then ransoming them to the highest bidder?
but I just want to reexperience the Nostalgia of Vanilla wow with everyone else? they shouldn't make the game less accessible for new players for arbitrary reasons when we all know the classes are broken, the graphics are outdated and nobody wants to go back to using trade chat for making groups.
they should make a hardcore server option for people who don't actually like the game and just want to remember how bad it used to be.