Fighting Games General /fgg/
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, MvC and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
Damn Rashid is big in Japan.
Fuck off /pol/
Too bad Street Fighter already has long-sleeves, spider, and instinctual monster already covered in characters. This was a pretty cool movie.
This is SFV's guest character
you can see the characters who gonna get nerfed
I have a feeling that Dogura will win Capcom Cup and I'm usually always right about this stuff, I predicted Tokido would win Evo.
Are there any mods to make getting fight money easier/quicker in SF5?
Jiyuna said young Japanese players love playing him
Is Tekken the Smash of 3D fighters? I read this post again and I realised that if you changed the game's name it applies directly to Tekken as well. The same top players every time with an identical grand final in 99% of tournaments, extremely low player retention rate to the point that every competitor is in their 30s or older and been playing since 3/5, a solved game where no new tech is ever discovered and no exciting plays get made. Legacy factor counts more than anything else. No top Tekken player has ever been competent at another fighting game, likewise people who dabble in other fighting games don't bother with Tekken. The series is visibly more shallow and poorly designed than the rest of its subgenre. All things it has in common with Smash.
Is this Tekken's legacy after 20 years? The equivalent casual party masher, just in 3D?
>Necalli is in 8th place
Is he under the radar?
Nice try but Jiyuna doesn't play SFV.
Demo was fun but they should have just kept making SG
Noel isn't banned from tournaments you really think anything is going to happen to Logan? He'll be fine
Can't Autumn games fucked them over REAL REAL RREEAALL good.
Boatsluts vs other boatsluts crossover fg when
How popular is Injustice 2 in Japan?
>Noel only got in trouble because some 3rd party busy body brought it to the attention of TO, the girl in question isn't who reported it but she did a shitty, stereotypical girl move and instead of saying it was no big deal and she was cool with it. She became mentally retarded.
he was 9th when they were deciding who to nerf
/fgg/ lied to me. /fgg/ said that Menat had difficult combos, but I got her loops down in like 30 minutes. Is there any character in SFV that involves some technical skill, or did I just waste $40?
you bought sfv 1 month before AE release?
Why is tekken so shit?
Can you anti air Vega's stupid ass dive
buy guilty gear rev 2 or blazblue cf
wtf i love japan now
lmao if true
I already play XRDR2. Blazblue is trash.
post 30 minutes of you doing menat loops
there is a difference between doing combos in training mode and actually pulling them in a match especially online or in a scramble
Play morri
i don't get it, is this specific to jive?
if you know what he's gonna do, why don't you punish him for it?
i would like to play morri but shes in a scam game so i cant ;_;
and for $40
this guy
Wait what?
animal ears x boats greatest crossover ever
That's not Morrigan... that's an underage girl dressed up as her...
They can't
Then play one of her many other games. Or wait for a sale.
This bait has so many layers
Is that Morrigan's final form, or does she have a mode where she gets bigger with sharp fangs, a wicked smile, and batlike fur on her body?
Autumn games is basically a dead company and they own Skullgirls. Somone has to buy the rights from them. They fucked themselves with that Rap Star game chasing the RockStar meme
Doesn't Konami own Autumn Games?
Capcom hasn't said. But it's a safe assumption she can take on whatever form she wants.
>SNK made 3 Bilion Yen from mobile games
Maybe they can afford better graphics for the next Kof. Or Samsho
then why does she always take the form of an ugly old hag?
What did he mean by this?
Better graphics and non-shit netcode
Remember the pony fighting game
If unist comes out here can I netplay against people with the jpn copy?
They literally need to improve kof14
No freckles
your waifu is an ugly old whore
just like your mother
After Geese becomes a success in Tekken 7 they should put Charlotte in Soul Calibur 6
I'd take her over shitty Frenchie turned vampire.
>implying morrigan isn't the epitome of purity
Who is the Yoshi of Vampire Saviour?
>SoulCalibur 6
i want to believe
why you cant like a game if Japan dont like it
Why is it so dead bros? They told me these movie theater characters sell millions at the box office. It was sure to be a hit!
Aren't the children in America in school right now?
If they nerf mika I'll just quit.
yes, still being made, should be out by the end of December.
Mika could use some nerfs desu.
>Guilty Gear
>Injustice 2
Never played any fighting game before in my life, I've heard you have to like character that you are into to enjoy the practice grinding and it seems like I only like characters from these 3 games.
Which game would you recommend to invest my time in? If it's GG, which version?
Hey now, Raphael was my guy. He wasn't so cool in the last games when he got the Samus syndrome and couldn't stop talking about "my Amy, my Amy", but still.
MKX is dead because there's a new NRS game (Inj 2)
Inj 2 comes out on PC pretty soon
Rev 2 is the current version of Xrd
What? Mika needs buffs.
t.player who dont even play her
Fair enough. Just try to separate your feelings from facts. Being upset for losing to her doesn't mean she needs it.
That being said, want to explain what you think should be toned down?
>Inj 2 comes out on PC pretty soon
its out now
Last time anonymous told me it was coming out in like april
No it means that they can make more mobile games for the chinese
Close enough
on the message boards they said they wanted a 2017 release, there even holding back the full story and making it episodic. i guess due to voice acting ect.
Going from Guile to Necalli is fun. I like the different flavour of unga
I would rather have lighting then fucking the emo kid in the worst FF game with the worst story and characters.
Should I buy Injustice 2? is online and story fun? looks like online has a rpg system
being out now is the pretty soonest one can be!
Pirate it
My forehead legit got larger since I started playing jive
Maybe cause my cortex is expanding
It has lootboxes.
Who cares about fucking Noctis? We got Pretzel Daddy
so when's goose coming out?
Well, Geese just needs First Party Approval. So soon
Noctis is cool but putting Lightning in a bikini would probably kill the dick
PS4 or PC?
Story's fun, online works well. You gotta like NRS style gameplay tho.
> looks like online has a rpg system
It does
You can't buy them with real money
i found the game that will destroy jive
Either nerf her neutral (aa too good, fake jump too good) or her command grab range and unscaled damage.
What's the appeal of Lightning
Anyone DOA5LR xbone?
I like toblerones
None. That's why they forced her everywhere to try to make people like her.
>tfw i'm the only doa 5 lr player on xbox one
that's it i'm killing myself bye