I am trying to invest money so it works for me. Aside from dividends and property rental what else are people doing to increase their monthly passive income?
Passive income
Have a worm farm. Not really passive but 10 minutes of work daily is meh. No money until i grow to capacity.
p2p lending
Not bad, not great to be honest.
How about this crypto currency is that passive or is it active day trading?
If you have enough and your local circumstances are favorable you can buy a franchise.
Active. Crypto currency doesn't generate revenue.
Also active. Buying a franchise is effectively buying a job.
>he doesn't hire people to manage his franchise for him
Can you go into a little more detail? Who do you sell the worms too
>what is absentee ownership
Wages cut into the maximum return.
A big fucking risk if you go completely absentee, a big cost if you can find the right people because you have to pay well enough that they won't fuck over your absentee ass.
>offer better than average salary and make sure you hire someone who isn't a piece of shit drug addict (usually white, not balding, and has a wife)
>write contract so they can't up and leave at any point with the money they make, give 5% profit stake with buyout option up to 25% (giving yourself a premium, obviously) so they have incentive to work for and grow the franchise because they own part of it, offer more if they also handle compliance and licensing (food)
>check in every once in a while so it doesn't go to shit
wow that was hard
reminder every person driving their mccorvette usually owns a mcdonalds franchise
Doesn't sound too passive there, sounds like giving a business partner you don't fully trust yours keys and bank cards.
A manager is built into the cost of many franchises, and if you pay upfront for one through salary then it won't cut too deeply into your net profits, though it will.
Just over half of franchises make 50k annual net returns, the average is ~80k iirc, and the top 7% gross over 250k but require upfront costs around a million dollars. Anything in the top quartile will probably be able to run under a built in management team.
and you sound like someone riddled with a neopolitan complex
Yes, and OP states they are "trying to invest". Doesn't soind like something a person with franchise level capital would be saying.
I looked into the cost of buying up a business a few years back and had access to their books for the last ten years. It wouldn't be profitable if I had to hire any employee other than a manager if I was absentee, and the loss in wage and cost of living increase I would take by moving to be owner operator so I could hire employees completely ate up all real profits. Why move across the country and change your life so you can work slightly less for only $10k a year more at best - and that didn't even factor in relocation cost.
Currently reading up on the subject of affiliate marketing. Could be worth the effort.
If you trust them enough to be a partner you trust them enough to go 50-50. If you don't do that and have to monitor them then you deserve getting screwed over. It's not passive if you have to worry about what's happening when you aren't around.
>muh excuses
Never gonna make it
Most low end franchises are just buying up a job with a business model and a brand name attached to them. So are a lot of low end businesses. If he's trying to passively invest and indexes, rental properties (20% down on a house might be 30k), and small p2p loans aren't doing it for him then I'm assuming that he has the money for a decent franchise. If not then he needs to bat a few rounds in the minor leagues before stepping into the majors, so to speak.
I'd suggest just buying up the space and renting it out then. Why be responsible for the business affairs if you can just have money come in every month so long as they don't burn it down around themselves.
As in buy up or develop commercial properties and rent them out? That's just doubling up real estate investment, which isn't a bad idea. One thing some friends and I have talked about is building a commercial plaza and offloading the risk of running businesses out of it onto others while we just collect bloated rent checks since commercial real estate is typically valued twice residential.
It is my end game. Right now I'm getting ready to rent out the house I have out of province, and the leverage I can get from the income and property value will get me closer to buying commercial space. REITs are helping out too.
>buy shitty denny's building turned rotary of failed businesses
>divide it in two
>lease spaces out
Easiest money tbqh
mcdonalds and other food chains.
I'm generating ~$1000/mo selling a couple of Android apps via Amazon and Google.
What kind of apps?
I'd imagine fishers and people who compost.
If fishers, you can easily expand to other species of bait.
>Get tank
>Get bugs
>Get food
>Let them breed like crazy
>Wait til tank fills up
>Scoop out containers of live bait and sell
Owner of a McD's I used to work at used to drive around town in his McBatmobile and stop at the drive-thru just to rub his wealth in his wagecuck's faces. He was fun.
Likely he sells enriched soil that is 'created' by the worms.
Can be profitable if done right desu. And really does take very little work (After all, they are the ones eating bad dirt and instantly shitting enriched dirt)
I kinda want to have a worm farm just to have a fuckton of worms.
they're pretty neat
Android ones
What do they do?