Old thread: Another Bard thread
>Useful sites
How to climb: pastebin.com
Old thread: Another Bard thread
>Useful sites
How to climb: pastebin.com
xth for my wife Syndra
League is legitimately fun right now.
Why aren't you playing it?
>s7 first season ever I didn't play
So is it worth coming back to now? Is it better than the awful shit that was season 6?
I want Lux to bully me!
You mean OUR wife Syndra.
>the 5 pre made pages + aery and aftershock
these 7 pages cover pretty much 90% of the champion pool
>what about the other runes?
phase rush, lethal tempo, dark harvest and glacial augment are fucking thrash
guardian, fleet footwork and predator are alright but niche and klepto will be gutted soon
he perfect
How do I play Zed without going 0/15?
>Try to Assassinate adc
>Entire enemy team turns on me and hits me with every single CC they have
She already does that with her 20 second cd ult and orb of hurt that takes up half of lane.
Pls sit on my face
More like belongs in the Trash
Who do I play toplane that's fun?
Remember when Garen wasn't powercreeped out of existence and was the true champion of the suns?
>People saying taliyah is trash
>Faker just went like 13/1 in high elo korean soloq
Umm lolbabs?
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
Flank outside vision and wait for a good chance when the fight is already engaged instead of going in as soon as it starts.
Only Kayn can compare with such adonisian perfection.
>rune pages still cost 6300
How do people enjoy watching Faker play, it's disorienting as fuck the way he keeps changing view to other parts of the map every five seconds.
Kitty cat.
not happening no Halloween vgu :/
i got 17 rune pages and i just remake my page every match anyway
>He has no Blue Essence
>Huni only having 500 viewers while streaming
Is there a more JUST guy in the pro e-sports scene than him?
Oy vey, think about the revenue loss theyre taking. Nevermind the fact that other f2p mobas only sell cosmetics, Riot's Chinese overlords need enough money to raise an army.
What runes?
VU when ? He looks like ass in game
>when you get a good adc
not good for low elo soloq, shes easy to kill, her ult requires coordination
>Soraka tier bad
>Soraka is like a 40% chance to have a bad time
why in the FUCK is it that when I asked /lolg/ less than a week ago what healer sup I should main almost everyone said soraka???
Why do you need rune pages anyway
Kassadins daughter when?
Is he really that bad with the new runes? There isn't even something gimmicky you can do that somehow works? Like crit garen + some combo of runes that would synergize with that
Quick /lolg/ come up with a change or rework for Lux's W because it's such a shit skill.
Me nigga.
Urgot confirms she's dead
>starts with 7k viewers every day, keeps about 7k for an hour
>suddenly 20k viewers out of nowhere
>chat isn't any faster than it was before
and this is every single day that it's like this, he always starts with 7k and then jumps to 20k an hour later. i like qt but it's basically confirmed that he viewbots, yes?
>GP in literally every single match
Good bye, Kayn. GP is my new permabanned champ.
This skin for Bloodlord but red and maybe a bit more work done on it and some more defined particles and I would be a happy Vlad main
who is kitty cat
I'd be head over heels for Kayn if he fit my playstyle btw. I have a feeling I'll be head over heels for Swain if he has nice long hair
idk user but make a noise about it riot needs to know how shit his playerbase feels with exactly 0 nice looking up-to-date models
>tfw syndra isnt kassadin daughter
my hopes were so high when she was announced
voidtouched grill when
again, literally who? Away with you.
why does this give me a boner
Yeah his chat is the slowest of all big streamers
You asked about a heal slut
And most of Lolg are bronze as fuck
Just use raw Stats from sites if you want to know what is up or down this week/month
What's the most value (gold wise) I can get out of a rune page?
This was the saddest moment in lol esports history and the moment it all died.
Because I'm finishing my wake up cycle. I can play mean when sleepy, but I play best fully awake. New runes are really fun and I can feel less bothered by goofy teammates by blaming it on the runes for now.
