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I hate this
I hate you
So, I've heard tons of stuff from F2P players, but what about the Whales of /feg/?
How much money have you spent on the game thus far, roughly? How many 5*s do you have to show for it? Will you continue to spend money in the future?
>Not even married
Your love for him is a farse
What th FUCK
>Best Mobile Game
Super Mario Run
Old Man’s Journey
Monument Valley 2
Hidden Folks
Fire Emblem Heroes: Shadows of Valentia (LMAO)
>Best Handheld Game
Poochy and Yoshi’s Woolly World
Monster Hunter Stories
Metroid: Samus Returns
Fire Emblem: Echoes
Ever Oasis
Reminder that Lewyn!Corpul is C A N O N
>tfw 500 bucks in and not a single +10 unit yet
I should have put more thought into my spending.
>Fire Emblem Heroes: Shadows of Valentia
how do you even fuck this up?
>Fire Emblem Heroes: Shadows of Valentia
fucking kek
Shadows of Valentia now confirmed to be the highest grossing Fire Emblem game of all time. Suck it Fates/Awakening!
Super Mario Run is fucking trash.
>Mario runs by himself
>Mario jumps on enemies by himself
>Mario climb obstacles by himself
All you control is Mario jumping over pits and jumping to collect coins. And smaller pits he still does by himself. I don't understand the appeal of this at all.
oh lord
Actually that title belongs to FEH
I'm at like $1200. Been playing since day one, just a $25 or a $50 here or there adds up after a while. Luckily my job is good.
I have about 60 natural 5*s (a couple have been merged), and like 10 or so 5* promotions.
I will absolutely keep spending because I'm filled with expendable cash and this is really the only game I play anymore, besides other FEs
Dolphins shouldn't expect to have +10 units.
reminds me of that Sakura jap whale. Did he manage to get 44 of those?
>no USUM
Pokecucks on suicide watch.
Lewyn can just fuck both sluts
It’s not out yet retard.
Yeah, I only ever spent for a single copy of my favorites, or to break a pity rate.
Gronraven or Gronowl or Gronblade for Henry?
Fire Emblem Heroes is Shadows of Valentia, newfag. Read the link.
I already completed it.
blade tomes are busted, more news at 17:00
Will suck dick for Blarblade+
>Echoes wins best mobile game and best handheld game
what went so right?
>Destiny 2 nominated for best soundtrack
>Sonic Mania isn't
Why are these always so shitty
whatever happened to original /feg/ whale Holic anyways
did he finally kill himself?
How about you suck my Blarblade.
Fury is not a slut, she is pure and was a good wife and mother unlike shitlvia.
>they put the "Shadows of Valentia" subtitle under the wrong game
>they didn't even put a subtitle for Fire Emblem Echoes at all
/ourguy/ Lewyn knows DFC is the best and so should you!
Don't try and argue against facts.
Veronica is so lithe. Why cant we have her?
Who is the best Freege girl?
>tfw spent over 300 euros on summer banner and never got xander
you cannot believe how mad I was about it, I really really wanted him so I could have my 3 xanders and lil bottom bitch femui team. at least I got his little sister and S!corrin with terrible IV's.
I still blow a bit of cash on the game here and there but nothing remotely as big as those 300 euros.
>feh is not in the esports category
Shit awards
My vanilla fliers still struggle to get me 1 (one) orb.
Do I need new fliers or do I give them some cheap skills
Most of my spending comes in bursts when units I like come out, I can be stubborn about trying to get them and sink over 80 dollars on doing so. Still probably only have about 300 bucks wasted on this, but the only games I've wanted and bought this year are EOV and Metroid, so it hasn't been too bad.
>thread on SF gets closed because someone called a guy autistic
Glad that wasn't me
>Cant buy orbs
>complete purchase
>completed. Try again and same message.
>Taking off and then reentering CC makes me able to buy orbs one time before the loop happens again
Help what do
Mommy's here, sweeties.
Who /comfydeathlessrun/ here?
Lewyn was such a memester in the manga
You give them expensive skills. Cherche is one of, if not the best Brave Axe+ and DB3 user in the game.
Oh, and SoV I suppose, even if I pirated the JP version of that and EO I figured I'd enjoy them enough to be worth buying if I could read what I'm doing.
What is this expression trying to convey?
I need him
Come back when you get hair on your chest
I've probably reached $1k by now, not sure exactly. I'm at about 90 heroes now, which includes those used for merges or SI. My luck when whaling is usually pretty bad, so I don't want to whale, but I know I will anyways.
Approval. I don't think there's anything confusing about his expression
>try again
hope you have enough funds to cover all the charges or you're about to get banned
I want Camilla to give me headpats while calling me a good boy!
contact support
gronnowl for ward turtle memes, gronnraven otherwise
post 5* rosters
optionally r8 luck with ivs
Dolphin here, 400-600$, day one player. I had most of my units with free orbs. If you're not a whale, you should spend money only on Hero Fest desu, I didn't get a lot of focus units I wanted with my money
Is this not a thing where you live?
Are you a Euro?
>tfw tier 20 and my max score range isn't high enough to stay in
On the bright side, I can afford more fuckups in arena which is nice.
gronowl can't kill blyn tho
Post pics that trigger reddit.
Camilla bringing her map back when???
I've only come back 2 weeks ago, not my fault the game only allows 3 promotions per week.
does it even matter that much? at this point I'm already fighting high merges in advanced, what's next; armor emblem?
Yeah, I find that when I spend money, I generally 1 or 2 off-banners before I get a focus. Like recently, in $50, I got both Mae and Ninian before I got Delthea.
The comfiest. AA wasn't too bad this week either.
I want to feel Mommy hot feet on my face
This is the best, every other week I don't even have to worry about getting a good streak.
Damn I must be a luck shitter then, I have more 5*s than you and never paid a cent since day one.
What skills would he have?
I have two friends with $2000+ mostly for arena merges. They quit recently citing power creep. I'm $400 in only collecting seasonal units. Honestly anything less than $1500 isn't even whaling; $2000 in PaD, $3000 in FGO, when you hang out with whales it's just normal to spend on a game you like.
Just giving you a hard time. Im content float between 18 and 19.
Is it time for Fire Emblem to win GotY?
Dragon Emblem is more annoying since no one runs Falchions anymore, and the Naga mages have trouble reaching the top ranks without tons of merges. Yet a bunch of people up there have +10 Celicas, I have a single one I had to spend a crapload of orbs on, but at least it was +Spd.
As much of a meme as this?
What could possibly go wrong?
Is Lucina THAT bad now?
I was so happy when I pulled her in the first weeks of the game, kinda depressing how infantry units in general seem to be lackluster now.
>manga Ethlyn
God she was one of the best parts