>no singleplayer where Ryze mentors you on a quest to manage the outbreaking of Runes
>Evelynn isn't a recurring threat due to her desire for the Rune Wars that Ryze initially aids you with
>new Runes aren't released both regularly and through 'community vote' based on which ones people complete the quest for most in singleplayer
It could be great. Or a great waste.
reveals fog of war where it's casted so you don't need to use E
on top of shielding allies it also depletes enemy shields
>Hit Fill
>Every single game is AD
If she shoots her other abilities through the W they give bonuses that are beneficial to your team. I.e. ulting through your W leaves a trail that gives increased movement speed when walking in it
Klepto has literally infinite value
Syndra's husband. We may have not met, she does tell me of some guy who spends all his time in his cuckshed pestering her from time to time.
Since nobody seems to know anything about the jungle right now, which junglers did you guys try and how did you do?
Shyvana seems still terrible but my clear with Pantheon was pretty good, came out with full HP and his ganks never really change.
porcelain midriff
>tfw look like marquis vladimir irl
where are the vladfag girls irl tho?
This reminds me of how cute, though, formidable I find true-Evelynn
you talking about you? Because the first one is definitely me.
Yeah but I mean overall. Free boots and stopwatch add to that
>tfw you rather watch hashishin than qtpie
which site?
I got 0 xp after a long game in aram
fucking riot
How's Ornn for top lane? Or is he best as a support?
dating goth guys silly
if you wont post pics find me on discord or something I just don't believe you
I legit banged a lookalike on tinder once, he was a death metal frontman and had slept with half of London or something, he wasn't tall either, which leads me to think you're not really that pretty
user, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: take klepto and start ancient coin, then only focus on landing autos instead of csing
Nevermind, sorry.
Electrocute/Sudden Impact/Eyeball Collection/Ravenous Hunter
Legend: Bloodline/Last Stand
>tfw you rather play the fucking game than watch some literal apes
>watching a washed up lisping commie scream at people for having an opinion other then HIS
OP.GG is the go to. Probuilds is another place to check out players only.
>tfw still no female time wizard reversing time constantly so I can fuck her for all eternity
Grasp is fine. Just unexciting.
>has been playing stupidly agressive and inting most games since season 1
>confirmed to be a shill
hashinshin is a wintrader
Don't think this would work top lane, but if you like Rengar you should try taking Dark Harvest as the keystone. Then build duskblade after your jungle item
Do I buy Cait, Jinx, or Xayah, boys?
>playing league atm with imbalanced runes and one shoots everywhere
What? U can still make different rune pages what the fuck?
I just remake 1 every game. I thought they got rid of rune pages lol.
Yes cause when you find your rune page that goes with your champ shit's actually fun as fuck
>confirmed to be a shill
>hashinshin is a wintrader
>mfw dream qtgirlgurofag would pay hundreds to have
I never asked for this as my second and visceral League related dream. It must be my punishment for almost dusting Redeemed Riven. Again. That user probably wouldn't like the ending though.
It actually worked surprisingly well in my normal games.
cait if you hate fun
xayah if you like cancer
jinx if you eat shit
After you get both buffs gank a lane while you have the Dark Harvest auto and then question why this is allowed
Why is there no fill in casual?
It travels out in a line and forms a small bubble shield that increases in strength depending on how far she threw it.
>Throw on top of self for ~60 shield
>Throw at max range for ~120
Keeps to the spirit of it being supportive and weaker when she's alone.
Wow, uh... thanks riot
>tfw no Zilean VU
Oh well, at least he can run a mini-Ardent now.
did I fucking stutter
prove your claims
How long until we get Xayah (male) and Rakan (female) legendary skins?
>based nigga of a thousand dashes is decent and playable again
Fucking finally. If they touch him again i will fucking snap at Riot
>A meta AD that isn't just a boring faggot right clicker? Not on my watch!
Fucking faggots.
Interesting, I'm all for new jungle gimmicks. Thanks.
jinx you want to die even while 12/1/10 because your team didn't peal for .5 seconds
cait to plink away and not do much
xayah to have an actual impact
Shyvy is pretty good right now. New runes didnt hurt her as much as other junglers. Her only issue is that low game times make it difficult to come back against other snowballing junglers
ahricuck is the best ahriposter, true or false ?